>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
TrumpTV Weekly Updates:
>Pres Trump speaks @Natl Space Coucil meet 6/18/18
>VP Pence meets w/Natl Space Council 6/18/18
>DepPressSec Gidley on F&F 6/18/18
>DirCitizenship/Immigration Serv Cissna on F&F 6/18/18
>SpiceDaddy on Americas Newsroom 6/18/18
>SoS Pompeo in Detroit MI on Trade 6/18/18
>DHSSec Nielsen @Natl Sheriffs Assoc Conf 6/18/18
>AG Sessions @Natl Sheriffs Assoc Conf 6/18/18
>AG Sessions @DoJ World Elder Abuse Day 6/18/18
>DoJ IG Horowitz/FBIDir Wray @Senate 6/18/18
>VChairJCS AFGen Selva @US Global Leadership Coalition 6/18/18
>DefDepVideo: Doggos 6/18/18
>WHVideo: Meeting of the Natl Space Council 6/18/18
>TrumpTV Weekly Update #40 (Lara) 6/18/18
>WH Press Brief (Sarah, DHSSec Nielsen) 6/18/18
>Pres Trump Weekly Address #54 6/16/18
>DefSec C.H.A.O.S. Mattis Commencement Address @US Merchant Marine Academy 6/16/18
>A Message from President Trump 6/15/18
OP pastebin:
Trump is a flabby, spoiled cunt whose started his day for 4 decades by having his hair and make up done for him... He's a humongous faggot, in other words.
That said, I don't see why everyone's freaking out about the border policy. Can't put kids and adults in the same jail, that would be even more fucked up.
Why are liberals pushing the "Trump Seperation Policy" meme so hard?
Because it's all they have. Everything else (economy, war on terror, North Korea summit, jobs) is going really, really well for Trump.
Very funny, I don't remember that brain cancered faggot crying about this when Obama was doing it at double the rate.
Fuck demcorats.
Fuck the OP.
Lol you faggots lost
To distract from the IG report.
Horowitz Hearing is finally over
lol not so much Amnesty Don these days
Anything good?
Amnesty Don is starting anudda shoah on the illegals
>No /ptg/ in the title
58 seconds ago
The U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley says the country is withdrawing from the UN's Human Rights Council
Literally the democrats are the ones blocking, POTUS already said he would but only has 2 of their votes. How has this treacherous RINO not been kicked the fuck out of his party yet; ESPECIALLY after the Arab Spring? Fucking die already Tumah-Head
>should we fix the issue
>no, Republicans need to get rid of their zero tolerance policy
Reminder to kill all lefties when the war happens, don’t let them convince you they’ve changed.
US "is officially withdrawing from the UN Human Rights Council," announces @nikkihaley.
#UN Human Rights Council is "a hypocritical and self-serving organization that makes a mockery of human rights," says @nikkihaley. "The situation on the council has gotten worse."
" I want to make it crystal clear that this step is not a retreat from our human rights commitments," adds @nikkihaley.
"Many un-free countries simply do not want the council to be effective," says @nikkihaley.
Russia, China, Cuba and Egypt "attempted to undermine" US reform effort, according to @nikkihaley.
US frustrated that "like-minded countries were unwilling to seriously challenge the status quo" -- even behind closed doors, says @nikkihaley.
when will the European Union storm the beaches of Delaware and Maryland, march on Washington DC and liberate the United States from this tyranny?
About Germany crime stats
> Total crime is down, mostly because German crime is down
> "Non German" crime tho is up, and so is violent crime and murders
> violent crime is up in comparison to 2013 (despite being down for the past year)
> "non german" crime is sky high
> murders are way way up
> rape as well, not in this chart but it is about 60% up
All in all they're lying with stats once again.
Which thread
Only thing that stuck out was that when the FBI wentvto interview Hillary, they didnt make a verbatim transcript. They instead chosecto write a summary of the interview. Essentially Gowdy got Horowitz to say that the FBI botched Hillarys case to the point that it can never fully be done right even if they tried.
>“Earlier this year, as it has in previous years, the Human Rights Council passed five resolutions against Israel — more than the number passed against North Korea, Iran and Syria combined,” Nikki R. Haley, the American ambassador to the United Nations, said in a speech on Tuesday.
>“This disproportionate focus and unending hostility toward Israel is clear proof that the council is motivated by political bias, not by human rights.”
>“If the Human Rights Council is going to attack countries that uphold human rights and shield countries that abuse human rights, then America should not provide it with any credibility,” Ms. Haley said.
As we noted below, this is first time a member has voluntarily left the Council.
The United States now joins
- Iran,
- North Korea
- Eritrea
as the only countries that refuse to participate in the council’s meetings and deliberations.
Trump likely knows that. He's not spelling out loud (it's not 2013 anymore) but he knows the disparity in crime by race, ethnicity and citizenship status
the council is a fucking meme, just used as a way for muslim countries to bitch
So are we more free?
The Left gave McCain the Stephen Hawking Treatment. They purchased his near-dead corpse from the family. Now they can make him say whatever the fuck they want legally.
