Just watched Trump announce the decision to create a space force as a branch of the military, you guys ready to kill some Ayys?
Jow Forums Space Force
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why not trade with them instead? i would imagine things like bologna and small dogs would be of interest to them
As long as we could get past whatever language barrier there might be and there isn't any hostility, I'd be willing to trade with them.
also, we could find out if jesus visited their planet in the past
So long as I get my AI waifu and battle suit, I don't give a fuck.
maybe jesus was the other planet in the past
What will it even do? Where will the money even go towards?
This is just another tax scam I swear.
Even if it's just doing fuck all in Space watching satellites I'd sign up for that
the astra militarum is coming soon.
Galaxy Rangers
Sounds like heresy if you ask me.
there's no roads in space to tax. ancaps will love this idea.
bring out the blankets and mirrors
maybe the past was the other planet in jesus
>there's no roads in space to tax
>implying there wont be areas of space through witch you travel faster on some galactic wind bullshit
>not wanting to colonize space
Making a space force will reawaken the white man's desire for exploration, conquest, and overcoming adversity. And once progress is made, people will see that our money is much better spent on space stuff than giving free shit to niggers, and America will be made white again.
Right, but it'll be dangerous
Best Timeline
We’ve been all over the solar system since the 50’s.
Trump is just easing the normies into this knowledge with “oh look what we just happened to find!” and “boy we sure built our space force fairly instantaneously!”
We gotta get /x/ on this boys
I would happily butcher Ayys for a deZOGGED uncle sam.
The Covenant did nothing wrong.
First of Aliens dont exist.
Greys were invented by H.G Wells in his fiction works in 1893.
Secondly do you recall what Von Braun said?
On his death bed he told one of his closest colleagues that the Zionists plan to use the 'Alien invasion threat' to unite the world as a one-world-order to defeat them.
The space force is all part of the plan..
Surprised no one else has connected the dots.
Those trillions of missing government dollars had to go somewhere, user...
Why do you think everything in the military/space related costs so much?
They’ve been skimming off the top to build their space fleet and off-world infrastructure.
Hell Yeah I was born ready.
The equivalent of these they trade us will be mind blowing intradimentional toys they buy their children at the supermarket coin dispencer
Von Braun warned against this.
He knew his shit.
Last based Nazi, told us the truth.
Trump is just doing the kike Zionist bidding preparatory to the one world government by weaponizing space.
See here >first Russian commie threat
>second terrorist threats
>third rogue nations
>fouth asteroids
>fifth would be the alien threat.
instead of asteroids they changed it to climate change, but this got BTFO.
Cant wait to eat mars mudcakes
Exactly what a space nigger would say
Let's give them all the poos, nogs and sandniggers so they can use them as slaves.
It's not going to happen. It's just another scam.
aliens are just extrapolation of innate fear of harmful pathogen....
we're the best species. get over it
that's a good idea for final phase of NWO though. pretty sure the idiots running the show will fuck it up before then. too many cracks appearing
the halo series didnt become good till halo 4 when you could actually finally fuckin sprint and look down the barrel
> a leaf
Make sense
They were going to try Blue Beam, yes, but it is no longer going to happen.
Trump was never supposed to win.
After the elections in November things will pick up with blinding speed.
We’re very excited.
i mean memes write themselves dont they? space marines are gonna be a thing.
Wrong game faggot
Look at the videos of the UFO tictacs they were shilling around christmas from the USS Nimitz.
They are going do a fake disclosure, the US army even did an advert about signing up to fight against the aliens.
see here
I have been following this for years.
I used to believe in ayys and chased the subject all the way down the rabbit whole and back out.
I went full on autist and researched the shit of it.
Ayys are 100% bullshit.
I found out private companies have tech, they were do not know about.
All of this technological development was boosted by Nazi scientists and engineering which was at least 30 years ahead of the Allies. For example the fly wing design; rockets; jets; pilotless drones; the foo fighters were Nazi drones too.
We have drones that move like something out of sci-fi.
Keep on your toes user.
The last Nazi Von Braun was an honourable man; he would not lie on his death bed.
They are using the space force and future alien threat to bring about a one-world kike order.
You can have real aliens amidst a false flag. Von Braun was correct.
The benevolent ones are helping us get out of the slave state.
It’s almost over.
We’ve won!
half of those arent even real
that image bring me back......
My uncle works for the government and they been tracking a large object heading towards Earth for the last two years. Prolly an invasion soon desu.
Which 7 of those do you think aren't real?
Aliens arent real. Not a shred of evidence.
I was a hardcore believer; went into every dark corner, as thought the truth was there it aint. Aliens are ficitonal. Flying discs were from fiction in the 1920s a good 25 years before such reports.
These are the public ones.
Of course they are real.
They've built a prototype for each one.
The Taranis and X47b are in active service right now,
But these are ones we only know about publically.
Even top ranking Officers will not know about these.
Did you know that BAE have a drone that splits into three as a flying prototype?
