ready to help these "refugees"
They have US lawyers hanging out at these detention centers now
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of course they do. its probably that hag Gloria alred leading it too
this country needs to be purged of every last one of these traitorous cunts
Immigration attorney association... they are playing both sides. In Mexico, convincing people to sneak into America, giving them the exact phrasing to say to border agents, then helping them once they are caught. It’s treason, that association should be classified as a terrorist organization
>sues president/chief LEO for country for actually enforcing law
Is Guatemala at war with it's neighbors or something?
#resistance is profitable goyim. now shut up.
they usually just state gang violence.
I personally believe the (((globalists))) like Soros have teams in these SA countries that promise these people are better life if they head to the US. Hence that organized caravan complete with buses and shit a couple months back.
our asylum laws are a fucking joke. i don't think they've ever really been challenged due to the poor optics of doing so. basically what happens is that they're looking to be put on temporary release while they wait for their asylum trial, then they just disappear, never to be seen again. and the govt can't really do shit because they have a decade long backlog and no real dedicated agents that are scouring the US for missing spics who probably gave incorrect information.
Get pulled over for DUI/possession with your kids in the car in most states and see what happens.
Of course, the libs will probably come at this next re: felons, restoring voting rights, etc.
OMG you can't separate a FAMILY just because of a crime! What about the children?!?! REEEEEE!!!
Welcome to the new libenocracy, where only the views of frightened children matter.
I for one, support this.
We can now hang the rats that gather there.
they are required to do pro bono work by the bar. most love these retarded immigrant things because they can go to airport (trump travel ban) or here with border camps and then just call it all probono and just take some names and file some paperwork on things that will never go to court and submit for pro bono work.
>Of course, the libs will probably come at this next
No. You haven't taken the redpill about CPS yet: it's a government sponsored source of child sex slaves
Imagine being a Democrat going into work and having your media bosses inform you the marching orders are to talk about immigration to win the next election.
Nationwide injunction incoming. Fuck the kikes. Resist the courts!
I agree. Lawyers should all hang.
Those lawyers need to hang for treason.
Lmao the absolute state of women. Should mothers be completely immune from the law?
Go to 12:35. Admission that they give kids to anyone that shows up. Pizzagate
>sought asylum at the US border