What does Jow Forums think of arranged marriages?
What does Jow Forums think of arranged marriages?
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>pit hair
>nipple piercing
>average face
But not that gross right? I mean, I wouldn't. Of course not. Heh.
>pit hair
what is wrong with you?
That's a prime breeding sow.
I wish I had one. Finding a person to spend your life with is hard. I wouldn't mind just being forced into it.
Homo alert.
Piercings are shit always though
If I get a hot wife that is loyal, can cook, is a virgin, enthusiastic about sex, and would be the perfect mother?
All for it.
But as it stands now?
I refuse to be tied down to some roastie.
arranged marriages are good for a well defined society with strong gender roles, although there should be some protection against bad marriages like abusers etc
She has a cute face. Nipple piercings are meh. Pit hairs are fine, and those aren't even pit hairs. That's pit stubble, which is boner inducing.
a quick reverse search on google you lazy leaf
This but I'd eagerly settle for a cute smile and bright eyes.
>badly cut pit hair
I'd call her a mama bunny.
it's not badly cut, she just hasn't shaven in a few days
you might be gay, user
didn't work
Had a kid I knew and was kinda friends with in High school get married at age 16 in an arranged marriage through his church. The girl he married was a nice little submissive 18yo qt 3.14 . They were really religious though. Even 2 years after they married he still hadn't popped her cherry because "sex is only for procreation" and they were not ready to start a family.
>arranged marriages
they're alright if neither party is against it
>tfw you like piercings but they are associated with degenerates
why do degenerates ruin everything?
Sauce on this titcow?
How did he justify masturbation?
Random Roastie #7593767
OH Grow up, 007
>its Kelsey Berneray
made for black cock
was there a question? i was just staring at tits admiring them then all the sudden i saw her pits.
Arranged married is the superior cultural choice. Marriage for love is a joke, idealism is smashed by reality everytime. I grew up in an occult faith that practices both arranged marriage & polygamy, I've never had any of the problems people who marry for love have, that said ibe known my first wife since we were both in HS. Love is earned, lust is fleeting. Give up the idea of marriage for love and grow up.
>That's pit stubble, which is boner inducing.
I thought I was the only one.
It would fix the issue of there being a lot of single men in the west and increase the white birth rate.
what faith?
Arranged marriages are the ideal choice
Lowest divorce rate, highest rates of happiness.
go on
I don't think he did masturbate. Probably thought if he spent too long even scrubbing himself in the shower he would go to hell. Funny thing about him was his father grew up Amish, and ended up a deeply religious electrician.
It's the only trad way for marriage.
My god, if she actually used those pants for something other than whoring, absolutely. There must be more redheads in the world.
Higher success rates than non-arranged marriages.
hmm, I wonder why people are against it then
Unironically based and something we need to learn again
>Even 2 years after they married he still hadn't popped her cherry because "sex is only for procreation" and they were not ready to start a family.
The world will mock him but everybody is secretly jealous of such a pure relationship.
Do you think he owned magic underwear too?
They can be good when a little flexible in terms of the opinions of people getting married, and with options to leave if they turn out really bad.
Feminism trying to convince girls that they are the same as men and there's no such thing as gender roles is a real problem, as they target the nuclear family and snowball over generations to really disrupt society and birthrates.
Ability to pair-bond and nurture children is really important, no one wants to be forced in with a wife who will be disloyal.
Kelsey Berneray. Found it through RIS.
I think those disgusting cow tits deserve to be slapped and abused.
titlet detected
Potentially based. Certainly, one's wider family needs to be involved in the courting process so there's same sense of shame and need for dignity.
those mammals
kelsey berneray
Here's a short video of her flashing her ass and milkers in public: theboobsblog.com
Also, something something arranged marriages
Damn straight. I'd make them titties fly all over the place. Grunting the entire 5 minutes.
it seems that instead of correctly adding pithair you removed what little remained of it
>not removing the piercing
>removing the stubble
>not removing the nipple piercing
Leave it to another 8th grader to ruin everything.
There's that disgusting belly button piercing too
>...still hadn't popped her cherry because "sex is only for procreation"
The absolute state of christcucks. Sex is a sacred rite of initiation desu.
Superior. Giving priority to women's romantic preferences has brought immeasurable ruin to many nations and continues to hurt our world today. When women choose their mate they pick the most brutal, savage, violent, the serial-killers and rapists. These are not the genes that create a good society - intelligence, future minded, creativity, caring for his community and future offspring.
Fucking gross, laser that shit off.
Here you go.
this is just a picture of brittany venti you retard
>What does Jow Forums think of arranged marriages?
Sadly underrated and demonized.
(1) The Disney "happily ever-after"/"love at first sight"-ism is incredibly damaging; especially as it tends to excuse feminism's "I don't *FEEL* loved"-motivated infidelity justification.
(2) The demonization of it is essentially predicated on the subtly-implanted idea that your parents *don't* want you to ha happy, on any level.
Can I make you marry someone you don't want to?
There's your answer.
Well if there were arranged marriages I wouldn't be alone right now. There is however the risk of being forced to be with a complete uggo, so that sucks.
whats the difference between marriage and arranged marriage
one is a mutual choice, the other is chosen for you
no no no
looks like a dude with long hair and tits desu
why this meme took hold again?
huge tits override everything.
your closet homosexuality is showing
don't change canada
Seems super shitty.
Fucking Tyrone stop.
most people on this site are fine with that.
what a waste
>has piecings
>is a degenerate
I fucking told you
>tfw no gf
There you go, reichtified
Ah... too late.
your a horrible person
do not kill yourself