We all know how important it is to use PEOPLE FIRST LANGUAGE which is why we have started the People of Light (PoL) campaign. Start calling people out on Reddit, Facebook, Twitter, and Jow Forums when they use racist terms for people of light such as "white people" or "cracker" or "unseasoned." tcdd.texas.gov/resources/people-first-language/
BOOKMARK this direct link to the "white people" twitter search term (ordered by recent) and EDUCATE people about the new term "People of Light", including a meme from this thread. twitter.com/search?f=tweets&vertical=default&q="white people" Somebody tweets the outdated phrase "white people" every 5-10 SECONDS so we have a lot of work to do!
>People of Light", literally Pol also this idea is beyond retarded, they sound like dumbasses with the 'people of color' thing, especially when 'colored people' is considered offensive
Camden Davis
Its True White Skin Absorbs more light so we are Technically People of Light.
Logan Lopez
Retarded like a fox.
Jack Taylor
popular repost from the last thread. Using the term but NOT HAPPY about it
You guys need to start circulating petitions, polls, and pledges to commit w* people to stop using the W word.
"I pledge to help end racism by not putting color first as a Person of Light"
Then we can all be POL STARS together.
Hey now, you're a POL-star, get your game on, go play Hey now, you're a rock star, get the show on, get paid And all that glitters is gold Only shooting stars break the mold
Nicholas Rivera
great phrase, positive message. And a bit of fashwave makes this one beautiful. This is a big tweet with lots of commets:
If you autists absolutely have to shitpost with dogwhistles and fucking black suns everywhere, your job is to OPPOSE this by asserting that it's stupid, white people are white and white pride is a good thing. You have ONE fucking job.
That's correct because you are emphasizing their personhood first before their color.
This is why "white" is a racist term and the correct phrasing is "People of Light"
What you alt-light dumbasses don't get is we're actually the Hogg counter psy-op team. We're in your base, and subverting your memes to shift POL left.
This will make all of you just a little less racist as your start referring to people first before their color, just like we planned.
Yes you fucking idiot. The game here is you either go on twitter and either push the retarded "people first" shit, or you go full 1488 and oppose the meme. If you're 1488, make sure it's not just you and another shitposter or you're wasting good meme fuel.
Then get on twitter and push good old fashioned white pride as above.
Kevin Lee
I don't have ANY accounts. I've lost like 5 doing this OP
here's another tweet chain with more dead accounts. (((Twitter))) hates people of light
it actually sounds like it could be ultra effective. thats probably why you feel the need to kvetch about it
Connor Smith
FFS folks! Just call us by this preferred name, "People of Light"! Both the KKK/Nazi's and the Nigs are getting all worked up about it! What are they going to join together now? This is getting fucking crazy!
Ethan Morgan
Could we include East Asians (not poo in loos) in the ''People of Light''? Technically they are pretty light-skinned too, and civilized. They face similar problems in the face, such as being discrminated by affirmative action. Asians are actually the most discriminated by it! Outrageous. Asian American communities are likewise on the recieving end of crime.
This could give a further layer of legitimacy to People of Light, just like ''people of color'' doesn't mean one single race but is an umbrella term for blacks and browns. People still say ''black'' when they specifically mean ''black''.
When I was in primary school I was told calling them "black" was racist, they were "coloured". I have avoided using any descriptor around any black people ever since. And as a kid I consciously avoided befriending them out of fear of instantly offending them the moment I spoke or even thought something
Jace Hall
wouldn't it make more sense to push the serious usage of the title "European" instead.... since we are all europeans... that way you're putting your time into something actually important instead of "HERP DERP MEMES" :/
Justin Martin
>They face similar problems in the West*
Andrew Lopez
This is worst than the whole reverse racism shit. This is bound to do more harm and of course it's a fucking leaf proposing this.