Mfw my 12 year old sister comes to me and talks about how there's only 2 genders and that gays and trannies are bad...

Mfw my 12 year old sister comes to me and talks about how there's only 2 genders and that gays and trannies are bad. Is gen z our last hope?
Also she's 100% regular preteen girl.

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>Also she's 100% regular preteen girl.
post *cough* pics *cough* of her


they dont call it generation zyklon for no reason

she sees through the bullshit. you better foster this and protect her from fucking degenerates like this douche

Do you fuck her?

No im welsh not english


checking mein dopples
seriously dude, post some pics of your preteen sister

Yes, your beliefs are on the level of those typically held by preteen girls. I don't see how you could possibly view that as a good thing, brainlet.

It's the civil war generation. It's both the most conservative generation since WW2 and most non-white and gay generation ever.

Take a picture of her feet and post it here svp :^)

discord gg/A2Gu9a

add a .

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well taught sister u need to tell him about the niggers jews and hitler too so she will make babies with a nat soc later in life and not a liberal or a nigger

Play any popular game and twelvies are yelling "ALOHA SNACKBAR" and "GAS THE JEWS". breddy gud

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Imma finna need some pics of her feet for proofs

Asking for a friend yo

Tell her about the niggers

pedo faggots burn in hell

But actually being on topic, it's not surprising.
The funniest thing to any youth is the slaying of sacred cows. Its human nature.

c'mon bruh, you can't tease us about a preteen like that and not deliver, that's a faggot move

Gen z is the last majority white generation in America.

From what I’ve seen, gen zyklon is not a meme, I’m either a young millennial or an old gen z, but the kids younger than me give me hope. I graduated 3 years ago, but from what I hear from my little sister, the sjw shit is all but dead, and most people make fun of all the leftist shit. Doesn’t mean they are redpilled, but at least they aren’t all lefty faggots like the kids who were older than me.

I didn't believe the Gen Z meme until a 13 year old relative started explaining why sugar is the cause of obesity, not fat, at a family dinner.

nope were all fucked. especially the fact that people who were born in the 90's are going to be running the world one day. and not even the good kind.

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This. One time I went into a game of fortnite, and one I called some guy who didn’t have a mic a nigger, and in like 10 seconds he plugged in a mic just to clarify he wasn’t a nigger, this was like a 14 year old kid.

You started it, I be it because she is fat and people will infer you are fat

No it isn't, it's a meme. I have two Gen Z siblings and many people including the whites in their school listen to shitty nigger music and they both recently defended niggers. The west is dead, give up.


I’ll personally run the world, and I was born in ‘96. Scared oldfag?

she'll probably be raped by muhammad

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Post pictures of the subject in question for analysis. Make sure photos are of the subject in its natural state, unobscured by irrelevant objects such as clothing

Maybe in the UK.

I’ll admit, nigger music is very popular, but I just recently started hanging out with a girl who is only 2 years younger than me that vehemently hates nigger music and so do all her friends.

>my 12 year old sister
got any pics?
asking for my dog

I've noticed this with my oldest nephew.
You know when a 7 year old comes up to you and says "Uncle, I don't really like black people very much" that he's somehow redpilled himself in ways I never even knew was possible.

Gen Z has a glorious destiny ahead, if they can reject degeneracy and progressive misinformation, and we can take pride in helping them along the way.
Godspeed, young ones. We'll hold the line, but you must lead the charge.

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Im welsh, my area is 99% white

kek you didnt even see 9/11 live on tv like me. i stayed at home and had mac n cheese for breakfast because my mom didnt want to send me to school because she was scared. '91 #1 bru

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She will be carrying a black baby in her womb at age 18.
How do you feel?

I was born in 2000, so I can speak on behalf of the early Gen Zers.

There's loads of minority in our generation, but they're the liberal ones, the gay ones, the lily-livered ones. The white youth see the actions of the minorities and their attempts to weaken our nation and culture within, and our disgusted by it, as such they are right wing.

Whites = Right Wing
Minorities = Left Wing

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Post pics you fucking faggot

whatever achmed

Jokes on you fag, I remember watching 9/11 in TV.

My daycare/morning preschool teacher was crying and all the kids were crowding around a tiny TV. I remember thinking the explosions looked cool. Then my mom picked me up early and I remember being afraid they’d fly a plan envisions into my house.

Later, apparently me and my siblings were pretending to be airplanes flying into buildings, but I don’t remember that.

That's good OP. Everyone feels like that.
Some are socially bullied by TV into supporting something they know is wrong.
Freedom to do what you want is good. We gave that to fags because of muh freedom. Now their degeneracy is used to curtail our freedom.
I've had enough. Everyone knows damn well that all sexual perversion is wrong.
I'll never say otherwise.

if you honestly think these twits are going to save anything you are more deluded then most here

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it may take some time for the older parts of gen z, they are still influenced by their older millennial siblings

Its not pedo if it's your own family.

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