Which is the better place to live in?
Which is the better place to live in?
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both are nigger infested shitholes
Neither. City life is cancer
That's like choosing between eating two piles of shit.
I’ve been to both. They both are disgusting cities filled with degeneracy and zombie-like people who are constantly rude to everyone, and they are really fucking stupid. What’s first thing you think of when you think of America? That’s NYC and LA.
New York. Los Angeles is a city of sprawl. New York is a European-style city that has been taken over by non-whites. Manhatten is nice. Live on the upper east side or somewhere with whites. It is degenerate though. No reason to go other than make shekels, which is very jewy. If you have American family then live near them. If you want to meet an American wife find one and live where she grew up. Don't be a jew.
They're both really shitty. I'd say jew York is a little bit better just because it's easier to drive out of state than LA.
>which rat infested garbage pile should i overpay to live in
Stepping in junkie zombie shit is just so chic.
Thats like being right handed with shit in both hands
>European-style city
which european city exactly? its nothing like rome, paris, london, dublin, or berlin. Pray tell.
they are the only good cities
Yeah I don't get that either.
European-style. You can walk, use subways, etc. to get around. Most cities aren't like this. I didn't say European, I said European-style. Fuck off, potato cunt
>New York is a European-style city
The absolute state of jew yorkers
>which shithole is less of a shithole
unless you have a great paying job which requires city living why the fuck would you want to live like a cockroach?
>European-style. You can walk, use subways, etc. to get around. Most cities aren't like this. I didn't say European, I said European-style. Fuck off, potato cunt
youve never been to europe
West coast is obviously best coast but LA itself is shit.
I don’t consider anything east of Denver even my country desu senpai.
The ocean, desert valleys, forested peaks.
That’s my America, the southern fatties? The left-wing industrial shit cities of the east? The flat grey plains of the Midwest, might as well be old Europe to me.
Yes I have. What does that have to do with anything you retard? Please tell me what major city in Europe you can't use trains or subways or walk to get around in.
Both are great if you're not a poorfag.
I've never lived anywhere near New York.
Your land is the place of mixed races
Might as well call NYC a Japanese-style city then.
>I don’t consider anything east of Denver even my country desu senpai.
you should check out new england, upstate new york, new hampshire, connecticut, maine
really beautiful
Northern California and Northen New York (outside the city)
Neither. Costalfags deserve to be cleansed by nuclear fire.
>Please tell me what major city in Europe you can't use trains or subways or walk to get around in.
florence, you can walk but youre risking your life with the italian drivers
meme answer, venice
super meme answer, dublin
I've been to both and if I had to choose I would pick NY. It's basically bad vs worse
>Both are great if you're not a poorfag.
not really true, los angeles has smog problems and shitty people, even if you're on the beach in OC.
Pic related, anything west of the red line is America
Everything east of it can get fucking bucked I don’t give a shit
The parts that are currently illegally occupied by Mexico and Canada are also America but temporarily out of our control.
>New York is a European-style city that has been taken over by non-whites
>new york
are you kidding me
The land of mexicans and asians
Lived in both. Both are absolute shitholes.
In terms of LA, certain parts of Orange County are nice but the rest is a shit hole
>Does LA have a high speed rail scheme in the near future?
>Does it have a rail access now?
CA road trip on way too much caffeine
Skip to second :35 to get to action
I used to say LA is whiter, but I don't know if anyone really knows just how many beaners there are in Southern California at this point.
if arizona is america you can keep it, what a lifeless shithole full of ex-californians and the most god awful desert on Earth. Id rather live in NY or LA.
>whites are the master race but I’m going to keep real retreating from my lands until I’m stuck in some podunk town in Iowa
Literally your attitude is sickening and indicative why the eastern 2/3 are a lost cause
Most of the West is super white aside from the large California cities of LA, San Diego and San Francisco
Also Asians are literally fine plus Hispanics > blacks
>are you kidding me
hes never been to europe, don't mind him
Good stay away
LA. Just make sure your income is high. You need to make at least $300,000 to live middle class lifestyle in either places.
krakow is the shittiest place in poland, only kebab shops every 20 meters and nightclubs at night where polish girls try to get fucked by niggers or muslims. Of all the cities I've been in Poland Krakow was the worst by far the people there are standard western ergo fucking disgusting. Gdansk is theoretically more liberal but in reality it is 100 times better than krakow I spent 4 weeks there without seing a single person who wasn't white.
>Also Asians are literally fine plus Hispanics
Tell your grandchildren that when they are a minority in their own land. I have grown up with hispanics and they need to be separate unless they are one that is mostly white
Neither, I'm headed to either Boise or some other place in Idaho when the time comes.
At least with Los Angeles, you can somewhat be secluded from the trash and live in a nice ocean-front house.... but with NYC - the 3rd world trash is in your view all day long, there is not one place in all of NYC where you can escape the human trash and the actual bags of trash that litter the sidewalks and the smell and noise
this is the kind of guy to own pitbulls
Both are anti-american shitholes full of nigs and Jews.
>I’m going to keep real retreating from my lands
Don't project your attitude on me, you are the one who wants to give up 2/3 of America
Wouldn't live in either.
t. Texan
I’d take LA because of the weather.
About 1/3 of Hispanics at mostly white and just turn into whites after a generation
1/3 is assimilatable over time
1/3 are the beaner pieces of shit that are a lost cause
It was gone before I was born, plus it was never my land I Don’t care what happens to those places it isn’t America to me
Kraków is the best place in Poland
It is the only place in Europe where you can beat up drunken British tourists for free and Police will even thank you for it
>Little Mexico
Come west young man
There's something else on the other side of the Hudson ?
what kind of faggots want to live in populous? the only reason people run off to cities is cause they are closeted faggots or nigger lovers.
