We will never have an ethnostate unless you get rid of christcucks and cutfags.
>you will never have an ethnostate unless you remove literally anyone but 100% devout white ethno-nationalists zealout.
Its almost like its a pipe dream used to get gullible idiots to ruin their own lives.
Yes basedboy. Allow your nation to be infested.
Dude. A good portion of this country was originally part of mexico.
There are indigenous people everywhere from Alaska to Hawaii. Its not some pure white bastion that is suddenly under assault.
> youll never have what christians had for centuries unless you go full swede euphoric
Serious mental masturbation there nigger, nys already...
Even in shit liberal america race mixing was prohibted until americans threw away the cross. Youre the fucking problem, not any religion, just stupid coward euphorocucks
lmao how does it feel to literally be an advocate for satan
>United methodists
they dont go to his actual church, methodists are everywhere and miserable
Methodist Church's contain crypto Jews I believe. That's why the Cross on the symbol has the Flame, respresenting their Kabbalism Occult symbology.
I have no idea what's it like to be a lefty. Tell us more
God will always win, my misguided friend. It will go easier for you if you would just accept that and learn to appreciate the mighty arm of the LORD. He has made all things and willed all things and His kingdom will never end.
>600 people
>In a religion held by tens of millions
Really makes you think
Bullshit. We took it, and all of Mexico, from Mexico in a fucking war. Then we gave them back what is current day Mexico.
ffs crack a history book once in your life.
>if you don't worship jew god, obviously you worship the jew devil
never thought I'd see the day where I'm too traditionalist for christianity.
> 12 million members globally
> 600 condemn Jeff Sessions
Wow, Rethuglicans BTFO! These close personal confederates of nazi Attorney General Jeff Sessions are finally cutting their ties with him, proving how isolated and extreme his views are. Aren't you glad CNN could report on this?
the kingdom of Israel dwells within your heart, and Jesus Christ is the only person you should be listening to. "Christian Churches" are full of jewish subversion--even the Catholic Church elected a communist as their Pope, although "elected" may be the wrong word since Wikileaks indicated Obama and the Deep State had his predecessor forced out and installed the current commie jew to the papal throne.
Jesus Christ didn't believe in free Gibs since it fosters dependency (and virtually all illegal "refugees" are coming for the gibs globalist NGOs run by jews like Soros promise them) and he also believed in State rights. Render unto Caesar, all that.
Mexico owned the southwest US for 38 years and never settled it because indians kept killing them when they tried. That's why mexico let americans settle Texas, Mexicans would rather go to jail than to Texas. In fact, during the US-Mexican war, northern Mexico proper was found to be depopulated thanks to comanche terror.
This guy knows what's up.
Kill yourself right now
> article claiming its news that some random people share our opinion blah blah blah
The left is so pathetic. Frankly they've become fucking boring.
>Sure, I take the same side as the kikes and Satanists against Christianity, but I'm totally not WITH them.
Fuck you.
>Orania gave you a blueprint for a White ethnostate
>both the Orientals and the Asiatics of the Indian sub-continent are smart about pooling resources in order to afford the unaffordable; giving preference to their own so that all members of their homogeneity do not have to be independently wealthy or six-figure earners to enjoy a homogeneous society. how many areas of the US have Asian-centric "Chinatown's"? What is a Chinatown if not a Yellow ethnostate within a state?
How ironic. A bunch of hypocirtes who likely forgot the biblical command for arbitration against a brother. He is to be brought by a member to the elders not openly flogged in the public. For shame. These (((Christians))) are likely psuedo kikes and wolves in sunday school clothing. K mart collection.
What is:
>the Mexican-American war
>the Gadsen purchase and why did it cost $10 Million
>La Raza indoctrination
>settling swamp land chocked full of savages and turning it into 2 of the worlds most powerful economic engines