Ive come to a decision. Since I will NEVER be an attractive, fertile yet submissive white woman with a white nuclear family filled with children, I changed my mindset.
Im getting spayed.
As a black male, how many people would watch my procedure of getting neutered? Especially, how many eligible white men would watch?
I would say vasectomy but I feel neutered is a better term.
If I can bare white babies then its worth the risk.
Nathaniel Gray
Consider suicide. Much cheaper procedure.
Ryder Stewart
Why not find a black wife and raise your kids to be proud, morally upstanding KANGZ and not some degenerate hoodlums?
Isaac Garcia
what is this? it's just a white guy larping, pathetic
Parker Stewart
Its not for two reasons.
1. More white cock for me is less for fertile white women. No bueno! 2. White men DESERVE nuclear families with a hot, submissive and fertile wife.
Eli Anderson
More like (((white)))
Nathaniel Gomez
Im a black male, I said it in the OP didnt I?
Andrew Bailey
Not interested. Youre popular numbers and my aiding of that situation is more pressing and important.
Landon Rivera
Black. Black guy.
Chase Russell
If it's irony it's thiccer than fertile women hips
Owen Morgan
No sarcasm and jokes please.
Lucas Ramirez
Listen up kid. Just because you are a nigger doesn't mean you have to act like one.The whole "victim" shit doesn't work anymore. Just be the best you that you can be.Fuck all the haters.
Nolan Reed
ahahahahaha, thanks
Camden Hill
You should convert to Judaism and move to Israel and get everything you want from a khazar qt.
Jayden Kelly
do you have a microdick, what's the deal?
Leo Morales
Im not a victim. I just cant give you the children you deserve. Sorry.
Angel Watson
4inches but I would feel more fulfilled in life if I could bear white children from a white husband. That is what I want.
Wyatt Wilson
People like you (crazy fucks) are what keeps me going. There are fuckers crazier than me.Whew!
Cameron Williams
I might be crazy but its understandable. Why not have the oppurtunity to have children from the best race of men on the planet. Why not?
Joshua Brown
It still looks like an overplayed larp, sorry, black man
Isaac Reyes
Just kys faggot. It would be a good thing.
Oliver Bennett
if u are so stupid to even consider doing vasectomy then do it
Isaac Walker
Would it make you happy if you killed me instead? I would rather bare the children you deserve or be neutered. But I guess an early death is best.
Jacob Butler
Compared to not having white children from a white husband's dna, vascetomies are the next best thing.
Samuel Davis
based negro! go for it!
Caleb Diaz
Also, after getting neutered, feel free to get a white single women with white children.
Just be a good father and work hard to make them happy. That way you can still have a purposeful, fulfilling life.