I do, because I saw it near an airbase and have my ways and means of knowing.
You might be critizing the avrocar because it never really flew?
You are 100% correct.
But we know that did get a flying disc to fly correctly!
Astronaut Gordon Cooper saw it land on the dry salt bed at Edwards airforce base.
Now why the fuck would aliens land in the middle of an airforce base?
They would NOT!
This was human military tech!
They told him to not to disclose it.
He thought it was aliens, it wasnt it was an human made Nazi reversed engineered flying disc
See here:
It’s our ticket off the planet.
They will house us during the crisis.
Do you think it was humanity that created the ancient structures on Mars?
This Lockheed Martin scientist seemed pretty convinced of aliens... and he died not too long after this video.
Another deathbed confession?
and before you say, come on, who should I believe you or an Astronaut Gordon Cooper who says it was an alien UFO; Cooper believed that he could contact UFOs with his mind and set up a cult type organisation in the 70s with his second wife.
He also later worked for (((Disney))).
He was used a pawn to lay the foundation for the Ayys are real bullshit.
Again, I do believe he saw a UFO land at Edward's airforce base; but why on God's green earth would Ayys land there?
It's pretty fucking stupid to think these were actually aliens and not human made technology.
I believe we have technology far in advance of what the public knows about.
The hacker Gary Mckinnon, who committed the biggest hack on the USA of all time, said when he hacked NASA he saw a file about ship-to -ship transfers of staff.
Think about that for a moment, just what the actual fuck is going on?
Bushman is showing a confirmed alien doll that I believe can be purchased from Walmart.
I dont put much weight on him because of that.
I've not watched this video. I will do know.
What is the greatest trick of the Jew?
Want something hidden?
Make it silly to the public.
Make it so widespread and comical that no one will believe you when you say you saw one.
“Surely you don’t believe this stupid toy is real, goyim?”
What you know as "Ayys" are just demons my dude.
>What is the greatest trick of the Jew?
Fiat currency created by fractional reserve banking -essentially free money out of thin air- and charging INTEREST on that!
Aliens arent real, theres no evidence.
Renaissance paintings with UFOs are just religious iconography.
Von Daniken's book was fascinating to me; but again these people didnt believe in aliens they believed in God's controlling the elements and environments.
I still so badly want to believe, but everything is a dead end and to put it simply bullshit.
Demons dont exist either.
If you think they do, I will send a Demon to haunt you until you give me free gibz
Hear me out...
>we kill them and rape their children to assert dominance
Bushman isnt confessing anything.
He's just pulling things out of his ass.
To confess you have to KNOW about something.
What else is new in UFOs circles please?
The imperium of man will conquer the galaxy
I like you because, you've not called me a shill (im not) and because at least you think about your arguments.
Makes a first for me on here.
isnt that against the law? and proofs/vid?
>They are using the space force and future alien threat to bring about a one-world kike order.
In effect, we live in the one-world kike order since 1950.
aayyy i got you
Most of their gods, angels, and demons were advanced beings.
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
I find it interesting that even the paintings do nothing for you.
I find it more interesting that we seem to have the same craving for truth, the same passion, but have arrived at two separate conclusions.
You never did tell me your thoughts on the ancient structures on Mars.
Fuck off.
that looks like female bill gates...
What makes Von Braun’s confession more reliable than this man?
What if he was pulling things out of his ass for fear-mongering or a distraction from something else?
I don’t believe this to be true, as I believe they both spoke the truth, but I’m curious about your reasoning here.
They were even both in the same field of work.
>On his death bed he told one of his closest colleagues that the Zionists plan to use the 'Alien invasion threat' to unite the world as a one-world-order to defeat them.
t. Watchmen
You as well
Remember in Trump's first week where pictures came out of him where he looked like he'd just been told Aliens exist and we've known for decades?
Notice the only aliens anyone have ever seen seem to be white? There doesn't seem to be any brown ones.
I know right? It’s why they’re called greys!
Oh wait..
Lol at the middle picture "food for the hungry" and they have an obese woman
>”I came here to destroy Hillary and the Satanists and now I have to deal with aliens too?”
Not having an AI Waifu battle suit. Stay peasant class.
They just call them greys so they don't offend minorities.
I don't know famm, they are all short with weird eyes...
it looks like a demon more than an alien
agree they would be far too advanced if they existed
well, yeah, post Bretton woods.
But it's only a fiscal one-world order an not a complete political or cultural one -not yet!
There's either some structures on Mars or there isnt.
I think something is being hidden perhaps.
75 years ago there was a small meteorite that hit Eqypt.
A couple of years ago we tested it a found conclusively that the meteorite was from Mars. Scientists are seriously thinking panspermia was the way life was brought here, possibly from mars.
As for the paintings, I spoke to an art historian (actually he's a friend a work as a auctioneer) and showed him my vast folder collection of renaissance paintings that I thought had UFOs. Each of them is just religious iconography, e.g. red cardinal's hat's look like UFOs, as do clouds and halos etc.
