MARK YES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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LOL I wonder where that money is going to actually go?


It is like all they can think about.


theres that number again...


fuck law and borders and shit
give me 6 million

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6,000,000 Oy Vey!

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Asking us for money when the bitch is worth $75.6 BILLION dollars.

Pay for it yourself you emotionless android fuck.

How about they just send the children to me?


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Its saying he donated to it, he didn't start it. Moron.

Why reunite that child with the parents that sent their child through a mexican gauntlet of rapists, thieves and narcos to get a free welfare check? I know Zuckerberg is an typically evil jew but damn.

so why didn't these liberals donate to poor people BEFORE they had to sneak into the US?
all they're doing is rewarding people for sneaking in

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Once you are aware of their tricks and satanic kike symbology, you can't unsee it.

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Oy Vey you shouldn't ask such racist questions there goy!

>6 gorillion
You just can't make this shit up

Yeah I goy look how human I am, just donated 6 million shekels now use my goybook

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Where the fuck is that money going to? We all know they're not really separating families is this a scam?

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There probably is no money, he just edited the thing to whatever amount he felt like.

>We all know they're not really separating families
You don't know this because they are.

My sides have been holocausted.

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If I had my way they would be executing "families".


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I wonder if any of the kids separated from their parents will be in the pool for sure.

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