>LA. Just make sure your income is high. You need to make at least $300,000 to live middle class lifestyle in either places.
yeah sure tell that to the millions of landscaper mexicans that have been there so long they paid 50k for the shitty house in a shitty neighborhood thats now worth 500k for (((reasons)))
>There’s something on the other side of the Rockies?
>About 1/3 of Hispanics at mostly white and just turn into whites after a generation
I agree
>1/3 is assimilatable over time
I live in Texas and some of these "Tejanos" who have "been for hundreds of years" are brown as shit so you are wrong. Some of them will keep important mexicans to marry. They need to go back.
>It was gone before I was born, plus it was never my land I Don’t care what happens to those places it isn’t America to me
It was your ancestors land. Plus, I don't see how it is any worse than the west, which as I said, has way more interracial marriages. The East is more segregated. There must be something I am not getting.
Yeah if you want to live in a fucking barrio.
The west is like the northern cities whites and Mexicans don’t live together just like in nyc and Chicago and philly whites and blacks don’t live with eachother
+ Hispanics are not nearly as awful as blacks
+ we have massive wide open wilderness that is either empty or has white people in it + it’s has a much higher QOL generally speaking better weather and nicer scenery
Also we have Mormons that will save the white race
So the fact that krakow is the only "international" enough city in poland where people get in queue to racemix and fuck niggers in degenerate nightclubs is nice because you can beat up fellow europeans?
Are you retarded Pawel?
Again, no other city where I went in your country was so shitty, the local economy taken up by muslims and coalburners everywhere, Gdansk, wroclaw, poznan and warszawa were all 100 times better, maybe only warszawa was kinda shitty but not like krakow no sir.
get your ass out and live in a rural area. go to the cities if you need to, because cities are the main strategy of (((them))) to suck out every single penny of yours. in a village there are no mcdonalds or expensive cinemas to throw your cash out. have you wondered why villages, especially in mountains like northern spain, mountains of switzerland or france have little to no overweight?
not only you have much less possibilities of being fat in there, you also have the conservative thought and morals.
I live around hispanics too, and not blacks. But I am west of your divider.
The West is more socially liberal which I don't like. They are not conservative, they are libertarian.
And I fucking hate mormans.
I mean east of your divider
>2 shitty liberal cities
You lose either way.
>you can beat up fellow europeans?
>Are you retarded Pawel?
you are not American
so don't say retarded shit
Because this is what these people usually say
the "fellow european" meme is .. well, a meme per se
But back to the topic at hand
Krakow became one of the most popular ( if not THE most popular ) tourist destinations in like, 2014 or 2013
And these are the drawbacks
Blacks, muslims, poos, brits - you name it
Have you ever been to Prague?
It is the same there, but worse
Much worse
If it were the 70s/80s or before I'd say New York, now I'd say neither
If I were forced to live in one I'd choose NYC. Both are shitholes though
WHITES IN L.A.!!!???
Both are shitholes. But it never snows in LA and they have better beaches.
Did I forget to mention that both are shitholes? Because, both places are shitholes.
The fellow european thing is not a meme, you should not be happy about beating a brit chav like a shitskin.
And also, you basically confirmed it yourself just now, krakow is a shithole at the current state of things, the fact that prague is as well doesn't change it.
whats up with all the russians in LA?
We beat up Brits because they shit and puke in our fountains
Some brits were even arrested for trying to piss on a patriotic monument
Poland has an anti-defamation law, which is very harsh towards foreigners and tourists
Those who insult Poland, Poles or just try to shit on our statues will be either arrested and fined or permanently banned from entering Poland
few months ago Richard Spencer was permanently banned from entering Poland for trying to justify the nazi war-crimes against Poland and Russia
N.Y. but north of Albany, think Adirondacks
NYC where niggers leave you alone, or LA where shitskin ladrinos walk boldly up to YOU and will NOT leave you alone. Easy choice unless you're an antifa gypsy like all your other threads
This is what GTA or PUBG would look like in real life.
Jew Pork is better.
Easier to meet people.
It's the world city: Babylon
LA is nonironically hell. Most people who live there hate it, unlike NYC.
But both are very expensive and designed for career and money obsessed people.
Keep the tumblrina and bums to yourselves. Build a wall along the Rocky Mountains to keep you west coast niggers from shitting up Texas
>living in a city with more than a million people
>living in a city with more than a hundred thousand people
In today's day in age is it really necessary to put city life on the pedestal it once was. Like people used to live in cities because you would see, and be able to buy all the hot new shit.
Now we have the internet and amazon, where you can get and see anything.
Why the fuck would you live in a shit hole?
LA is NYC only with smaller buildings. Distopian waste lands. It's funny just how much they resemble jungles. The people on the streets are just mulch for the people who own the buildings.
Let me rephrase the question: what is the best place to live in, for a programmer?
Just skip both.
kraków market where they sell plungers, trinkets and pictures of Jan paweł II
Colorado is great if you’re a white programmer.
If you aren’t white, go to L.A. or anywhere in California, really.
These American cities have the same degenerate cosmopolitan Jewry. If you want to come live, avoid these areas.
LA. Year round summer, better for your health.
LA - closer to Silicon Valley.
LA. Probably less chance of nuclear strike to get rid of the chosen ones.
LA and NY are shit best City is obvious