Memeballs General

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Latvian classic music :

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Lay off the Vodka LatviaBro.
Canadians sent us Shatner long before that little fag Bieber

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But isn't catholicism first brench of christianity?

Good thread BalkanBro

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Try meme my country. Pro tip: you cant.

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Nah, catholicism became a thing after the great schism in 1054. The Church of Godâ„¢ claim(which the seat of Rome used to claim superiority over all other seats before 1054) comes from a verse how Jesus told st. Peter to go to Rome and found his(Jesuses) church. Also, Peter means "rock" or "stone" so for catholics he is literally the foundation of the Church.
Nigga what


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You happy attention whore?

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according to them

Just made one.

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>Peter means "rock" or "stone"
damn, just like Pierre
>Nigga what

Kek, this is actually good. Portugal also has the same problem.

Your entire country is a fucking meme.

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how many do you need to post?

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Meant Baltic. My autism got the best of me for a second.

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fuck off kike

Yeah i know. It was a bait to get some spicy memes.
5 D chess.

*Teleport behind you*
That's what transliteration of names is dude. In English it's Peter in french Pierre, in English Michael in French Michelle.

>prophecies are only fulfilled because rich people have nothing better to do than spend great deals of their wealth fulfilling prophecies they don't believe in
God Himself could appear before you and you would believe it's a hallucination.

but I didn't know Peter meant stone
in what language? english?

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It's actually quite fucking hilarious you say that
>its a joke you fuckin autist

The Atlantic slave trade ended 70 years before the civil war.

>it's only a joke
>ur autist for recognizing that i've insinuated my own provocative opinion into the joke

kek d

ok here I'll extend an olive branch for ya bud. I believe in God, revelations is legit. Things still need to happen in the material realm for other things to happen, a lot of money/time/energy is required for these things to happen.

Please go back to r*ddit with this shit.

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That one hurts the britbong.

>telling anyone else to go back and claiming he isn't another newfag that fell for it and mass replying to the same person
b8 always works on summerfags, now keep giving me my (You)s

>deranged retards


You really have no sense of humor do you

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Could be worse, they could be cucked instead.

France shitting on what basically amounts to a British colony which contains a French colony.


just made

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I just posted the 1st memeball I found

They are but not rich enough to be invaded.

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Never knew just how fucked Spain was. Is it the moorish DNA?

This is my favorite.

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Are you a retard? What exactly are you accusing this nice Argentinian of exactly? Being from Reddit because he used a couple of meme flags when posting memeballs!?
I know it's summer but JFC...

Yeah, I thought it was funny. +1 kekpoint for you my froggy friend!

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Two can play at this game!
En garde!

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No, you're right. Bulgaria is in the Balkans.

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I managed to archive some of those stats. Over 80% of gangrapes are committed by non-swedes.

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>those fucking digits

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I'm sure the author will get the message. Thanks

Holy shit! Praise KeK!!

does anyone care though?

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that's not real?

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People are finally waking up. I think you'll like the election this year. I ran out of memeballs for you. 'gotta get to bed anyways! G'night Frenchbro

I hope not
I want to think that they're trolls but I can't assert it
good night man
I really hope Sweden will wake up and survive
t. Normandie

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Requesting the poland retardball dicking Russia ball "with tigers"


good night uuurope
im gonna go eat dinner

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checked and seconded

please no bully russia, they made us feel better after that match with Senegal

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>People are finally waking up
i think you meant welfare gibs for womyn are drying out kek

yeah how did you fuck that up?
I gotta say Russia's fucking great though I would rather have had Egypt than Uruguay continue the competition