Peter Strzok was escorted from FBI building last Friday! Was there a thread on this then? WHY report it now?
>inb4 "CNN" "News"
Im aware CNN probably delayed it on purpose but guys this could lead to happenings.
>Peter Strzok was escorted from FBI building last Friday!
In cuffs?
Feds chose their sides, and will now abide by the consequences. We just have to keep going.
I guess his usefulness as a stool pigeon is done.
he will soon commit suicide with 3 shots to the back of the head.
Holy fuck are eagles huge? or is it just close to the camera
Bingo, it's close to the camera. But in all seriousness the bird could kill that girl I'm seconds.
Peter Strozk showed no political bias in his actions and should not be fired because he was investigating Trump-Russia collusion and the nothing burger emails. To me, he is the unofficial leader of the #Resistance and should be allowed to stay and continue his important work with Mueller.
You will be held to account Trump!
It's easy to see the dinosaur connection when they are fucking huge and pointy like that I guess, cool shit thanks user.
>Take this (You) and covet it greedily
.last friday
check the catalogue faggot.
escorted by whom?
Police, friends?
golden eagles eat fawns man they are big bois
flag rejected
>still with the FBI
>under internal investigation for improper behavior
trump is losing so hard you'll take any little victory you get, huh?
Will do! I think dinosaurs were for the most part just really big flightless birds. No surprise (((Spielberg))) lied to us.
his wife still has a big job with the SEC
I can see into the future. Here is a quote from WAPO "Internal investigation by the FBI finds that he did nothing wrong and that trump is an evil meany. REEEEEEEEE"
Two down.
One to go.
He’s with the FBI because he’s being questioned, that’s the law. Now that his questioning is over, he is being escorted, fired and probably tried. But keep pretending Trump isn’t burning you faggots alive in the most epic slow burn in history.
Attention Walmart Shoppers!
These people smell like cabbage.
Of all the people he chose to fuck, he picked these two???
In 30 years he will head the NRA.
>thinking Trump is losing, still
the Dems havent had a win in literally years
Escorts. Can’t you reeeeeeed?
This is the problem with having a "deep state" with any power at all. These people are entirely incompetent. Most of them barely make 6 figures. If they were SMART, or GOOD AT THEIR JOB, they wouldn't work for the alphabet agencies. Can anyone even name a CIA action that was not a complete disaster besides stuxnet? These people are fools and everything they touch turns to shit.
>besides stuxnet
Stuxnet was NSA TAO, senpai
When the demorats win, the country loses.
NSA seems legit desu
>every time something seems like it might hapoen i get disappointed
>seems like more and more we're slipping back into the ratrace of centrist reps/dems fighting on the same side for globalist goals
>tfw the IG report crushed my hopes
>tfw this happens
fuck me
>Holy fuck are eagles huge? or is it just close to the camera
Both, Eagles are actually fucking huge IRL you definately get shocked the first time you saw one of these bald headed motherfucker.
eww gross a Jew
*washes hands*
the gigantic nosed, yellowed teethed ugly motherfucker is right tho
Good, the Razorbacks need a new coach.
It's so hard to find escorts since they shut down backpage