How come no one in the cities voted for Trump?

How come no one in the cities voted for Trump?

The cities are where you can find the most high IQ members of society because they're the only ones who have the mental capacity to sustain more complex social structures that allow them to reach a higher form of civilization.

So how come all the most intelligent people in America voted for Hillary? What was it about her platform that was so appealing to these far more evolved individuals? Does anyone know?

Pic related is an electoral map from 2016, all the dark blue areas are places where Hillary got more than 90% of the vote.

Attached: manhattan.png (826x1656, 419K)

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Source on this? Reverse image search says you made it on paint

Nah. All the intelligent people live in the burbs and generally vote republican. Cities are just giant roach motels for our undesirables.

>I'm so intelligent that I'm going to spend 5 hours a day commuting.

No. Literally every high IQ person lives in the center of the city. That is not up for debate.

then source it faggot

Source what, faggot?

In Canada the cities are different, they aren't filled with filthy streets low-income neighborhoods and ghettos.

American intercities (with some exceptions) are usually the worst portions of the urban area and are filled with ghettos and drugs. The suburbs, on the other hand, are filled with nice townhouses, majority white, and Asian neighborhoods, and a high income, high IQ population.

>high iq
Tell me where niggers live again.

In ghettos just outside the cities.

The working class in cities voted for Trump massively. Its an attempt at psychological engineering to paint this is urban vs rural. They want to hide the fact it would look more like a class war, if it boiled over.

The higher the iq, the more left.

>The cities are where you can find the most high IQ members of society

Attached: AverageIqByState.jpg (750x423, 69K)

>The working class in cities voted for Trump massively.

I'm not saying they didn't. What I'm saying is that the most ultra high IQ members of society voted for Hillary.

>no source
>”that’s not up to debate”
>fails to mention that most us cities are minority white and asian
>fails to mention that the largest minority in just about every major city is black or hispanic (both of whom vote overwhelmingly democrat)
>fails to mention black and hispanic iq

6 out of the 9 dark green states voted for Hillary.

>willingly choosing to live with niggers
City folk are the dumbest of the dumb.

Attached: 1528341115090.jpg (500x378, 172K)

>most us cities are minority white and asian


Attached: 800px-Manhattan_race.png (800x838, 120K)

>have the mental capacity to sustain more complex social structures that allow them to reach a higher form of civilization.

Lol, ok. Saged

>The cities are where you can find the most high IQ members of society because they're the only ones who have the mental capacity to sustain more complex social structures that allow them to reach a higher form of civilization.

Clearly you've never been to New York.

Look up the demographics of nyc, philly, detroit, houston, chicago, los angeles, boston, new haven, etc

Then make sure to remember to kill yourself for being such a retard


Attached: adeewf.jpg (960x541, 97K)

propaganda is easier to disseminate in large cities.

and the echo chamber effect of large cities like this, makes it more effective.

Ultra high IQ has the same voting power as those "rural retards" so derided against.

I'm not saying they don't, I just want to know what made Hillary's platform so appealing to ultra high IQ individuals.

>shilling this hard

Nice 18 year old chart my friend.
Surely nothing has changed in the past two decades. Especially not in Manhattan where the global war on terror began resulting in huge political demographic and migratory shifts.

>ultra high IQ members
>niggers, spics, and coal burning white trash have ultra high IQ

Big keks

It's only logical that the most ultra high IQ people would live in the most desirable areas. I don't see how that's controversial. Why would anyone deliberately decide to live in a shithole?

>willingly choosing to live next to niggers

Attached: 1511740568418.gif (350x260, 1.84M)

Here are some more recent statistics. The percentage of white people has actually increased since then, so you're wrong.

Probably the unfettered access to cheap labor which makes their luxury goods cheaper. These are the winners of society, remember, and the winners take at the expense of the losers.

Manhatten is an odd example of this just because it's Trump's home. NYC knows Trump, he's lived with them and interacted with them for decades. It's why everyone in that city fucking hates his guts.

Please explain why you consider cities to be the most desirable areas. Bonus points for using logic!

Because everything is closer to where you are.

It really wasn't at all. The "high IQ individuals" either voted for Trump out of autism, or voted for Hillary because Trump was a horrifyingly bad option in comparison. Nobody WANTED Hillary, no one. She was just the only alternative to Trump.

No, all the high IQ people live in the city. No one in the city voted for Trump.

It's easier to live in the city than in rural areas.
You're disconnected from reality in a city. Your thoughts are fed to you by mass media.
Socialism is an easier sell to a cityboy than to a cowboy.
Cities are closer to the matrix than anything else.
High IQ people prefer Trump any day over Hillary, this board is a proof of that.

Attached: 110 iq leftists reject reality.jpg (1187x652, 222K)

>It's easier to live in the city than in rural areas.

No that's not true, it's far more expensive, it requires you to be highly skilled and adaptive and also to have a more advanced level of social maturity.

