Found this on /b/, seems like half the thread are typical shills trying to shut it down.
Why are the western elites into satanic occultism?
Found this on /b/, seems like half the thread are typical shills trying to shut it down.
Why are the western elites into satanic occultism?
Other urls found in this thread:
ITT will be shills and shut it downs
Anna's Nov.22 2014 White House Photo
Anna's post of an odd Compass Similar to One on Obama Pic
Anna's "Hex" post on NRA/Curse Trump
Anna's planned parenthood post
Anna mentioning israel/Palestine stage play
Odd hazard material research reference
Anna's first Instagram Post (Dressed as Red Amanita Mushroom, one eye exposed. October 27, 2013 captioned "From one mushroom to another~ Here we begin the nights of Hallows eve)
More similar designs in a drawing book of hers
Captioned "My hexes grow best amount plant life'
You can never change the fact that a black man was president.
I don't care what his skin color was. That doesn't bother me at all. What bothers me is that he was a Crypto-muslim communist.
Barrack Obama in Aramaic means lightning from heaven
This thread is obviously not concerned with race and Jow Forums doesn't care about being accused of racism. You shills are always so clueless, tone-deaf, and inept.
Ooooo.... this is real bad
>eyebrows don't match
>forehead doesn't match
>jawline doesn't match
k senpai
Yeah it's fucked. Moloch is even referenced in a Hillary Clinton forwarded email in the Wikileaks archive
We've been doing this for almost a week now
Fucking \b\ is slow
It's called not being blind
So what is Artur Davis doing there you low test clown
someone just photoshop his face into the mask. I know that's way out there, conspiracy fringe thinking though
Because autistic people have trouble telling faces apart.
Mask creator does look similar to how Obama looks in it or whatever too.. could be either one of them in that photo... but yah, Obama's friend
This reminds me of pedo start and Jarret naked with glow in the dark paint
You know how I know you're a shill?
free food
like kids
Stinks like summer in here
>artfag who studies facial structure on a daily basis
close but no cigar
looks like Obama but this fella has a different hairline and brow structure
all niggers look the same but this guys is a little more gnomey and round as well
not the same guy
Sorry shlomo
not really
bump for interest
angle from party photo is higher up
That's what max spiers and james casbolt spoke about. Max is dead and james is locked up
Kek, deep state is crumbling and blackmailed pedophile faggots are still forced to spam their shitty psy ops on this board. Imagine being so worthless that you're forced to do this all day every day.
lol i know blacks all look the same but that aint him
Seems kinda fake and gay 2bh
No, but we can destroy his legacy
Not him. This "scandal" is disinfo.
Q predicted this
I like how none of you try and debunk Artur tho
nigger smiles out the right side of his mouth
raises his right cheek and right nostril
left eye is opened wider than right (like a lot of these fucks)
>kys btw
You have to be fucking retarded to believe that Obama was actually Muslim, his dad was but Obama was not a practicing Muslim in any way. I'm still waiting for him to enforce Sharia Law in the US, cuz that's all I heard about for the eight years he was president.
>Obama isn't muslim
So what is he? An arab pagan?
Are you sure?
What Daedric prince is this?
>Why are the western elites into satanic occultism?
because they actually don't believe in an afterlife and do it for the lols and their sick minds
>seems like half the thread are typical shills trying to shut it down
too bad, cause that's pretty much where it belongs
Wasn't he like legit half black? Like his mother was white or something?
so it's not really a black president.
Actually it's not his race I have a problem with
There are pretty much no "real" black people in America if you want to use that argument. Vast majority of our niggers have some measure of European DNA.
Molag-Bal's female form
So They consistently do satantic rituals for decades upon decades while using occult symbolism in media........because they dont believe in it?
retard much?
could be just a prank or a marketing gimmick/meme.
e.g music industry. Just slap some occult symbology in you videos and watch how tin foilers crawl out of the woodwork and rewatch it over and over trying to grasp nothing while the artist makes money off every click
nose bridge is different
cranium is different
hairline is different
smile is different
jaw/chin is different
eye bags look different
earlobes might be different
>eat shit and die btw
then learn to greentext
This must be undercover leftist thread where they post stupid shit then talk about how wrong we are when this dude's instagram literally has this picture at a different angle and it isn't obama.
"Heh right wingers can't do simple research, no wonder they believe anything they read"
>Guy is wearing a literal mask
That is the shittiest photo I have ever seen to prove something.
Obama is literally the Whitest Black guy on earth, the amount of vile shit spewed at him making him out to be some sort of Warlord Satanist is comical.
So theyve just been larping for decades then. Doing satantic rituals for shits and giggles in private for a larp.......
>cuz that's all I heard about for the eight years he was president.
No it isn't you fucking liar. That's the strawman you heard the left make fun of any time someone criticized Obama.
You weak minded fuck. At least build your own straw man.
been discussing it for days here
Skippy Nooo!!!!
>This must be undercover leftist thread where they post stupid shit then talk about how wrong we are
His spirit cooking photos are worse
>in private for a larp.......
Kinda like Jow Forums's LARPs yes. It's highly probably.
I mean think about it, Pizza Gate for instance. It all seems like an elaborate ruse to fuck with places or people like these.
>Shills incoming
They're pretty fucked up beyond belief and these people held positions of power:
>1666 Sabbatean-Frankist Illuminati History
>The Sabbatean-Frankists: The Luciferian Sect of Judaism
>Sabbatai Zevi & Jacob Frank
I'm not asking for a rebellion, but a large quiet show of force instead to put things in order, because it is only going to get worse.
Artur Davis
>earlobes might be different
yeah his feet too
no, boomers really are this dumb. see the 5 million #TucsonHabbening #ChildSexCamp threads that amounted to exactly nothing, yet again
Can't forget Colonel Micheal Aquino who founded the Temple of Set, and he was part of the NSA. But what they don't mention on kikepedia is that Bush 41 and the 322 Skull and Bones crew from Yale are also top ranking members.
That's where there thread should have ended.
God I hate you retarded children so much.
connected ear lobes.
lack of eye brows.
posting in a glowing thread
His hairline is fucked up when it grows out- it's all scraggly and shit
>using shame on an anonymous board
They’re all Longhorn fans.
In all seriousness, Laura Bush and dubyas daughters went to UT so that at least explains them doing it.
Yes. Pretend to be a pol poster, shitpost. Screenshot. Use at lefty sites to expose right wing thought.
Also it infects pol, some lower iq fags here may take the bait and believe it. So it's win-win for shills.
lol. dumbass shlomo BTFO
why not just compare Obamas height to the man in they are side by side. Is Obama really taller than he?
the sad psyop going on in here, it's adorable how powerless you are
Where is that?
They are not.
I have done tonnes of research and have made my own conclusion that the evidence is just too vague.
Take the most powerful people in the world - i'm not talking about puppets like our politicians - i'm talking about the richest of the richest like Jeff Bezos, Gates, or anybody on the Forbes Rich List. Over the summer of 2016 (had tonnes of free time) i used my free time to research them all - i have found zero evidence these people are into the occult - NONE. Zero. Nada. Not even on George Soros. In fact most of them are Atheists.
So why in the fuck do people still believe this conspiracy? Skull and Bones? Freemasons? - these are all just fancy networking clubs and frats for rich men and you fucking know it.
yep, nothing to see here. Move along.
Somebody already did that
It's something to do with his new Netflix show.
Then again, this is absurd.
I dont give a fuck about celebrities or politicians -they are fucking nothing in terms of power!
Show me somebody like Jeff Bezos is into the occult or anybody on the Forbes list.