Will you join the New Republican Army?

So Who will leave their mommas Basement when Nationwide protests erupt Friday or Saturday when (((Rosenstein))) is fired? Anyone going to protect POTUS? This site has been up since day 1 of russia bullshit investigation..... SOROS led . They even have text alerts. All 50 states, multiple towns/cities per state. Personally, I can’t wait.

Move on.org

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these hysterics are so tiresome

there will be no constitutional crisis, there will be no civil war, Trump will win 2020 in the largest landslide in history

I can see your glow from here. I am, however prepared enough to protect my family and get them out of town safely.

So when the fuck is Muller supposed to be done? At this rate it feels like he's just sitting on it until midterm elections like a true (((non-partisan)))

This. And what sublime hypocrisy, crying ‘no one is above the law’ when they break is constantly. They accuse Trump of their own crimes.

Found this a while back, just figured I’d share so your all not surprised when the commie faggots take to the streets when (((Stein))) is fired friday

liberals aren't going to do shit, they're too addicted to tv and their welfare check

screencapped, see you next elections

Sounds like pussy threats from Antifa fagots who don't know who they want to attack with bicycle locks.

Attached: zzzantifa.jpg (1200x680, 96K)

If it happens, will you take leaf volunteers?

Only if you don’t apologize after every kill

Thats asking too much.

if no one fights back the liberals will be fighting with themselves
so im just going to stay home, get comfy, and eat popcorn while the liberals tear each other up

"Sorry that you're on the wrong side of history."

Acceptable compromise, Leaf

All we need is one good distraction in the media and we can have Mueller out without a single peep.

Mueller pulled a girl's ponytail back in second grade, sources say.

when is this shit happening.

inb4 six million signs about Söy Wars characters

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My sides are in orbit. Welcome aboard

>Trump will win 2020 in the largest landslide in history
Lol, no. They learn from their mistakes and adapt. They won't let him win again. Screencap this.

>constitutional crisis
>for firing an arguably unconstitutional “special council” invention of congress


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>constitutional crisis

This is nowhere near the magnitude.
Fast & Furious or the Patriot Act would be closer and still aren't.
When will liberal fuckheads stop with their fake hysterics?

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Surprise OP's a faggot.
Do NOTHING ! Let these faggots flip their shit in the street, scream, yell, burn some more trash cans and burn them.
Let them make fools of themselves.
Any violence from the right just makes us look bad.
They want riots in the streets. They want it to look like Trump is causing a crisis.
Average Joe doesn't give a fuck about these crybabies or anything else as long he's got work and his 401K is looking good.
How do you think Trump won? BLM blew up in the left's face.