What the hell is this country coming to Jow Forums? When will the fucking polarization end? Pick related sent my sides into orbit, she's pissed at anyone who voted Republican, why? Probably the whole immigrant kids ordeal. Which has been going on since Obama's first term lmao. They love blaming Trump for everything
What the hell is this country coming to Jow Forums? When will the fucking polarization end...
Dems are freaking out because /their guy/ got outted as a satanist
Who's /there guy/? Haven't been keeping much of a close watch on those things
Thats Obama!
He's irrelevant now lmao his terms are up
he will be relevant soon when hes in the news for being arrested and then again when it becomes history that our first black president was the worst president of them all and is in prison for life. hopefully publicly executed at some point too.
Oh shit I got trips
And what's he done to go to prison?
>And what's he done to go to prison?
russian collusion, uranium one, child trafficing, child rape/sacrifices. it will be so big even CNN will be forced to talk about it and they have always known all this.
>When will the fucking polarization end?
When those who have the leftist brain parasite are all eradicated. Pure accelerationism was always the only way to be able to identify them all. Sorry, there is no cure.
Has all of that been confirmed?
It's what happens when you have 50% of the country who gets their news from the brown African kid on Comedy Central, Colbert on CBS, and other Faceberg circle-jerk disinfo that is fed to their little iPhone screen throughout the day
polarization is inevitable in multirracial societies
civil war is here
It didn't used to be this way. Older Presidential elections were mostly landslides because the nation could easily agree more often than not
Sadly I agree
Liberals are subhuman
Just another young kid who doesn't pay attention to politics and reacts emotionally based on whatever headline she's fed for the day.
>break a law
>get separated from kids
>sad kids go to social services program
Happens literally every day. Why the change now?
I KNOW THAT'S WHAT I'M SAYING. it's just the media sensationalism
Well it's for a good cause. Orange Drumpf ain't gonna resist itself.
>ainsley grace
unironic douche-boomer offspring detected
I have never had any use in keeping around someone so petty and bitchy. My life is fine without them. Why they think they're some kind of unique and special prize to everyone is beyond me.
Here's what you do: further encourage liberals to turn against and attack independents and moderates as they purity spiral, adopting more and more extreme positions. At the same time reach out to those same independents and present the more reasonable appearance.
Try to break into the black vote Kanye style and reiterate Trump's successes with the economy an NK.
The (((MSM))) has always done shit like this. What has changed over the last few years is that too many people are waking up to the JQ, and they know it. So they are forced into a corner of either coming clean, or doubling down, and Jews ALWAYS double down. They have incredibly influence over the simple minded and young, so this is leading to more and more people freaking the fuck out. Things are getting better though, even if they seem worse at times.
>incel poltard faggot
>le sides
Lol, bye bitch
Welcome to the kikes manipulation of our society. We will never be a homogenous again, short of a genocide. Without this homogenous society, we will crumble and die.
I'd assume no since the person you're replying to hasn't even dropped a single link to corroborate anything they said.
>Hey, kid, what cut you want?
>Give me the heart monitor
>Say no more