Literal garbage
Which one of you idiots recommended me this piece of crap?
S-sorry user..
he ain't perfect but he seems to inspire allot of people to get their shit together. I did not get the book myself so I have no idea. it's not for all I suppose. how about you explain what exacly you find bad about the book?
It's your basic self help book. It ain't great but c'mon literally does zero harm.
It gives you extremely obvious advice and just puts a whole lot of """DEEP""" background to it
shills aren’t even trying anymore.
Go make your bed. Sort yourself out, roughly speaking.
Well did you actually try washing your penis like he recommends? Dr Peterson changed my life. I now have a clean room and clean penis.
Sorry m8 that was me. I'm actually black I'm larping as white because I hate other blacks.
It's actually brilliant. I'm about 2/3rds the way through
Peterson is a smart dude despite being a frowny face moralfag
>Well did you actually try washing your penis
Who do you think you're talking to chief?
>reading a (((self help book)))
Opinion discarded
>recommended me this piece of crap?
I did, no fuck off and suck my nigger cock.
Yet you will often jizz in your rooom ....hmmmmm
"All poetry should be about Auschwitz." Page 179.
>attempting to influence American discourse
>old-guard WASP boomer
>”depressed pill freak”
>looks like “Jim from taxi”
>married a jew
>”assumptions of West are valid”
Thinks an individual has a chance against:
- a university with a multi-billion $ trust
- a Fortune 500 company
- the federal court system
We need a “nomad” rightist thought-leader at this time, not Jordy.
take your prozac and STFU
It's not even worth pirating, save your time
This book is great i gave a copy of it to my wife and i have the audio versions read by the man himself. I can not fall asleep now without that mans soothing voice playing in the background
He's the most malicious anti white I have ever encountered and he's really good at hiding it. They're something extremely sinister about Jordan.
Have any of you actually read it? It mixes both self-help and philosophy. Sure it might unoriginal, but calling it garbage just draws attention to your shit comprehension.
The book "Art of Surrender" should be more to your liking.
Great book. Helped me out. I'm reading Maps of Meaning next.
>low iq frog
Peterson talking about the bible a lot triggers god hating frogs
He takes advice and tips everyone should know and grounds it in evolutionary biology to explain WHY its important to know. Not super useful but great for aimless young men and nihilists i suppose. Most of the stuff he covered I'd already figured out the hard way
Save your father from the whale, user
Roses are red
Violets are blue
The oven's preheated
And ready for Jew
>not having daddy issues
read Raja Yoga by vivekanada
Get your shit together bucko
I am user and it feels good
Anti white ? How so
>This book is great i gave a copy of it to my wife
Why not your wife's son?
Thank you
Get sorted
She dont have a son
Did you throw little tyrone to the dingos?
Daily Reminder that Jordan Peterstein is a lolcow anti-white communist memorabelia collecting, kike wife, has literal connections with Soros.
:) i see your Muslim overloads are still allowing the internet. How very progressive
Who makes these pictures? There’s at least 3 people in any comment section saying this shit. ESPECIALLY if the subject has nothing to do with Peterson lol.
Fucking chapotraphouse are getting more and more unhinged
Need their weekly adults-only trip to Disney land or something, shots getting weird to look at.
Don’t tranny enabling cucks & slits hate lolcow? Why would you bring that up?
>getting memed into reading self-help books
I bet you browse /sig/
This... OP and Peterson's critics are only people too lazy to WASH THEIR FUCKING PENIS.
>Wash your balls
>Brush your teeth
>Clean your room
pls donate to my Patreon
My main gripe with the book is that, having watched most of his interviews and biblical lectures, I've heard a lot of it already.
Peterson is literally just a dumb thot.
well I know that's not true, because I know that you masturbate in your room.. A LOT
Peterson is ashamed of you and what you're doing. And he does know about it
i was personally responsible for this decision and I whole heartedly apologise.
It was me.
You're just jealous of my porn licence.
I bought it and didn't get past the first part about lobsters. Enjoy Peterson's lectures though.
