Literal child concentration camps

>Literal child concentration camps
Are we the bad guys after all Jow Forums?

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I don't know.

All I know is that the only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.

City people all voted for Hillary.

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>he really thinks there's a bad guy's side

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All I know is that we literally cannot stop winning. I saged your obvious shill thread, just so you know.

This will never cease to be funny.

>Implying good and evil exist

No mercy for invaders

Yes you and Kommandant Trump are bad guys

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urban living must give mental illness . smog stress and such

>caring about the feelings of swarming invaders

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are you saying hitler was in the wrong?


no, bad guys would rape and murder the kids

Building a wall to keep them out.


Not in.

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there will be 6 million dead spics killed be zyklon b

It's obama era legislation passed by bipartisan vote. What's more, it's absolutely required at least until the child's escort can be confirmed as an actual family member or legal guardian and not a child trafficker. Is that what you want? Child sex slavery?

Trump eats those babies

No. The bad guys are the media manipulating everyone into supporting human traffickers

The treachery of Jews has no limit

>they’re not being set on fire or gassed

Just put them in a care home, they won't run away or anything.

Oh wait, you can put them in detention with their parents. Oh no, the largest family detention centre is no longer certified after a lawsuit by some liberals.

Until you can evict them these kids need to be locked up, preferably with their parents ... but if that's impossible the alternative is separately.


>feeling sorry for killing off an army ants nest

This shit happens in mexico and noone cares because it´s just how these people are. Letting these people in would be far worse.

I wouldn't care if literally every child that crossed the border illegally was placed in a pet carrier and locked in a hot car until they died. I hope we continue to snatch children, since it's the first fucking thing we've done to discourage illegal immigration in 30 years.

Yeah we are at Croatian nazi allies tier rn

Legions of Latinos voting for the Democrats this November. Thank you Herr Trump

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Tfw eyebrow fell off on camera


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I wonder who you leftist cocksuckers will hide behind and exploit next to push you ideals once people start to realize your "think of the children!" bullshit was nothing but that.

>Are we the bad guys after all Jow Forums?
I hope so.

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Yes. I was honestly considering voting for Ted Cruz this midterm, despite the objections of my conscience, but this shit just threw that right out the window.

It's one thing to catch and release these people but kidnapping and imprisoning them and their children is just beyond the pale of unnecessary and malicious cruelty. It's barbarism.

No, it's just the jews who found a new narrative. If Donald doesn't budge they'll get tired.

I'm just glad we aren't letting take part in our society, get educations in our schools (ESL classes aren't cheap), and eventually take our jobs. We tried that before, and what happened when we tried to deport them? "You can't possibly do that, this is the only home they've ever known, all the money we spent on them will be a sunk cost, they're American in every way that matters!"

Well, now we learned better. We're just gonna let 'em sit in the abandoned Walmart for a few weeks and send them back.
>inb4 CBS are Republican propaganda
>inb4 Obama and CNN are Republican propaganda


Oh no all 4% of the Latino voter Turnout will vote left? That never happened before didn´t it?

>all beaners look the same
Wow, racist much?

This audio just came out. Wait untill it goes mainstream, you guys sure do look bad right now

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As opposed to any other election? That's why they're here, that's what the Democrats brought them in for.

I am getting really tired of the line of argument that says the right wing can never do any right wing shit, because the bad optics will energize the left. If all we're going to do is meekly enact centrist policies in a futile effort to slow down leftist corruption of society, why resist them at all? If the only way to avoid giving power to the Democrats is to behave as moderate Democrats in practice, what is the fucking point?

>Democrats implement something when they are in power
>Republicans get blamed for it when they take power
It's all so tiresome

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Dang. This could backfire on Trump big time.
>inB4 4D chess

The democrats didn't seperate parents and children, that came in effect in March

No. They could have avoided it by staying in their own countries. Its not our fault if they walk into the camp.


No no no. Barbarism would be impacting their little bodies on stakes and mounting them on the border at 100 foot intervals. Which maybe isn't such a bad idea.

Every registered Latino voter in the US and A will vote for the Democrats because of this major political blunder. Hey lets piss off every Latino voter in America. This eclipses the Russia BS. Just watch Ahmed.

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These detainment facilities are literal fucking prisons and if these pearl clenching retards are comfortable in their delusions that mixing adults and children in this kind of environment is a "good thing" then they should be stripped if their right to vote because they're clear not mentally capable to shape policy.

Children cry about having to eat dinner

who gives a fuck?

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Wow kids are crying fuck laws and borders and shit when will bigoted Americans learn the humanitarian thing to do is donate your house and job to a spic?

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strong borders destroy human traffickers. simple as that.

they're also one of the primary defense's against people who look to use every country as a tool.

strengthen all borders
strengthen all countries
remove the possibility and the existence of migration crisis

On May 2016 the largest family detention centre lost its license by court order after liberals sued it's licensing based on a technicality :

Concentration camps were used by literally every big nation. Britain was the first to use them in the modern era. Why is Nazi Germany so frowned upon when it comes to this?

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This pbs frontline episode on human trafficking shows illegal kids in cages in 2014- thanks Obama.

Why do you think the kids in the pictures that were shown have thermal blankets? It is so if they try to escape they won't freeze to death in desert at night.

