Cannabis legalisation

I don't get it. Why is their such a push to legalise cannabis the last 15 years or so by world governments?

I mean everyday now there are ridiculous claims that it cures everything from glaucoma to cancer.

So why do (((they))) want this to be normalised so badly? Is it just a case that they want everyone too stoned to care about how fucked the world is or what?

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because personal freedom is important and drug cartels are bad.

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Why not legalise heroin and cocaine too in that regard?


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Fake news. Show me the bible passage that references weed.

Until then, this is just some useless think piece.

We should absolutely decriminalize simple possession and free up jails and tax payer funded police work for real crimes with victims. Cannabis is safe, impossible to overdose, less harmful than tobacco and alcohol, and could EASILY pay off our debt if the government would legalized and tax it. I was a former everyday smoker for years and quit on my own because it wasnt inproving my quality of life. Cannabis isnt good for every day use, but then again is alcohol?

Another useless druggy degenerate.

Fuck this board.

If its legal that means you can tax it, like with alcohol

Lets tax PCP too, except no, that's retarded

good god nigger.. its for fucking money and tax revenues.. the world economy is played out it needs a new product to integrate

You know why they want it legalized, because it is the good goy drug.

They want whites to be all drugged out and have low ambition while they take over the various countries.

That assumes that anything taxable is a good thing, which is fucking dumb.


Because heroin can lead to HIV/AIDS if you share needles and it destroys your health, even in "moderation". So to keep healthcare costs low. Of course you can be permafried from weed but also from booze so it's hardly the lesser evil.

Because heroin is degenerate and opoids are being phased out. They want you doped up, uninterested, and stupid so they can roll you right over and import massive 'refugees' because you won't work. Stop it, you idiots. Just stop it.

cunts are gonna smoke it anyway, may as well make a buck on it. think of the damage alcohol has done to both of our societies. maybe we can phase out drinking with the green.

>Because heroin can lead to HIV/AIDS

And cannabis use can lead to psychosis, so what's your point? Undoubtedly AIDS is more serious, but Cannabis is fucking dangerous and already illegal for a reason.

Not to mention that cannabis turns anyone who smokes it into a lazy fucking asshole

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>push by governments

Are you fucking insane?
The PEOPLE have been screaming out for this shit forever.

EVERYONE with two fucking braincells to rub together understands PROHIBITION. NEVER. WORKS. EVER.

>All it does is transfer the desired product to black market
>The profits of which cannot be traced, taxed or stopped from funding further black endeavors
>The product in question, every time, is raised to its highest most damaging level of potency in order to ship the most with the least risk/cost
>Resulting in a shit deal for customers, and a shit deal for governments
>The only people who ever truly benefit are the black marketeers.

There is no (((they))) you bimbling idiot, this is "the sky is blue" this is "water is wet".
This is the governments slowly but surely trying to save face by not admitting they're full-on wrong, and holding out for as long as they can to save face.

>inb4 flaggot
Left it on from mocking in another thread.

People will be more complacent. Video games and binge watching tv shows is not enough. They don't want you to rise above the average crowd

It's just a plant. It was banned by moralists, not bu ((them))


So let's legalise every drug then.

Prohibition does work. There are always things we can't have. Like guns in Europe, and guess what? We have far less gun deaths than the USA.

Prohibition can and does work, so shut the fuck up.

Want to see a drug eutopia? Go to Mexico

what kind of fucking retard are you? do you live in the rats ass hole of ireland? have you even ever met anyone out side of the whisky drenched sock you live in? there are multitudes of successful people that smoke weed and worse.

dangerous? not for most people no, but could well pose mental health risks for already vulnerable individuals, like people with chronic anxiety, or people with schizophrenia/pre-disposed to it or other psychotic ailments. this is the same case for the common psychedelics, but as long as you are mentally stable it is pretty harmless i think.

Alcoholism is rampant anyways, and while I agree that it would be better if everyone was always sober, you have to concede that it is better to have a lazy cunt than a wife beater or drunk driver.

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There are a lot of functioning alcoholics too.

Just because you can get through work being a high shitty degenerate, does NOT make you OK.

You're still a druggy degenerate

How old are you? It was pretty clear growing up that literally everyone said we're gonna legalize when we're in charge.
Even if you're against it, it costs so much money to clamp down on such a common vice. Better to treat it like alcohol or gambling.
For the record it is goy grass that makes you weak and apathetic. Would not recommend unless you hate yourself.

>there are multitudes of successful people that smoke weed

Weed addicts always say the exact same shit.

Somethings are wanted considerably more than others. If fucking crack cocaine were legalized tomorrow, would you smoke it?
Do you smoke tobacco just because it's legal?

And don't bring guns into this shit, that's an absolute apples-and-oranges argument. People are not buying guns to chill out after work or socialize with a few friends or increase the enjoyment of a movie.

The gun deaths don't matter, it's an autistic argument.
The DEATHS matter, period. Violent deaths. The method is meaningless, the cause is what's important.

As it is with addiction; the method of addiction is not as important as what's causing the addiction:
You cannot get wild rats addicted to cocaine.
Only caged ones.


It's not rocket science.

No go away stoner and leave the more important matters to the adults.

Not to mention that cannabis turns anyone who smokes it into a lazy fucking asshole

Not true for some people i have met people who actually get more motivated to work when smoking.
And that lazy useless fuckwit we have all met at one point whom i assume u are talking about is going to be a lazy stupid pot smoking fuckwit regardless. I personally do not smoke because it does make me lazy and i do not want to fail a drug test.

Literal retard.

Blue Headband or White Widow?

Also what should I get for dinner tonight?

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Compelling counter argument there leaf. Go back to smoking your brain wasting bullshit, because boy does it really show.

