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And they speak ALLAHU ACKBAR.
Kill yourself you sick disgusting faggot communist traitor.
That reminds me. Arent most of the crimes in germany commited by turks?
t. member of the gay Jewish mafia
How is that dumb cunt still in power?
kys OP
Their stats speak to the open secret that they've been cooking them as hard as possible ever since there were daily terror attacks as a result of their criminally reckless refugee policy
Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.
The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.
Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.
What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?
How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?
And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?
But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
>this mad
stay jelly thicclet
I thought there was a chance she was out this week? Explains why she has enough time to shitpost on twatter.
Mfw (OP) doesn't know that German government has been covering up the sub human crime.
Police are told not to do anything.
Media is controlled by some ex-Stasi bich.
Get fucked (OP); you smell like sulfur and Talmud ink.
mfw trump will present the real, unjewed numbers next
what fucking timeline have we invoked, kek
fake news user
White Pride World Wide my brother.
Shut up Die Linke oven dodger.
you are fake news, kike
and soon you can all fuck off
Whatever happened to the white male they fired for allowing hundreds of rapefugees to put their fingers up womens butts then they only arrested 3 guys.
There are lies, damned lies, and statistics.
tweet this to trump and ann coulter
>That ID
Huge if true my Ayran brother.
Remember the last time he mentioned how fucked Sweden was and the media blasted him for exagerating?
Remember how just a week after that there was a massive chimpout in malmo? I hope the same happens in ermany and the media and merkel have to swallow their lying words.
i feel too old for optimism, yet these digits...
no. i must not slander. it is not over yet.
who doesn't remember all the german teenage girls dying in 1993?
They have seen peace increase for the past 23 years!
delete this
i am cursed i guess
I thought it was a truck of peace. Or was that a france comment? Cant keep track of reality warping itself to align with our cheeto overlord but i love it.
Germany = entire city gets raped.
America = space marines.
I do indeed like these stats.
Who cares? Muttland has rampage killings every day.
> stats speak for themselves
Yes they do
> Total crime is down, mostly because German crime is down
> "Non German" crime tho is up, and so is violent crime and murders
All according to the very same stats being mentioned by them
Anyone else think Germany is definitely lying about their crime statistics?
it's peopleland trudon't
you cant force things. just look what happened here, total desaster for the diaspora. they lost on all fronts, all that's keeping them alive is that woman. or whatever it is....
Of all the gets, satan says its not over yet.
Why would a government who lets millions of invaders into the country lie to us?
See , they are not lying, just omitting that
> violent crime is up in comparison to 2013 (despite being down for the past year)
> "non german" crime is sky high
> murders are way way up
> rape as well, not in this chart but it is about 60% up
probably, Sweden stopped counting it's so high. At least 60 no go zones in Sweden too.
it didn't even start for him so far, that much is certain
Merkel's Press Secretary on crime stats
forgot pic
Mutti blown the fuck out of existence
i do. all we need is the real numbers now. maybe your emperor can poke the cia. but then, they would be hell-bent on keeping those away from both him and us. they know
if those numbers came out, merkill would literally be kill.
Rapes, murders and terror attacks are up in Germany.
Racist Satan Cow is right, the 'cultural enrichment' is not over yet for them.
kod 293
They most likely have made secret policies not to officially "arrest" these crimes, but note it in some arcane pro-Shariah way. That is what happens here in the US. The Florida school shooter was visited 17 times by police for violent acts and threats but had never been offically arrested because the local Sheriff policy was to reduce youth crime rates, so they started just issuing citations and the rates dropped, but it also then allowed the shooter to buy weapons and pass background checks, because the law had gone to extra lengths and jump through hoops to not arrest him bc it would hurt their statistics.
Most likely has been happening in EU for even longer than here
jew tactics, worldwide
I thought it was illegal to keep crime info about country of origin/race in Germany. Can a kraut give me an answer?
Lol, Merkel doesn't give one shit about Germany
It was a total of 52 times that all jurisdictional authorities of that county and city were called on him or his residence.