A blunder is not false outrage manufactured entirely by the democrats it's the kikes up to their old tricks again

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Granting that perhaps these cages and separation happened due to Democrat law, couldn’t Trump just overturn it or change it?
He could spin as doing it for human rights AND gets to blame Democrats as well. It’s such an easy win that I fail to see why he had led this go on this long.

Because Nazi Germany burned 6 millions people, (children included) in those concentration camps.

The Christians are turning. Is this the end?

>Granting that perhaps these cages and separation happened due to Democrat law, couldn’t Trump just overturn it or change it?
Because they didn't happen due to the Democrats, its literally a new zero tolerance policy under Trump.

Ask obama, he caged twice as many as trump.
Also ask him why does he wear the mask

piss off who exactly? this whole 'fiasco' was spun on appeal to emotion and humanity crimes. Three guesses who that created a hurricane out of a sneeze.

>United Methodists rushing to support liberalism
Color me shocked.

In modern politics image is everything, the photographs of children in cages will will live long in the memory of decent human beings


Obama could still lock up the kids with their mothers, that ended shortly before the end of Obama's term due to court order.
>Friday’s order is a substantial setback for the Obama Administration’s deep-seated practice of imprisoning women and children. The Administration has made much of its desire to imprison these migrants as a way of deterring others from leaving Central America to seek refuge in the United States.

Trump doesn't have Obama's options.

You knew what you were all along. All that this is is exactly what you asked for.

>are we the "bad" guys

Fuck I hope so. I hope we get the job done and done right this time.

Don't get me started. I'm beginning to long and itch to see all spics quite dead.

>doubting that Trump had child concentration camps will be a crime in the future
I can already see it

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We have always been the bad guys: Civil War, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, war on terror, obamas drone strikes, 70% taxes spent on military budget, gitmo, torture, war on drugs, military bases in every country, Trump elected. We are probably all going to hell just for paying taxes for this monstrosity

Get them the fuck out!!! Fix your own god damn country.

>and that's a good thing

I've been bitching about social workers and kid confiscation police thugs for years. Now all of a sudden it's a big deal when it's Democrat votes on the line? Fuck you.

I got arrested in Mexico
I was separated from
My wife was raped
My kids were forced to watch and then they said it was a mistake.

Exactly. By all mean if someone wants to help them, GO DOWN THERE.

I don't give a rats ass about your conspiracy mumbo jumbo as long as the Repubs get booted out.

You like Jews buddy if you like Trump.

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I have yet to see Mexico get angry about how we're treating their citizens.

Could it be that Mexico sees them as garbage too?

shameless self bump for all the bleeding heart retards in this thread

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When you're the only people in the world with a concept of morality not based on might is right, you're also the only people on the world which can look back at its actions and call them bad.

If whites disappear, morality disappears with them. Enforcing borders requires bad thing to happen, the alternative is far worse.

Schlomo is shilling hard today.

Latino Americans don't like to see their kind abused and humiliated. They will all be voting (D) as a result. This shit isn't going away.

>concentration camps
That means just any place where you center much people.
Every UN, or red cross refugee camp is a concentration camp.

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Ah yes: Keep them out by locking them in cages on the inside. Real 75th dimensional chess right there

Cities are comprised of mostly low IQ niggers. Gtfo

If I were a Latino I'd be feeling very vengeful.

Being a dense population increases conformity, as well as most of those people went through the most intense indoctrination in the world - American university.

Living in less dense populations generates much more individualism.

are you implying mexicans are the new jews? b/c i think the jews will have something to say about their victim status

Both Bush and Obama charged illegal immigrants in civil courts, not criminal, and NEITHER separated their children into CONCENTRATION CAMPS.

no, they're distorting reality and maybe one day totally rewrite history

>when they accuse Trump of creating beaner concentration camps but he actually didnt but you wish he did

The Constitution. Read it.

>During the West Wing briefing, she did not hear – or ignored – a reporter at the back of the room who played secretly recorded audio, first obtained by ProPublica, in which several Central American children, separated from their parents last week, can be heard crying for their “Mami!” and “Papa!”

>On the recording, one child says: “I don’t want them to stop my father, I don’t want them to deport him.” A border agent can be heard joking through the wails: “Well, we have an orchestra here, right? … What we’re missing is a conductor.”

Get in here, gentlemen.

>Are we the bad guys

From the point of view of the globalists, yes.

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top bantz

"meekly centrist'? Bud, this is America. What Bernie was about would have been considered slightly right of center in almost every country in Europe. Stop acting like concentration camps and near genocide are centrist ideas and not fascist decrees.

Oy vey the nazis burned 6 million of God's chosen people. I'm kvetching just thinking about those 8 million poor souls who were gassed with a pesticide. How could someone be so evil as to show no compassion for 15 million Jewish lives? He turned them into lampshades all 50 million of them and ground up their bodies and threw them out like week old latkes. Every night I lie awake thinking about the horror those 5 billion people slain by a heartless monster. We have to remind ourselves every day because it's hard to believe people like Trump could follow the same ideology that killed six gorillion people. Six gorillion who are spinning the dreedle and haggling with God right now.

Hava Nagila hava nagila hava nagila ve-nismeha

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