>Prohibition does work. There are always things we can't have. Like guns in Europe, and guess what? We have far less gun deaths than the USA.
>Prohibition can and does work, so shut the fuck up.
>Want to see a drug eutopia? Go to Mexico

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This fucking weed needs to be legalized, its frustating.

It´s a jewish trick to glorify drugs. Finland banned heroin, meth, weed and such in 1962 and there was no problem before that even tho you could buy those without a prescription. If drugs just are something take are don´t take without glorifying they won´t become this degenrate drug dealer and drug house culture that is rotting the youth with niggers dealing drugs.

>So why do (((they))) want this to be normalised so badly?

Because it's ridiculous and expensive to police. Nicotine and alcohol are well-proven to be way more potent "gateway" drugs, and way more dangerous for the human body (and those around the people indulging in either).

Weed isn't some magic fuckin medicine like all the crunchy faggots are espousing lately. That is false. It just gets you stoned. Sure, it probably helps SOME people with epilepsy / migraines or whatever, but lets be real: 99% of people who use weed do it to get stoned.

And that's alright. If tequila is legal and available on every street corner in America and the developed world, there's zero reason weed should be prohibited. If I could - I'd immediately replace all the alcoholics in America with stoners. Everyone would be safer, especially those drunks' families.

Also, it's not all that bad. Someone smoking a bowl is literally the same as someone drinking a couple beers, but no one has a problem with the latter.

The pro-weed nuts need to calm the fuck down with their "it's the best medicine on earth!" dog shit because we don't need kids smoking weed, it should be regulated exactly like alcohol, and taxed the same as nicotine products.

Honestly, I'd happily replace alcohol AND nicotine with just weed. But that's impossible. Thus, while both alcohol and nicotine are legal, weed should be too. Maybe someone would prefer weed over those two things, which would be fine with me.

Fuck off, hippie faggot.
Weed makes you dumb and crazy in the head.
I know lots of people who smoke for 20-30 years, they're beyond saving, all of them.

>Is it just a case that they want everyone too stoned to care about how fucked the world is or what?
yes, smoked it for a long time and it makes you tolerate lots of stuff you should never tolerate.

This said, it does help some medical conditions and should be prescribed in a non-high formulation for those issues

Didn't Portugal decriminalize possession and use of all drugs?

But that's their problem. It just like people that decide to watch porn and masturbate every day. Its no better that spending more than 5 hours a day playing videogames.
Everything that can effect your life or society in a negative way won't dissapear using prohibition. If your society celebrates good values and morals recreational activities of any shouldn't create more problems , in my opinion.

(((they))) love cannabis, so distributing it to their slaves spreads the degeneracy and mental perversion.

pro tip: cannabis can trigger schizophrenia and other mental illnesses.

marijuana and shrooms are aryan drugs, alcohol is afro asiatic and tobacco is mongoloid


Just like alcohol, TV, media , playing videogames for a lot time and porn. If you as a person cant stop when it negativily affects your life you can fuck go yourself.
Although I don't think prohibition it's a good strategy I also think that a strong disciplined society comes first, before more freedoms are given

>legalize all drugs
>treat addicts like patients with a disease
>free up space in prison
>prevent money going to drug cartels
>reduce deaths through contaminated drugs and drug violence
*drinks a bottle of liqour and drives into a family of four* DRUGS AINT GOOD IF THEY LEGAL ALL THE KIDS GONNA DO DRUGS

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Because the income the country can make from selling and distributing it, and spearheading clinical research and then selling the data and technological and pharmaceutical innovations will compensate for the tariffs and broken trade agreements with the US.

A smart move.

Disgustingly populist, and opportunistic, but smart.

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I've smoked weed consistently since 2004. I'm pretty damn normal. No one I know would describe me as crazy. Boring / mundanely normal / unexciting, if anything. Don't be such a drama queen.

You all sound like suburban soccer moms.

Some powerful people want money from mass manufacturing and selling weed. Pretty simple. Weed is more bread and circuses.

I agree with this Fin. Not sure how "involved the jews" were in drug glorification (I'd think it has more to do with them being super fun and incredibly addictive), but I do agree - if we stop glorifying them, the problems will abate. People shouldn't look at drugs as something "cool" people do, but we don't need prohibition either.

Just do em with your buddies at home and don't fuck with other people while you're all stoned.

Kinda like religion - keep it in your home, don't scream about it too much, just chill out about it.

>Some powerful people want money from mass manufacturing and selling weed.
... that's fine with me. People make shit loads of money brewing beer or distilling whisky. I ain't about to go protesting outside their nice houses. Kudos for good business.

>Ethyl alcohol is literally a poison
>Kills hundreds of thousands
>Overdoses are possible
>It can produce chemical dependency
>Literally so many people are complete alcoholics but vehemently deny it

Its ok though because their not stoners.. Solid argument
>cures cancer..
Only a retard would say cures, CBD the other psychoactive ingredient helps epilepsy for children who dont respond to routine treatment which involves swallowing tons of jew pills

Marijuana also isnt part of big pharma something im surprised Jow Forums doesnt support..

Do you have a legitimate argument besides the fact that "normies do it" and you dont like it.
Oh yeah PTSD has shown big promise when it cones to indica domibant strains as well as CBD which IS NOT psychoactive

But yeah alcohol is totally safer, the only argument I have is that its socially acceptable to go die like a retard. I think you have a problem with it because niggers do it, can you guys stop thinking about niggers whrn this topic comes up?

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that evil NWO wants to take away my liver rotting alcohol and replace it with a harmless plant. fuck the jews! fuck the globalists!

>tfw making cannabis oil right now
why so salty DEA?

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them trips tho

Governments are people. There are actually some good people in the world user.

>that pic

HANG YOUR HEAD IN SHAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!