Republicans don't have a Majority when they have faggots like >Graham >Flake >Rubio >Collins >Sasse >Corker just because they're Republicans doesn't mean they won't do anything to stop Trump (which they always do)
Grayson Edwards
Zachary Scott
BREAKING: FBI agent Peter Strzok - who texted "We'll stop [ Trump] from becoming president" - was escorted from the FBI building on Friday - CNN reports 0 replies 5 retweets 4 likes
IG Horowitz now says he's no longer convinced the FBI was collecting all of Strzok's and Page's text messages EVEN OUTSIDE THE 5-MONTH BLACKOUT period when it archived none of the texts due to a technical "glitch." So a # of other Strzok responses to Page likely missing
Noah Sanchez
>wow can you believe those libs are comparing trump to hitler libtards am i right??? >fuck spics those kids deserve to be put into concentration camps it's almost funny how little self awareness you retards have
Asher Smith
>BREAKING: Paul Manafort is being held in "solitary confinement" after being jailed by Robert Mueller, former Trump lawyer John Dowd tells Fox News
Aiden White
And Obama had a SUPER majority, does anyone know there is a massive difference between the two?
Horowitz saw the investigation into him in 2016 by the way.
Xavier James
>implying we European give a shit about mutt on mutt violence
Oi do you lot 'ave a being white in public license? You're suppose to have at least on non-white person escorting you or you may be tempted to begin acting in a hateful manner
Juan Walker
>on Friday Why is this being discussed now then?
Tyler Ortiz
>The villages >Small growing community Literally one of the largest self-contained communities in the US And the only reason it's small is because of how touchy they are about who they let in
Colton Mitchell
Juncker decided the US needed to be knocked down a peg. They don't think it be like it is, but it do.
Gavin Cruz
FBI niggers glowing in the dark... FBI niggers spying on us...
Easton James
So now we have a pattern - the named goons don't get fired until the formal release of the relevant IG report. There's going to be a mass firing when the Trump-Russia and FISA abuse IG reports drop.
>BREAKING: Senate Staffer who leaked confidential information to the Press has filed for gag order on Trump Administration to prevent them from speaking about his case - The Hill
Mason James
Reposting in this thread.
Holy shit I knew it was going to be these retarded statistics again. "Native born" includes blacks. When illegals move into black areas, the average crime rate goes down in comparison to what the blacks had it at, like shit-tier gentrification. If a retarded leftist cites these statistics, just ask, "Which ethnic groups that make up 'Natives' do illegal hispanics commit less crime than?" They'll wrack their brain trying to have a good answer without saying blacks, they'll say blacks to buy them more time while they think of the other races, then when they realize it's just blacks they'll call you a racist without admitting their error.
For the people that looked at the statistics and went, "Wew well even despite that, they shouldn't be here," your heart is in the right place but don't accept these retarded statistics. Again, literally blacks. More crime than everyone else.
Isaac Morgan
Trump is going to sick his attack Jews on them They had their chance it back out, they should have taken it
In other words he selectively enforced the law. Thats called being corrupt.
Matthew Ortiz
Hope he sues them for everything they have.
Daniel Martinez
So they are saying that concentration camps have air conditioning, pizza, soft beds, and PS4s? And nobody dies?
Hudson Rodriguez
yeah and the ones in poland were just relocation camps!!! those jews loved it there!
Isaiah Williams
I hope so. But in my heart I know that he and the Republicans will cuck out.
William Gomez
I’m okay with this in 2015 and 2018
Carter Baker
People need to realize it is about BASE TURNOUT
And NOT appealing to the center
Nathaniel Rodriguez
Hitler didn't like killing people We do
Kevin Wright
The same thing happened in Germany. Hitler didn't seize power and start sending Jews on camping trips until the Jews and Communists started a civil war in Germany.
Jose Evans
well melania immigrated here illegally, is Trump corrupt too?
Adrian Wilson
Literally copypasta response. I saw the same statement last thread, verbatim. You're going to have to try harder if you want to earn that minimum-wage paycheck, shareblue.
Joe Hagin White House deputy chief of staff, who led Singapore Summit advance team is resigning. His last day is expected to be July 6. - Senate Staffer who leaked confidential information to the Press has filed for gag order on Trump Administration to prevent them from speaking about his case - The Hill
Nathaniel Adams
*neo-Hitler Papa was far too kind, Trump will not be if they turn him into what they pretend Hitler was
Who does this fucking nigger think he is? A gag order on the PRESIDENT because HE COMMITTED CRIMES? The fucking nerve of these people. Give him the fucking rope.