*breathes in*
*breathes in*
Other urls found in this thread:
>caring about some balls kicking chimp out
Youre going well enough though.
B L A C K E D (and that's a good thing!)
FIFA Word Cup? this is not /v/ get the fuck out
Russia vs Poland would have been a better match anyway.
It was black magic
Polski got done by better men, not pleasant but inevitable, and after the initial shock and pain you can submit to the sheer and unmatched pleasure of the blackening
Nigga you're Romania; you're in no position to speak
Please stop bullying us
>losing to Mexico
Yes I am. And you are Argentina. The most memorable thing about your country is a female leader LOL
there's a board for this shit
Jow Forums is also a good board for this because it pisses off the race mongerers
Obviously you're uncultured. The most memorable thing about your country is Dracula, which was written by british Bram Stoker. You don't even have that for you. Also; Caecsescu.
You dont even know history so I dont even need to speak to you, monkey boy. Post some pictures of your portruding jaw and squinty eyes, monkey boy.
>when you run out of arguments
>uhh... you don't know!! hehe u monkey haha
When you actually make it to the world cup, you'll be allowed to even give your opinion. And even our worst politicians are better than the dictatorship you had.
Love it. Jow Forums and whites eternally BTFO. Blacks totally raped you faggots today.
lol must suck to have no history
No history:
>conquests of the desert
>infamous decade
>Argentinian revolution
>National Reorganization Project
>1 peso =1 dollar
>5 presidents in a week
>Bram Stoker wrote about a vampire that lives in our shithole
I mean obviously niggers run faster than white men so people with a brain expected this.
Mess with the best wh*Toid, you'll die like the rest.
lol was this a joke list or were you seriously giving me that as your piéce de résistance?
Maybe you can make a palace out of bananas to be proud of as well!
>uhh these guys do have a history better than ours
>even their HDI is greater than ours...
uhh bananas XDD
Poland is losing to a country I've never even heard of. I'm not sure if that reflects worse on me, or Poland.
>lost to beaners
fucking hell
lol thanks for another good laugh
>watching snoreball
>didn't make it to the WC
You have a very short attention span
I know how Poland feels. We lost to an African country as well
Panem et circenses
one time, I kissed my cat on the mouth
West Africa probably where Poland's next players will come from.
>tie with island with 300k inhabitants
You sound incredibly salty. How does it feel to get BLACKED by a third world shithole?
those niggers could run tho
Mom let the hyaena use her computer again.
The best thread to come out of /sp/ today. I'm responsible for most of the cuck and BBC posts ~ archive.4plebs.org
>stare at your TV for 3 hours, goy
>saviors of the white race
Someone edit this for Poland.
Put a blacked.com on the bottom right.
what do you expect? that country has nothing else to live for
just look at this finely compiled list of things they are apparently proud of: its pretty sad
do your cuck porn yourself, faggot fatty larper
West africa are based africans
when poles try to charge tanks with horses again
Esti prost
Polonia e OP
Romania e gay
Leave my slavic brother alone, you shit.
Lol gypsy
no and Moldavia is Basarabia
you know your time will come as well, you traitor to humanity.
kek based
Poles sold themselves to german jews 200+ years ago, they are not our bros anymore, comrade.
Ceмью нe выбиpaют, тoвapищ.
Oh no, we lost a football match
What shall we do now?
Looks like we are worse than Sweden
Get a grip, poltards
Shout out to everyone in this thread who can watch a 90min long football match without falling asleep at least 2 Times
>german jews
actually jews are jews, you could say jews in germany, in rissia, in belgium, in france.... they have no nation
oops retard alert
"Pride" always comes before a fall
>watching globalist entertainment
they all go back home to their 3rd world shacktown, with the focal point of the trip being this photo. they show the whole village, going "we all fucked this white lady hahahahaha". 90% of school computers and phones (donated by america of course) will have this image as the background.
poland btfo.
Jews are German, for the most part
The most important right wing politician in the history of Poland once said
> " we hate Jews, not because they are *Jews*, we hate them because they are Germans"
He said that shortly before WW1 begun
Jews are German, for the most part
You just went full retard.
>better men (animals)
What did you want us to do user, most humans can't compete with animals when it comes to speed or strength.
They were always seen as either Germans or crypto Germans here
Sometimes it was hard to distinguish a German from a jew due to your mentality
Sportsball: Watching a bunch of illiterate White trash and niggers chasing a ball and worship them as if they are Gods.
luv Poland
stay Stronk from Kanada
1 was an own goal and the other was the worst fuck up of a world cup. 2 such massive fuck ups in 1 game makes me believe it was rigged, the Poles got paid off.
Subhumans beat Subhumans, whats shocking here?
"Balotelli is gem of Italian civilization" says (((sportsball)))
"Open borders means more gems" says (((sportsball)))
> US flag
>Nazi JPG
>unironically saying subhumans
The jokes write themselves
What mentality?
t. Javontae Nguyen Hernandez IV
Poland got
im just upset that Colombia lost now just shut the fuck up
Talking shit about others while you're prime minister is Justin Trudeau. You're digging your own fucking grave.
5th column
Some quick examples
Before WW1, during the period in Poland which is known as " the organic work " Poles helped Jews, who lived in an extreme poverty
During WW1 the exact same Jews started sabotaging Polish Patriots who wanted to restore Polish independence
During Polish Soviet war German workers in Polish ports basically started to sabotage Polish war effort by refusing to unload equipment and supplies from France and stalling ships as much as it was humanly possible
During the early 17th century, German Protestant minority received privileges, religious freedom and rights
50 years later they started collaborating with Sweden against Poland
>british coalburner
I'm not reading the thread, how many buttmad poles here say soccer doesn't matter?
Because no one knew that Blacks were good at running...
How so? Because they are further from you?
Are you implying that Germans are programmed to bully Poland?
Well, those Germans weren't so tough when Polish commies confiscated their property and deported 3-4 million of them back to Germany
It was long overdue, and it was one of the positives of communism
>t.Never even qualified to enter
You are cool, don't come to Jow Forums tomorrow
I won't laugh about poland... they probably know where my car is parked
>y..yee you got totally btfo'd six years after raping us
Then i should check my German privilege next time i meet a Pole.
>Romanian national team
I think even the US can beat you
In the end the good guys won
So I can laugh at you without feeling bad
Jow Forums before the match
>haha based Poles gonna BTFO you niggers XD
>take my energy Polan!
Jow Forums post match
You didn't win shit mongoloid, you got "liberated"
after the war was lost and you tell me how that worked out for you guys
The "good" guys lost in 1989 with Germany becoming Europes economic powerhouse while you had no more toilet paper and food. Say thank you to your German overlords for rebuilding your country with our Euromoney.