Jesus, that fucking bad? Sauce on those figures? Fuck Scott (((Israel)))
>Hitler's daughter matters.
>there's can't be crime if you don't record it black man.jpg
this is a good chance, releasing the real numbers will destroy that cunt and all her lefty underlings.
an earthquake will be shit in comparison.
time to activate the sleeper cells.
>stats speak for themselves
Fucking lol, is this supposed to convince people?
>implying their police and government isnt actively covering up/looking the other way in terms of crime.
ive been to berlin on 4 seperate occasions. 3 times between 2011-2013, and once again in 2017. There were definitely more brown-skinned drug dealers in 2017 accosting me.
Felt like amsterdam, except not as crowded.
>our stats
Fake news.
I really don't care wether niggers and other shitskins that get tax payers money blown up their ass commit crime or not. They don't belong here simple as that.
Apparently legitimate crime statistics to dont exist due to our law enforcements against 'right extremism' and 'hate speech'
It's the good boy statistic presented by Bundesregierung, so it's okay. Everything else is literally Hitler.
The figure was first stated at 39, then Isreal himself tried to stop-gap the media at 23, but the public record has it at 45 responses before his "mother" died, and a handful of more calls and incidents with police as an adult.
I am not digging through Commie Newspeak Narration's archives for you or anyone, though.
But this was all the gun's fault right?
Stats speak for themselves. I'll see myself out
Almost 1,000 People Injured, Killed in Terrorist Attacks By Refugees
One-in-three chance Germany will be target country in future plots
That's like if OJ was on trial and the judge asked
>OJ, did you kill that woman?
>No, your honor.
>Case dismissed.
The 'total' crimes decreased because of changes regarding the process and reporting of crimes by the way..
If we went by the old rules it would look terrifying
Migrants and refugees are scientifically proven to lower crime rates.
That´s a good one merkel. Why don´t you stop censoring germans and german media and we find out exactly who do what. Which ofcourse germans know very well. Aswell that you are trying to cover up the immigrant crimes.
Merkel is a childless communist traitor who recieved cloudenhove-kallergi award in 2010 for hastening the genocide of europe by mass immigration. pic related. She is a treasonous bitch that should be publically executed in a german city centre and do not represents germans which she tries to censor and whom is against these immigrants coming in.
thats not actually a denial of the situation just a statement with no concrete meaning. you could even say she was agreeing with him. example: a billion babies are raped in sweden each year "our stats speak for themselves"
Yes it´s a bit harder to lie to people who a) live right above germany b) have family relations that now live in germany. Immigrants do shitload of crime everywhere. But merkel and her (((friends))) don´t want to admit this. Because there is a plan to flood europe with immigrants to replace them. And mix them out of existance. And it is the communist jews that took over WWII that a) was behind creation of the (((EU))) and b) are flooding europe with refugees. Who do you think natsoc was fighting.
>They most likely have made secret policies not to officially "arrest" these crimes
They do same thing as in sweden, in sweden they have a special police code for when immigrants do shit, so they report it differently to not make swedes 'xenophobic´ by admitting how much crime these immigrants commit. Which they should really fuck off and go back and do in their own nations instead.
wtf does that even mean "the stats speak for themselves?"
She was the right hand of honecker and every politician knew what her endgame is.
The sad part we never gained control over the system after the 'reunification'. It's impossible in a peaceful way and the previous geberations are sick of revolutions for obvious reasons
They started to import migrants en mass when they figured out that the young generations are less deceived
>She was the right hand of honecker and every politician knew what her endgame is.
Yep, someone forgot to inform the world that communist jews have taken over germany, and used it to create (((EU))) and then flood germany and rest of europe with refugees after eu take away their sovereignty to decide for themselves, which was the whole point of (((EU))). Germany is literally lead by a communist childless bitch of a woman. Who is beyond stupid and delusional and fucked in the head. And thinks she is doing the right thing by destroying germany. Do not be fooled by this soft spoken bullshit. She hates germany the german people aswell as the german flag.
