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Good. about time.

Why has weed acceptance taken off so quickly?

Good, they can redirect those resources to catching illegals.

The good guys win again

Once my dick heals. Im going to ny to smoke weed and fuck bitches

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That is it goy lower the bar.

Smoke dope while asians, indians and jews take over.

Their kids are not smoking that shit.

Give the mob something to relax before they kill us all

it's gonna smell like blunts in all black neighborhoods now. already does, just more.

because its a literal fucking plant.

I don't smoke weed but good. There are more important things to worry about than pot heads.

>no more weed arrests
>hay look black crime is down
just kidding nig gon nig

>Once my dick heals
What did you do?

Everyone has been brainwashed by hollywood degeneracy.

Everybody has the perception that it's a normal thing for people to do, and has even been given a slightly positive social image.

Guessing theyll still give tickets though. Great way to trap retarded nogs into paying tickets I guess.

Because it's stupid to let people drink but weed. I don't think people should do either but I don't think it's right to force people not to. Morality has to come from the bottom up with regard to drugs.

Because only sexually repressed boomer honkeys give a shit about weed. It is literally 100,000X safer than alcohol. Also, people don't smoke weed and beat their wives or steal shit or commit rape and assault. That's alcohol, meth and heroin.

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What is special about drugs that you give them special status that the law should not govern THAT small part of morality.

The jew wants you to smoke weed.
The jew wants you to watch porn
He wants you to drink, and masturbate and not think about anything seriously.

You are a good goy

My point is just because you make something illegal means people aren't going to suddenly find it morally wrong. People don't murder usually because it's morally wrong not because it's against the law. Some people don't have a moral problem with abusing drugs so they still do it. We have to change people's hearts with regard to their actions. There's all sorts of immoral actions that you can't enforce with the rule of law.

>My point is just because you make something illegal means people aren't going to suddenly find it morally wrong.
I think you're only partially right about that. Making things legal has a tendency to grow communities that think it IS moral/good/socially positive to do drugs. Making it illegal to use the drugs makes these communities less likely to grow.

But here's the thing, in the case of weed, we don't really prosecute the drug users very strongly. We only prosecute the people we think are the drug DEALERS. To win the drug war, we need to harshly prosecute the drug USERS. That's how you win.

>literally several decades

It just has reached critical mass recently



stop fucking drug testing me too.

"STATIS WILL SUPPORT DRUG TEST because they are boot licking faggots who think the government that waste billions, cant FIX ROADS, and sends money to israel in the billions" knows whats best.

Seriously, KILL YOURSELF boomer fucks.

If i make 200k and want to smoke weed SUC MY DICK and stay the fuck out of my business.

but you dont, section 8 faggot

It's population control. Keep the masses drugged. Weed literally makes people stupider, lazier, and slow. I can spot a stoner a mile away, even if they aren't high. I have watched people totally change after they became stoners. Stoners also notoriously vote democrat. "Don't be mean, man. Mean is bad. Trump is mean. I'm voting for Hillary, man."

De blasio is a God damn faggot but I agree that it shouldn't be left up to the feds to decide if people can smoke weed or no

What the fuck do Jews have to do with weed?? Or alcohol?? You're friggin crazy