The less I give a shit, the less leftists bother me. Ever since I moved out of my folks' house and got my own place, I realized that I don't have time for the Outrage-of-the-Day.
>All this blubbering about muh childrens or muh Drumpf
I genuinely don't give a fuck. I have so little power that I've decided politics are not my problem.
All I want is to mind my own business. The Left will self-destruct if I don't acknowledge them.
Apathy pill: Breaking the Conditioning?
I miss her. Anyone have that fashwave version of that pic?
Apathy pill: Breaking the Patriarchy?
The less I give a shit, the less conservatives bother me. Ever since I was evicted for assaulting my roommate and got adopted by a stranger on the internet, I realized that I don't have time for the Misgender-of-the-Day.
>All this blubbering about muh binary choice or muh chromosomes
I genuinely don't give a fuck. I have so little power that I've decided labels are not my problem.
All I want is to mind my own transition. The Patriarchy will self-destruct if I don't acknowledge them
>Ever since I moved out of my folks' house and got my own place, I realized that I don't have time for the Outrage-of-the-Day.
Faggot, you never had what it takes. A tourist, a LARPer, someone that will never be worth knowing. A towel boy.
post pics
Yes goy stop caring
Imagine being this assblasted by roasties you've never met
Hard NO
They spread like a disease because people ignored them and left them to their own devices.
Never again.
You sound like a flustered woman, that lets her husband fill out her ballot, because "between all the blowjobs I give, and shopping, and the kids, I don't have time or sophistication to do the right thing, now fuck my ass while I skim this Williams Sonoma catalog for some new stainless steel tit clamps."
You are just like that, but probably also on anti-depressants or YADHD speed.
nah the left will come for you and fuck you too, they control almost everything. I get your sentiment though
Crypto-Judaism is the secret adherence to Judaism while publicly professing to be of another faith; practitioners are referred to as "crypto-Jews" (origin from Greek kryptos – kρυπτός, 'hidden').
Welcome to adulthood. Most of us cant be bothered to give a shot about crying bitches.
>Welcome to adulthood. Most of us cant be bothered
You only speak for your spineless self, child. No man I know would ever talk that defeatist faggotry.
tell me more!
>the left will come and fuck you too
young adult(18-40) hyperactivity attention deficit, disorder. Expensive and legal amphetamine cocktails are the only know cure. And black dick.
hmm. black dick sounds expensive. i’ll take a vial of zyme for 50 credits.
bump, because OP is such a weak faggot that will be raising children with a gender spectrum
Poor choice. Nothing makes you focus more than running from a fully engorged black dick. Nothing
This is the noise Jow Forums makes when someone doesn't conform to their retarded notions of how the world must be. When someone just wants to be left alone and not be brainwashed into their faggotry, their Spergs flare up.
>When someone just wants to be left alone
go do that
>he thinks I won't raise my kids as Trad Catholics who reject degeneracy and modernism
>Catholics who reject degeneracy and modernism
>Not raising them to aspire to be the allfather, Odin
Also, stop saying "trad." You aren't do pressed for time that you can't be a all-in dipshit.
bump, to cull the weak from stronk, chaff from wheat, pussies from dicks and assholes, etc.
OP brings up a good point, to avoid.
You can be as traddy as you want, but if you want to be Catholic, you have to be in communion with Pope Frank and his den of thieves until his fat ass kicks the bucket. You also must submit to the authority of the bishops, who by and large are money-grubbing degenerates.
>The less I give a stay awake, the less leftists bother me. Ever since I moved out of my folks' house and got my own place, I've been so sleepy.
>>All this blubbering about current day
>I genuinely feel sleepy. I have so little energy that I've decided politics are not my problem.
>All I want is to have a nap. The Left will self-destruct if I get a little shut-eye.
bump, because I'm old and lost a lot to be the immovable right-wing asshole I am today. feels good