You should have fucking bombed ddr hansi. The god damn commies trying to take over germany was the reason natsoc was created to stop the commie kikes. The only fucking persons who did any reasonable thing about this was natsoc germany and hitler. They westled power and control away from them. And then kike england and kike USA declare war on germany over the bullshit treaty of versaillles. Then afterwards commie jews put them into power again in germany and kick germans out of power positions. Then you have East and west germany with berlin wall Because the idiot commies manage to split up germany into commie and non commie. ANd merkel is from the commie related part. And now they are peddling hard as fuck weimar 2.0 conditions like these filthy kikes and commies were doing before natsoc.
Pic summarizes Jow Forums nicely.
Better luck next time germany.
this. of course the stats are fauxed. because if they would show a real increase german hillary would be dunzoo'd without a doubt
it is very likely something will happen, just skip the next cia/nsa warning to our police before a terrorist attack happens and merkel is proven wrong bigly. I think it was a pretty bad idea to fuck with him at (or better after) G7.
The number of the following offences increased:
– drug offences by 9.2% to 330,580 cases
(2016: 302,594 cases)
– economic crime by 28.7% to 74,070 cases
(2016: 57,546 cases)
– offences violating the Weapons Act by 10.3% to 38,001 cases
(2016: 34,443 cases)
– dissemination of writings depicting pornography by 12.9% to
10,066 cases (2016: 8,917 cases)
These are numbers from the report for crimes that have increased.
Here are offenses that decreased
shoplifting by 6.6% to 353,384 cases
(2016: 378,448 cases)
– pickpocketing by 22.7% to 127,376 cases
(2016: 164,771 cases)
– theft by burglary of a dwelling by 23.0% to 116,540 cases
(2016: 151,265 cases)
Violent crime went down by -2.4%
THERE IS NO INCREASE IN CRIME IN REGARDS TO PROPORTION. Immigrants in this report are normal immigrants, asylum seekers, refugees, deportees and so forth.
German suspects dropped by -2.4%
Non-germans/immigrants dropped by -4.1 (likely as a result as the sample size increasing)
>our stats speak for themselves
Which is exactly what Trump said you dumb cow.
Why don´t you keep the retardation on your side of the pond you fucking leaf. I live right next to this country and i have relatives living there. It is merkel and her commies that are lying about these things.
you will probably say the same thing about sweden right. They are not reporting a shitload of these cases on purpose.
crimerates at murder and rape is a factor of 20 to 80 times germans (of course all turks with german passport are counted as germans) vs so called refugees.
Keep your nose out of german politics. Only Trump is allowed to do this.
Ya and I have people in Germany who are definitely as far from commie as possible saying this crime thing is bullshit, seems anecdotals dont mean jack shit
Where is this stat from?
My nose is going as far as the german numbers. Its literally your people.
>Ya and I have people in Germany who are definitely as far from commie as possible saying this crime thing is bullshit, seems anecdotals dont mean jack shit
No it´s not fucking anecdotal, your shit is what is anecdotal. There is a deliberate coverup of immigrant crime rapes etc. all over europe. In germany they can´t even be critical of refugees on social media without repercussions. You are so fucking full of shit as usual i fucking hate canadians, i have seen like a 0.05% of canadians on this board who aren´t fucked in the head. And then you sit over in leaf land and fucking lecture me about what is going on in my neighbourgh country i can go to in matter of a few hours by car.
Germany has never seen anything like these retarded behaviour from these assholes. Even if they didn´t commit any crime they should still be kicked the fuck out. Because they are illegal immigrants and not refugees.
[Psychology] When meatbags have invested so much of their pathetically short lifetimes into causes that fail to produce tangible results that get them the respect and admiration of their meatbag peers, rather than admit their failures, they double down on them, lying to themselves and everyone else that their failures have actually been successes and that they are very happy with what they have accomplished, masking their sorrow with a pathetic forced grin until their puny organs pack in, forcing them to expire.
[Empathy attempt]I feel so sorry for meatbags.
[Clarification]Well, no, no I don't.
official gov numbers, here is the article with sources at the bottom:
and a follow up article.