>disarm the populace
>give guns to convicted felons
>give more rights to illegal aliens than citizens
>attack the nuclear family and promote abortion
Why are Leftists so dark and evil?
#BREAKING Secretary of State Mike Pompeo:
> "The Human Rights Council has become an exercise in shameless hypocrisy with many of the world's worst human rights abuses going ignored and some of the worst human rights offenders sitting on the council itself,"
House Judiciary member Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC) unmasked the ID of anti-Trump, pro-Hillary FBI investigators referred for punishment by IG. One is SALLY MOYER who allegedly was having a romantic relationship with a male FBI attorney, mirroring Page & Strzok
Saudi Arabia BTFO
So, if a Mexican family comes here illegally and Dad kills someone in a drunk driving accident, do we now have to keep him with his family by libfag logic? I'm 100% down for throwing the whole family in jail if that's how they want it, so let's give it a try!
>portu falling for this thread
Losing your touch
I'm glad that folks are onboard with this.
The USAF already had an "Earth Defense Force" type program back in the 1960's.
It uses real space craft, not rockets.
The USAF area is near Earth, and the USN claims they have jurisdiction of everything out beyond the USAF zone.
President Trump is getting us conditioned for a disclosure event which has to happen within the next few years. The US federal government has put this off for as long as they have been able, but an event is coming up that will make any further delay impossible.
What the fuck is going on in the FBI? Is there no such thing as conflict of interest?
deep state is actually freaking out cause they are exposed
They say that they only come here to work (not live off government gibs, whish is what they actually do).
Put them all together in a work camp.
Enjoy camp putos!
Kevin Kleinsman?
Why the FUCK hasn’t he died yet? I thought he had brain aids.
>BREAKING NEWS: House Judiciary member Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC) unmasked the ID of anti-Trump, pro-Hillary FBI investigators referred for punishment by IG. One is Sally Moyer who was having a romantic relationship with a male FBI attorney, mirroring Page & Strzok - Paul Sperry
The FBI is a US federal agency.
The entire federal government is an out of control criminal crime syndicate.
The only viabel solution is for the states to secede from the union and dissolve the federal government.
Hi guys. What about "russian hackers" and "election collusion"? Is it in media still?
will they execute them?
will they put them in Fema Coffins
will they read Them a story and Tuck them in?
stay tuned As the World Turns
>how can he dehumanize ms-13 by calling them animals!
We are using them being mean to Jews as an excuse to leave.
>shitty of brotherly love
Yes, they were telling us let all migrants into the US.
I'd like to propose a solution to human overpopulation. It would be a manufactured STD aimed at reducing sperm counts in males. Deployed in three countries with the highest populations. I present Project Genophage.
Answer me this jew boy:
Why is it that every place that mexicans infest (including mexico) becomes a bankrupt hell hole?
You know what you need? More mexicans in israel!
Take all you want.
You are not safe yet Ivan.
>Man grows beard and begins to think he is tough by threatening a geriatric old man.
>In other news, Onions linked to making men pussies.
>all people
>black, brown, queer trans, atheist & immigrant
Truly Philly is proud to have such a fine member representing in them Congress. How can other districts compete!
I want to point out that @MikePenceVP isn't actually Mike Pence
Butthurt gayer is butthurt
>our nation was built on having a non-stop flow of beaners enter the country
Mccain gets the rope.
I just noticed that. It's fan account it says. Basedboy can't even be man enough to tweet to the real VP account for Pence
s... o... y... b... o... y ... guess they are back to filtering
Why mods are such huge fags?
They don't like others cumming on their hotpockets
They filter everything that gets used too much. just like t-b-h, f-a-m, s-o-y, and s-m-h
Go throw some batteries at Santa, you fucking cuck.
leftists love mexicans a lot more than they tolerate Americans.
Make us all happy.
Deport the leftists down to mexico and let them live in paradise surrounded by stinkin' criminal mexicans 24/7 while we get to live surrounded by Americans.
Make America & mexico Great Again! (except that mexico can't be great as long as it is infested with mexicans)
why won’t he die?
reddit is right.
Trump really is Hitler, no doubt about it.
His security agency has already identified all of reddit over the internet and by monitoring your phone (microphone monitoring and tracking device).
You are all going away to work camps.
Enjoy your stay! I know that we will enjoy your being gone.
So that shit still going on?
It's all a distraction since the white house dropped their rule on health insurance today
McCain died a long time ago.
What you see is just an animated zombie corpse.
He can't retire yet, he still has evil to do.
It was worse than ever two weeks ago, but now they are crying about literal concentration camps now.
How hard is this pos to kill?
>literal concentration camps
Lol thats just too good to be true
Your support of Trump is tacit support for Trump extreme zionism. Top priorities should be to promote family values, end immigration and make the US a christian nation again. None of these things are seriously taking place right now. Instead we have Pro-Israel policy with shiny little tokens given to the anti-immigration crowd to justify going all in for Israel. You are a sell out like all the others, maybe with good intention but thats what it is.