His basic argument boils down to every race and culture has a right to self preservation and collectivism except europeans because muh nazis. He has a burning hatred for us even more so than the marxists who attack him, and it's obvious if you spend any amount of time paying attention to his deceptions.
He's a lefty trying to get people to believe in God again.
why the hell would I make my bed or clean my room? stupid leaf faggot needs to go back to being an unknown
If i was a lobster i would probably find him offensive but most of his book is just self help tips
Source one instance where Peterson talks about immigration or says anything to back what you claim. You can't, because its fake news and you're projecting.
Maybe you're just too stupid to understand it.
>You're projecing
>It gives you extremely obvious advice
That's the point. Society is derailing for not doing what was thought as normal or expected for generations.
But that is the lesson, user. A clean penis and a clean room will help you attract and keep a mate and ascend the dominance hierarchy. Imagine...
Holy fuck.... this is literally the metaphysics of the sjw mind.
"Slay the virgin" = kill innocence, incels and destroy romance.
"rescue dragon" = support violent races and immigrant invaders.
"marry your father" = sexual moral degeneracy.
Wash your penis, bucko
You just know OP's penis stinks like cheese
Well then I pray for you and your success in finding a mate peterson would be proud of. sincerely
Peterson is praying as well. God knows he knows what you have all been up to even in your 'clean' rooms
Well on Page 81 he goes into some anti Christian bullshit about how helping people is bad. Which he bases on a misinterpretation of a paragraph from a dostoyevsky novel.
He also says that life is meaningless and that we can only overcome it by making up values.
Hes shit.
And his obsession with jews is also distasteful.
Also nice 75s
Already read it twice and now I'm reading it for a third time. Have started reading the Bible from cover to cover, too. Next I'm going to read Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief. I've already applied all 12 of Dr. Peterson's rules to my life to great effect, keeping my back straight, speaking truthfully and precisely, and wading into chaos every day. My experience has been that the more someone puts him down, the less they understand about him. Now clean your room, bucko.
Lol OP got fucking troll'd.
Have you washed your penis yet?
No, no, no.
Fuck your father
Marry the virgin (boy)
Become the dragon
It's got some Jesus stuff in it and while I'm not too fond of said material I can see the significance of it and why it was included. The man isn't lying in the book. If you're having trouble getting your shit together and seriously want to improve then the book will help.
I have read it
Another quote: “Your truth is something only you can tell, based as it is on the unique circumstances of your life. Apprehend your personal truth."
Wow my own personal truth! Thats not relativist at all!
Dogadan Leaferson.
JP is just an example of how people seem to have lost common sense in the madness of the modern world.
My penis is circumcised and doesn't need washing.
No, because I shower at night. Also, your "clever" comment in doesn't even make sense.
You dont wash a penis. You just scrub it with some sand when it gets to dirty. Like a cast iron frying pan.
I have read 40% of it. I can tell you it gets pretty dark in some places, especially in "Make friends with people who want the best for you".
Made me recall some incidents with a friend of mine who in the last months became an alcoholic. I realized he some times tried(subcounsciosly perhaps) bringing the rest of my friends and me down to his level.
Wash your balls, buckaroo
>)))RPG books(((
Well jeez user what did you expect? A fucking indepth therapy session? Its a self book, this is for people who need more or less tips. If u need legit help you go elsewhere. That being said I have read that book, its a lot better than other self-helpers.
>it's not useful to me this is shit what the fuck
This is like reading a cooking book expecting the odyssey
A fair article and video
my lonely thread jp
me on the left
Watching this. I am a bit gay for Stossel.
Atleast tell us what you don’t like about the book?
I still prefer Peterson desu
if its anything like his speeches, its intertwining very basic self-help with political and philosophical ideas that are intentionally left vague and which he has no authority to talk about, any more than his arch-nemesis the "women's studies" degree gives you the right to request changing scientific and biological gender definitions
>listening to KISS reject music
> he has no authority to talk about,
Ok Cathy Newman.
>massive ruminations
desu. spread the vid if possible, i think its really great and short vid
he's a clinical psychologist. Why should I put any faith in his political analysis or recommendation?