Guys...get in here

Guys...get in here.

Pete the sneak was escorted out of the FBI on Friday.

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I bet you Strzok and Priestap and Page are gonna be witnesses testifying against bigger names

Peter strzok you are charged with sedition, treason and general faggotry. How do you plead?


You are out of order, she does not love you back

the fuck, if he's working in human resources he'll be able to do even more damage and influence the fbi even more... why would this be allowed?

Why is she not dead yet? Her mom, Valerie Jarrett, funnelled $500 million taxpayer dollars to her daughter's husband's company.

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In fact, he has been put in charge of starbucks training.

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>Laura Jarrett
Granddaughter of Muslim Brotherhood & Planet of Apes.

Then you are retard trying to reach for a carrot.

Shut the fuck up you geriatric piece of shit. I bet you suck George Webb's dick.

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>Mueller the DNC hack doing damage control AFTER new texts have been shown

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>source familiar

any other line of work, he would have been escorted out 12 months ago

>he's been stationed in human resources
Oh nonono!

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This is so tiring. Wake me up when Drumpfy is doing the perp walk.

a clue from Q?

No. Q is a mossad psy op and you work for Israel.

CNN: Strzok is still employed as of Tuesday afternoon, but escorted out on Friday

Strzok: Holy shit, Lis. I did it. I got them to call the op "Crossfire Hurricane". We are officially badasses.
Page: What? I'm busy.

Wow. It truly is fucking impossible to get fired by the government. I have no respect for anyone that works a federal "job".

Civil service only for the laziest and most obedient