Take my hand Tuckah!
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That's some sexy shit right there
he's talking about them crafty jews.
Jesus, Tucker fucking gottem on that one.
how has this guy not been murdered already?
massive fucking balls
families are a protection against the complete consumption of your identity by the economy (muh GDP!!!)
After watching a few of his interviews I am surprised he is given a podium on (((fox))). Although from someone who thinks Trump is a bone scrap given to the starving dog that are actual Americans, men like Tucker are a soothing false hope to keep us from fanaticism.
I don't really watch Tucker, or any news for that matter, but every time I see something new from his mouth, it's something fucking great.
Keep on, my man. I know you're lurking here.
Can't fuck with the Tuck!
It's a completely false equivalency you fucking morons. Trump is forcibly separating children from their parents. The "collapse of the American family" is more voluntary and a consequence of people having more choices. Did any president ever decree that American families should be collapsed and use soldiers to forcibly take them apart?
>Trump is a bone scrap
user, he's a shining golden light, his hair is a halo, his ochraceous skin a sign of his godly birth from mother earth. From across the globe I wish him strength. Neoliberalism must be destroyed and he will help us do it. Don't squander your chance with black pills!
Shut up you stuipd cuck.
no its not faggot whether its voluntary or forced its still a muh feelings. any seperation of children should be viewed the same way as bad things but its not. its only bad this time for lefts political reasons
>The "collapse of the American family" is more voluntary and a consequence of people having more choices.
>the American family
This is unironically blatant racism on Tuckers part.
What about CPS? Americans have our children taken away from us for much less then these beaners do. If I broke the law I'd be seperated from my children. Why do these criminals deserve special treatment? Also those Mexican children in those holding camps have it better than some "free" children.
His power just
Brainwashing through Jewish and socialist propaganda isn't voluntary.
If it's blatant racism, how can you be so sure? You can't by its definition you cuck.
Trump is enforcing long standing policy. Contact your representative if you want it reformed. Your crocodile tears won't move anyone with half a brain.
Also, if you built a wall you wouldn't have this problem. But I never hear people like you call to build one.
Nobody cares about your insect people spic.
Honestly, he's the best news reporter.
Anybody that is not of Euro descent is by definition not American.
i love u tuck