Uhh.. he has a plan for the midterms....right?

Uhh.. he has a plan for the midterms....right?

He better have some epic pizzagate revelations under his sleeve ready to deploy against the Democrats soon cause people are seriously pissssssed about this whole children separation thing and Republicans unironically might not be able to survive this one.

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He's doing his best. It's up to us to get out and vote.

Lol who’s pissed? The leftists sure but nobody who matters fucking cares.

>The leftists sure but nobody who matters fucking cares.
basically this
black job numbers are the best theyve ever been
hispanics, best in over two decades
for everyone else, things are amazing too
immigration, he's continuing obama's pre 2014 policies

try again faggot

>unironically might not be able to survive this one.
You don't get it, do you. The dems are NEVER going to win again. Not in 2018, not in 2020, not any year after that. They're finished.

The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.

City people all voted for Hillary.

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It depends on whether or not this gamble pays off. He's forcing the Dem's hand. They're operating on a do nothing obstructionist, fuck white people, fuck America platform. At the national level at least. He's trying to paint them as the obstructionist fucks they are. If the GOP can hammer our a decent immigration bill that they can all agree on, it'll be up to the Dem's to support it too or continue the fuckery at the boarder. At that point it'll be even more clear they don't care about doing there jobs, they're just in it for the political fame and to "fuck Trump". While that might be appealing rhetoric to their extreme base, it'll do nothing but further alienate the middle of the road population.

Looks like blue wave is back on the menu, boys!

>do nothing obstructionist
What's that like? I'm so glad that the GOP has never acted like that in the past.

The plan is called "sitting back and chilling while the Democrats continue to torpedo themselves"

Yes, the GOP has been obstructionist faggots in the past - being hypocrites doesn't change the fact that the Dems are doing everything in their power to hinder any effort at immigration reform while simultaneously bitching at Trump for not pushing immigration reform.

Let's try to place all the blame on the minority party. Surely it will work this time!

Stop spamming leaf

Yes, he has a redpill to drop in October. He also has 1 that will win him 45+ states in 2020.

child separation isnt his doing yid

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But what if we get wikirolled again?

>the Dems are doing everything in their power
The GOP is the majority party in both houses, imbecile.

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You need 60 votes in the senate Repubs have 50 + McCain who is a traitor and doesnt count.

Then they should stop the partisan grandstanding and work together, but the truth is that neither side does their job and the system as a whole is broken. Trump could issue an executive order, or rein Sessions in and put this fire out immediately, but he doesn't give a fuck either. So they will have to bear the responsibility.

>Then they should stop the partisan grandstanding and work together
It's hard to work together and come to a compromise when one side's position is "FUCK BORDERS AND SHIET! TRUMP IS LITERALLY HITLER! BORDER SECURITY IS RACIST!"

>Trump could issue an executive order
Executive order's can't violate existing legislature or act outside the POTUS' purview

It all boils down to the separation issue, and contrary to the propaganda being spread, there isn't a specific law that states they are required to be separated. Tackle that single issue and it puts out the fire.

>repubs unironically might not survive this one

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No. A poll of Republicans found that almost none of them care about child separations. The media, the leftists, and the blue haired college fuckups are the only one shilling this shit, trying to whip up the base.

Libtards never vote in midterms. They only turn out for the general election. And nobody actually gives a shit about muh spic kids.

Doesnt matter if he has a plan or not. The US economy is good atm and unemployment is going down. There are peace talks with North Korea. The Democrats will destroy themselves by moving further and further to the left. People get tired of hearing about Russia and racism 24/7. Normal people dont want open borders and legalizing 800,000 illegals.

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I'm pretty sure that he's actually doing the best pollswise that he's done in the past two years.

>there isn't a specific law that states they are required to be separated.
>convicted felon
>kept with child
kill yourself

Uhh... he has a plan for the election....right?

This will long be forgotten by election day.

>releases a commercial of immigrant kids in "cages" playing with each other laughing and reading new books while the air conditioners hum

Only Jow Forums and plebbit maga will vote trump. Some rural too. You can’t torture children. End of story.

he's constantly getting assblasted by fake news.
people are going to start getting wise when it doesnt stop

The political currents have only shifted more to Trump's favor, and he's activating campaign mode to hit all the issues that got him elected in the first place

November will be a red wave

Nice try at misdirection, shill.
Pluck those heart strings as you try desperately to convince people that the policies your globalists put in place are his fault.

>no specific law
They have no papers you idiot. The people accompanying them might be human traffickers for all we know. Quite often the adults are NOT the parents. They should be separated on that basis alone.
Aside from that, the first simple obstacle to not being a brainlet is realizing the illegals are breaking the law and the kids that go along with them should not be in jail with them.

That's the only circumstance where separations were happening before the current administration changed the policy. Trump and Sessions own this. Even conservative local news stations are calling their statements on the topic outright lies.

look martha theyre doing it again
dead end loser delusional lunatics
made another thread about pizzagate
pol mods encourage this bcuz
it furthers their liar subversive agenda
>putin/bibi/mercer is proud of you low iq useful ijits

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>people are seriously pissssssed about this whole children separation thing
And Democrats blew their load too early on this one. Nobody's going to care in a month.

>we own this for undoing policy that didn't faithfully execute the laws
This is nothing more than another attempt to destroy law and order and the Constitution

Nah, you jumped the gun way too early trying to downplay the IG stuff.

Checked. His best issues are immigration, 2nd amendment, and trade. He has the democrats running on the wrong side of all those issues. It's like they have a death wish.

>thinking the Republicans are going to lose during mid terms

no one gives a fuck about the MUH CONCENTRATION CAMPS screaming liberals bud

you're damn right he has a plan

It very difficult to gauge the public opinion of him as polls are all bullshit and the vast majority of big stories are artificial.

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>Previous administration was not adhering to law*
ftfy nigger

>people pissed at Trump about pictures taken in 2014
Nice try shareblue

Don't get cocky. Fuck this up and you can kiss white america goodbye.

The midterms are going to look like someone spilled red paint on the entire country.

The dems are fucked.

You're a kike, a shareblue shill, and probably a nigger, and I'd tell you to commit suicide in some outlandish way, but since you are AIDS ravaged, nature will probably take its course soon enough.



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Obstructionism isn’t bad in itself

>pizzagate revelations

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Congratulations OP!
You've just made the 1000th prediction of an impending Trump defeat.
The first 999 have been wrong, but I'm sure this time Drumpf is finished and this is the thing that will do him in.

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>you can't torture children
that's cute.

The Democrats political brand is fucked. The only wayntgey can win is ti tentand inder a third party. 2/3rds of Americans will never bote Democrat again. obongo fucked you all in your liberal assholes.

Wrong. Just the same...Oooooooo Yeaaaaaah!!!

Now this tortures children

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Press 'f' to pay respects.


you promote this garbage
then try to have decent convo
in other threads...
>master sub-version artist
destabilizing youre own guntry
wooooooooooooo lad wooooooooooooooooooooooooopooooooo
t. ignore pic related and focus on pizzagate

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>drumpf will surely crash and burn THIS time
kek, take a big breath... this is the last gasp