Why are we allowing this faggot to have so much power?
David Hogg
free speech, nigger.
All he has accomplished is drastically increasing the amount of NRA members.
Because one week of him in the spotlight pissed off lazy people and centrists so damn much that polls closed by ten points. Ten Hoggs and it would be a Red Wave in 2018.
If she fails then the Market (praise be unto it) will have decided her worth and found her wanting.
Even if we lose a few of /ourguys/ then it's worth it because free speech is important.
>Oy vey, her shekels, why are we allowing this
he doesn't have power brainlet. this will pass like his boycott of Vanguard
16k retweet -> 8k willing to actually boycott -> 1k actually patronizing these establishments
This just makes him look petty desu senpai. People may love a good witch hunt, but too often and normies start seeing it for what it is, which is control through fear, and all for something benign. This will backfire on him.
>fucking with multiple billion dollar companies
he'll be dead soon
I paid $45 for a year long NRA membership and a pocket knife because I was sick of that punchable manlet.
We don't condone actions that could potentially put people at risk for harm here. That would be horribly wrong and who knows what could happen.
This kid is still a thing?
he never existed
Hi, Hogg
Don't believe your own bullshit, mongoloid.
I'm lost. What's with the camp counselor thing?
fair enough
Now THERE'S an idea. Have him as a guest on Howard Stern.
You fucking idiots give him power by signal-boosting him. Fucking ignore this faggot and he goes away.
I forgot he was still around.
Fuck this kid, he's a deluded brap-hog
>who cares
David Hogg?
>More like David Zogg amirite??