>Manhattan is a city
Dumb cunt.

Now you're just being ignorant. It is a fact that major city centers draw in highly EDUCATED people, not high iq people. Being highly educated isn't a bad thing, it's just the not the same as naturally high iq. Trump's a fucking idiot and most fucking idiots did in fact vote for him, but I doubt there was a concrete correlation between IQ and likelyhood to vote for Hillary.

>encouraging The Leaf

Attached: 1493142232344.png (368x495, 218K)

In Canada they are not that different.

The main difference is our governments put a lot of ghettos into the suburbs so they aren't massive inner-city housing projects like the US.
But now we have more and larger ghettos in the suburbs.

Middle-class people from the suburbs are generally more conservative, they own houses or condos rather than rent.

The city (downtown) is where all the drugs, homeless people and degeneracy live.

They have no culture except consumerism and their political ideology, including multiculturalism, atheism, humanism and such.
They usually vote for social democrat party (NDP) so idk about IQ but they are definitely more "educated".

The education: People who have lived in the city are socialized and educated to accept their degrading life as a measure of "progress", their mind shuts own the daily random stabbings/shootings, stepping over sleeping homeless people and finding needles in their children's playground.

They ride bikes and take public transit and want the "city" to be more "green", yet simultaneously want to expand the concrete prison and transit system ever increasingly into the suburbs and rural areas.

people with a high enough iq only go to the cities to work they dont actually live there

But we know minorities predominately live in cities. Research indicates on IQ you are incorrect.

>hurr it's all close together
You're either a shitty Jew shill or you have the mind of a child.

>have the mental capacity to sustain more complex social structures that allow them to reach a higher form of civilization.

Yeah, cities arent complete oversized dumps teeming with crime

>It's not up for debate...
>It's a common fact...
>Everyone knows...
>Anyone with common sense will tell you...
>Anyone with an IQ above room temperature agrees with...
>We all know...
>If you had an education, you'd understand...
This is the language of the Left. This is the language of people who don't really have the facts on the their side but instead use guilt and shaming tactics to get their message across. When you see phrases like these understand that the person making them is pulling at your emotional strings because 99% of the time they do not have data or evidence to back up their statement.

No moron, you can survive in a city by pushing paper on a cubicle with AC never stepping on grass for 30 years.
That require way less "skill" and "adaptation" than to survive by killing your own food.
"socially mature" is an euphemism for tamed, docile, inconsequential.
mass-produced chicken are also "socially mature".

where does the highest IQ person alive resides?
maybe its rural?
Christopher Langan

Attached: US college majors - Average IQ students by gender.png (741x643, 45K)

My theory is in cities, people who lived there their whole lives are gouged so high on prices as far as real estate, simple consumer goods, parking fees etc. That they get in the victim mindset and imagine themselves as being poor. But don't realize that the high taxation they face is a direct result of liberal social programs. I guess, they just assume people everywhere let themselves be taken advantage of as much as they do

>the cities are where you find the high IQ people.

Bullshit the cities are full of slums and the biggest losers of society.
Trump won in the small, non garbage cities, the suburbs and in the rural areas.

You can get anything delivered in the US. Anything.

Ghetto rats "vote by mail". One ghetto rat in San Pedro for the last presidential election accidentally got some other demorat's mail.

35,000 real ballots.

Anyone who thinks the demorats get millions of legit votes is a goddamn fool.


Attached: niggers.jpg (234x279, 13K)

It is expensive to live in the city. If you are struggling to make ends meet or you're living in your parents' basement, why on earth would you vote Republican? Especially if you're NEET, why on earth would you vote Republican?

There’s the kind of intelligence that can protest a campus speech, make a craft latte, fill out a public assistance form and bitch about boomers on the internet and there’s the kind that can field dress a deer, make ammo, fix a diesel truck and coordinate a fire team. Now, you have to ask yourself which type of intelligence do you think is going to be more useful in the coming times?

Yep rural and suburban retards just aren't as smart as urban apes in harlem

>My theory is in cities, people who lived there their whole lives are gouged so high on prices as far as real estate, simple consumer goods, parking fees etc. That they get in the victim mindset and imagine themselves as being poor. But don't realize that the high taxation they face is a direct result of liberal social programs. I guess, they just assume people everywhere let themselves be taken advantage of as much as they do
No the people are poor because the wealth is going mainly to the top 1% and to a lesser extent the top 20%. The bottom 80% are getting royally cucked by inflation. Wages have went up for people in the middle and the bottom. But the price of goods and services is going way up. Especially housing and tuition.

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I know people with master's degrees who pay $200 a month for air conditioning in a tiny ghetto apartment just so they can live in a city and party everyday. They make probably as much as me, but live as if they were in poverty. Its basically opportunity cost, and I'd love to go to cool concerts and restaurants and museums and shit, but its much cheaper where I live out in the boonies