Look at this painting what do you see? It's not what you think.
>Esaltation of the Eucaristy
>Ventura Salimbeni
>circa 1675
It's a globe and they are writing on it with long pens -but it looks like a satellite.
Checked for weiner dog empire of stardust
You make a good point. They might be Asian. It would explain why they are really good with technology but suck at driving UFO's
>Believing the Imperium of Man is part of a game and not prophesy
>Not realising the jews are actually tzeentchian cultists with slaneeshi allies.
>This is why muslims hate them so much - Khorne hates those faggots Muslims=Khornate heretics.
>Africans and Indians are heralds of Nurgle, they hate change and love just letting everything sit in a mire of filth and decay with some crossing over to khornate worship. This is why they never stop talking about love all the time. One Love! Papa Nurgle loves YOU!
>Chinks have no souls so are capable of horrific acts yet feel no remorse.
Humanities (Whites) destiny is among the stars but first we must secure Holy Terra. If we get a decent amount of us into space we can then virus bomb the planet to cleanse the earth and formally found the Imperium of Man, with Holy Terra at its center clean of all chaos filth.
>wants to kill ET's with more technology than us
>can't even wipe out a pack of birds
First we need to fight the alien invaders on Earth and the traitors that help them.
Much truth here. We're going home soon
Von Braun was the real deal last Nazi alive.
He was the father of rocket science and the world expert.
He said:
"It is commonly believed that man will fly directly from the earth to the
moon, but to do this, we would require a vehicle of such gigantic
proportions... It would have to
develop sufficient speed to penetrate the atmosphere and overcome the
earth's gravity and, having traveled all the way to the moon, it must still
have enough fuel to land safely and make the return trip to earth ... Calculations have been carefully worked out on the type of vehicle we would need for the non-stop
flight from the earth to the moon and return.
The figures speak for themselves: each rocket ship would be taller than New York's Empire State
Building (1250 feet) and weigh about ten times the tonnage of the Queen
Mary, or some 800,000 tons!"
-We apparently did it with something 23,000% smaller!
I really believe we faked the manned moon landings.
-The telemetry data, the engineering, the tech, the know how -all gone.
-The billions in bribes to the Politburo Russians in 1972 to shut them up (we gave them 1/4 of entire supply of USA wheat at a next to nothing price).
-The Apollo sites are off limits for 2.5miles to all future missions to the moon including robotic.
-The faking of long shots of the earth when in close earth orbit.
-Alan Bean not realizing or feeling the effects of radiation when passing van allan belts.
-Peter Conrad confessing in cryptic 'we never even been close to landing' the next day he dies in a motocycle crash.
-Grissom and the other two pilots of Apollo hanging a lemon and publicly criticism burnt them alive in a dubious capsule accident.
Thomas Baron, Chief safety inspector and his 20,000 point failure report to US congress going missing and him and entire family being killed in a dodgy car crash
>knows an art (child) auctioneer
Hey there, Jew.
>this is actually happening holy fuck
@2:33 - High Flying Assets
First time in my life I have considered actually joIning the military. I just hope I am not too old.
I want to sign up as a midshipman.
It looks like Sputnik yeah, but I don't consider that to be one of the more "conclusive" ones.
I'm thinking of the battles in the sky, the saucers with light beams coming down, and the flying ship with a man drawn inside.
I did find this image while I was looking up yours though lol
(I am O3XbxTzT but I jumped on the computer from my phone)
well I guess I'm a dumbass, but whatever at least I kept my ID lol
Please user.
Did you know Hitler wanted to be an artist?
>mfw space force
Master chief is actually Barron Trump. He'll probably go into cryo sleep in a few years.
Suffer not the Xeno to live
>I'm thinking of the battles in the sky, the saucers with light beams coming down, and the flying ship
Yes I know the ones you're thinking of see pic.
All the best 'evidence' of UFOs in renaissance paintings are explained here.
The renaissance paintings used to be the smoking gun for me too.
Thaaat's enough heresy outta you, pal.
We landed on the moon, but it's not what we showed to the public.
I fully believe that Stanley Kubrick was hired to build and film the fake moon stage, and that he made a deal with the Jews that he would be given anything he needed for his other films.
2001 was his proof that with infinite funding he could do it, and then he did it.
The moon "rings like a bell" for hours when struck, which means that it is hollow.
It is a vehicle that was parked there and plenty of old civilizations claim their ancestors lived in a time before the moon.
>Aristotle wrote that Arcadia in Greece, before being inhabited by the Hellenes, had a population of Pelasgians, and that these aborigines occupied the land already before there was a moon in the sky above the Earth; for this reason they were called Proselenes.(2)
Apollonius of Rhodes mentioned the time “when not all the orbs were yet in the heavens, before the Danai and Deukalion races came into existence, and only the Arcadians lived, of whom it is said that they dwelt on mountains and fed on acorns, before there was a moon.”
Spoken like a true cocksucking faggot.
Oh and a leaf, how fitting.