Ripping children away from their parents

>ripping children away from their parents
>with drawing from the UN human rights council amid backlash

How can people defend this?

This is insane.

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How do I get a qt trap girlfriend like Anzu?

When you wear so much make up and it looks like a mask.

maybe nigger kikes need to die

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Their parents shouldn't have invaded a country with them in tow.

Also post more fucking Anzu. I want to suck her dick.

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>Japan and US cut UN's budget by 1/3rd for meddling in domestic politics

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the left never seemed to complain when it was white kids being taken by CPS. Now that it's brown kids, and their deadbeat criminal parents are being sent away it's a problem.

Anzu is my waifu and if she wants to put her albino cockroach hands in little kids and steal them in the name of the new world order I will respect her decision.

>believing an obvious narrative push by (((them)))
>ignoring facts
How can OP be so stupid?

not his parents retard

Stop with this Anzu is a trap meme. It’s been parroted so much people actually believe it. There are plenty of real traps out there to post about instead.

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>ripping children away from their parents
This happens to every parent, but legally. It's called kindergarden/daycare. It's a place where your beloved child during an age when its needs their parents the most is taken to a group of strangers and is indoctrinatet with degenerate normie shit.
Your career is much more important, you have to work for your boss to make him money, right Goy? A child will grow up on its on.

>Children crying is your biggest problem
women in politics

>>ripping children away from their parents
Non-Whites don't belong here. Illegal immigrants don't belong here. What's so hard to understand about that?

>>with drawing from the UN human rights council amid backlash
The UN has no say in the USA. What's so hard to understand about that?

>inb4 you never post again because you're a fucking shill

It's child actors. I can't believe people fall for this bs.

Pic related.

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The real question is why did you people ignore this for 16 years. Its suddenly a problem because trump isnt playing ball with your world domination scheme?

>ripping away
btw those laws were there when el negro was presidente

>UN Human Rights Council
Didn’t they recently have Saudi Arabia as a member? Great organization. Sage this faggot shit.

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Load them into a cannon and shoot them back across the border.

>AIDF shows up right on time
Why do you shill for Anzu so hard? She even admitted she has a dick

>How can people defend this?

Simple solution... DO NOT bring your children here illegally!

Attached: Deporting_Illegals.jpg (512x512, 83K)

>un human rights council
the un are a joke, they can't even stop a war in a tiny 3rd world shithole

Yeah that's super weird, remind me what happens to the children of convicted criminals in the US. They live happily in jail together right? Or maybe we just don't prosecute them because they have kids.

Me: *Draws in natural chakra and enters into sage mode with the help of Kek*

I defend it quite easily. Fuck the UN. Fuck those migrant kids. They are lucky we're letting them stay at all. We could just deport them, and honestly probably should.

Attached: Toad sage.jpg (259x194, 10K)

>george, its me, hillary
>i told you never to call me here
>my tits are in a wringer, george, all of ours are! if we don't come up with something, that ig report and all these questions are gonna bury all of us!
>what's this us, my dear? I'm half a world away!
>he knows everything, george... even where you have your other money... and what we've been doing with it
>are you getting it, now, soros? he. has. everything. all he has to do is crack the door open and everyone will want to know! we need a diversion, now!
>are those camps we installed to house our kids we sell still there?
>i'll call everyone... maybe we can use them one more time before we need to sell them...
>we only need to delay selling them for a little while. maybe a few weeks till the report dies down
>well, hillary, we can't hold them long... lots of us aren't getting any younger... without them, anyway!
>hahaha... why mr. soros... did you just make a joke?

Because she’s adorable for a pile of makeup and doesn’t have a penis. There are real traps out there that are even cuter they can spam pictures of instead. Pic related.

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>pass user since 2015
>fag flag
checks out

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Guess which middle eastern country is on the human rights un council?

>create globalist organization with good intentions that you'd have to be an asshole country to not at least join
>use said organization to slowly genocide white people via forced immigration and the breeding out over decades/centuries
>act surprised when some people eventually decide to start questioning and dropping out of these organizations

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you better have a source for that

>1 post by this ID

Sauce is Sola酱也要成为双马尾

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So we should toss the kids in prison too? Seems a bit cruel.

so with this logic then Hitler did nothing wrong, if no one is accountable for their actions! dont come to any country illegally its pretty fucking simple. again if we employ your logic everywhere this will certainly become interesting

they are trying to find out if they are trafficked children or if they are actually the real parents
fucking liberals trying to defend child trafficking, doesnt fucking surprise me

its the majority man, unfortunately most encounters with others leave me concurrently returning to this fact, it sucks.

Here is him without cosplay.

Attached: B2309A02-55AA-4126-A2EB-3DA6D5944ED9.jpg (600x800, 72K)

Put him in a skimpy costume.

Attached: Batman_and_Robin.jpg (500x630, 86K)

Already been done.

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Pronebone s/he/it with the lights low.

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I want to I M A G I N E Anzu.

We should toss them in the oven

What about the Trumpenriech did you faggots think was a joke. Step one take the executive. Step two, marginalize the DOJ into an 10% public approval. Step three, Congress surrenders to the executive. Step 4, take immigrants and sell them to China for organ harvesting, open FEMA camps to purge the progressives and queers. Tick tock sweetie, times almost up for you degenerates

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fuck you

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god anzu makes my dick rock hard
he's so fucking cute a sluttly

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well fuck

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>god anzu makes my dick rock hard
>he's so fucking cute a sluttly

You sound like Uncle Touchy

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His Zero Two made very sexual faces.

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Imagine if instead of squat beanlets flooding across the Southern border, instead it was all Anzus.

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