Are cats the master race?

Are cats the master race?

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Kots are

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they are too chill to give a shit. which is too bad, they relax too often around blacks.

redpill me on cet

Highly intelligent and independent. Most definitely. All carnivores and meat eaters are intelligent with bigger brains. As big as herbivores are, they're mentally retarded and stand out in the open waiting to be killed. An adult tiger can take down a grown elephant single handedly, behind the ear, it's weak spot. But lions need a pride.
Even domesticated cats are better than dogs. Dogs smell like shit, jump on you, bark etc.
Cats ftw

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>Identify apex lifeform on planet
>Assume a form that's cute to it

Most definitely.

>eat a keto diet
>egyptians worshiped them as gods
>hate niggers and jews instinctively
>kill shitty animals like sneks and kike rodents on sight
>bath themselves compulsively 800 times a day

oc not retard, cats are useless
dogs can hunt, search, patrol, sheep, guard and join battle by its master's side
Truly glorious beats

>says a literal subhuman animal person

Sounds like a loyal slave race, though. dogs are good slaves?

Cats defended the gates of the underworld. Demons are afraid of them.
Cats>gay dogs

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Yup. They see you as their slave. Dogs see you as their master.

That's why I have 2 dogs. No man or beast shall enslave me

Yes, there’s a reason why Egyptians worshipped them.

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>asians domesticated cats because they prayed on rodents that fucked their rice fields

Outdoor during the day and indoor at night cats are probably the second most evolved beings on this planet behind man.

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Ill remember cats cant hunt next time it kills another squirrel trying to break into my attic, or I watch a cat murder a crocodile on youtube

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Day of The Leash when?

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I like certain pussy's.

Not slaves, these are niggers.
You can't trust niggers with the stuff I said
Companions, master because humans are inevitably masters of their animals, such as niggers

My mutt pay attention. There are no more white flags, specially for us New Worlders.
Having in mind that youre in the developed world and Im the the developing, and that in my society class = race and yours not, and that we're speaking in english that means basically that...
Its more likely for you to be an Ahmed in a guetto than I to be a nigger in a favela.
Please kill yourself

fair enough without cats we wouldve been wiped out by a random plague already

Sqqrls.... kek
Dogs hunt niggers

Cats are the jews of the pet world

>soulless monkey claims nigga pets are bro tier
>colour me surprised