Blumpfth. Literally. Hitler

Blumpfth. Literally. Hitler

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Shitlibs are doing Trump a favor. I bet if they think people are being thrown into gas chambers they'll stop crossing the border illegally.

Literal who edits wikipedia page.
Could we make this into an anti semetism thing? Force the left to say it undermines the real shoa. Watch em go at it.

THis is already backfiring.
I heard Alex Jones say "What kind of concentration camp has soccer and volley ball"
lol Auschwitz for one.

Is Gaza on that list too?

We should just get rid of borders because this is inhumane.

Come on, say it with me, "ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT"

Republicans actually want Trump to be the next Hitler though.

It's only a matter of time before ICE starts gassing the orphans it has created.

Soon. Trump just announced the creation of the Space Corps. We will have inter galactic religious wars in our life time.

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You misspelled Obama.


legit lol irl, funny because its true, reminds of that polish cartoon...

Finally a place for kikes.

Vice clickbait article...Let's see who edited the Wikipedia page...

Hmmm...River Donaghey.

And Auschwitz being shut down is the reason jews suck at both those sports to this day...

You know how wikipedia always asks for donations? I have a feeling they might be getting nearly as many in the future.

You do know literally fucking anyone can edit wikipedia to say what ever they want?

"Once they arrived, they were taken into custody by U.S. immigration officials. According to immigration attorneys who represent some of these children, many are being held in freezing holding cells intended for fewer inhabitants and shorter stays. These aren't jail cells as much as temporary holding rooms nicknamed "hieleras," or ice chests. CNN has reported that the border facilities lack "enough food, beds or sanitary facilities to provide for the children."

By Ruben Navarrette, CNN Contributor
Updated 2:48 PM ET, Thu June 12, 2014

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We can only hope

I am interested to know why we hold them in camps deep within our borders instead of immediate deportation

>(((Ruben Navarrette)))
I thought the French solved their JQ.

Please make actual concentration camps for the media Mr. President



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>le edgy pop culture
>hurmf disll get ol nasty droompf
>well show his dumb white supporters its bad to be Nazis

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Leftists are merely painting the Nazis as patriots who wanted to protect their people. Doesn't help them that the Holohoax is quickly being forgotten.

Because being killed for your race or being a prison of war and tortured to death is the same as being detained for illegally crossing into a nation and breaking its immigration laws.

They're totally the same thing guys!

>this list is incomplete
>you can help by expanding it

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I think they have to actually verify they don't belong in the country, kicking out someone who is allowed to be here would be a big violation of their rights

Auschwitz had a swimming pool too though so that bumps it a rank higher in the luxury concentration camp league table.

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(((wikipedia))) is another snopes
prove me wrong


The legal logic is that the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments apply to everyone because they say "person" instead of "citizen," so illegal aliens have a right to due process.

Wikipedia is LEGIT

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I'm sure the matches between Sporting Auschwitz FC vs FC Treblinka were the highlight of the Nazi Concentration Camp experience

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>literally fucking anyone can edit wikipedia
That is literally fucking wrong, retard.
Go ahead, prove me wrong : try to edit the OP article.

How many Jews tried to illegally immigrate to the third reich?

So I haven't really been following this, but the cat ladies in my life have been kvetching pretty loud so I figure I'd better get redlisted.

Who are these families being held? Illegals and what not? Why is the US even fucking holding this people? Shouldn't they just be told, "Get lost you're not coming in," and be sent back south?

Are these "concentration camps" the work of kike lawyers who say these non-Americans have the right to a trial or hearing in an American court or something?

Help me, goys. I work in a liberal office, I'm off for a few days but I gotta go back in Thursday and I need some ammo.

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OP. Literally. 2nd. Grader.

>it's 110 degrees outside

Do you or do you not want AC you fucking wetbacks?

A fun concentration camp
>you will never crack open a cold one with the bois as you crack open some jews with heavy machinery in your comfy furnished officer apartment
why even live

Written by the same people who create their political philosphies based on what they read in Harry Potter

Snopes confirms
Must be true


I'm ok with this.

We can actually push this...People will finally understand that the holohoax isn't real


Attached: Auschwitz-lies.jpg (346x360, 32K) fake and gay

I gotta say that libs have chosen quite possibly the most hilarious hill to die on.

>Oh, so we should just NOT enforce the law?
>Oh, so we should just give a free pass to anyone towing a kid, even though they could very well be human traffickers, and such a policy would just palin encourage it?
>Oh, so we should do it just like the Obama administration, where the kids were put in even more dehumanizing conditions before being handed off to... again... human traffickers?
>No, seriously, what's your obsession with encouraging child slavery?
>Do... do you want child slaves?

lel, do like George Takei just did, he said Jap internment camps weren't as bad because at least families weren't separated. We can say that Auschwitz wasn't as bad as the Drumpf Extermination Camps for POC Children because at least Auschwitz had swimming pools, theatre and so on.

No, it's on the to gas shortlist

>Extra! Extra! Some guy made some edit on Wikipedia!

Hello Armenia Junior!

You guys are fucking losers for supporting Trump on this. This shit is sick. Poor babies being ripped from their moms. Hope the same thing happens to your family someday.

>temporary air conditioned holding cells

I'm getting real fucking sick of these lying Jews.

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And whore houses.

Your kind will eat lead soon

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Shill detected woof woof

Immigrants are people who have already been let in to live there aren’t they?

FRIENDLY REMINDER: Pic related is an Obama era holding cell for kids.

Dont fall for this retarded fucking narrative.

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Can’t anyone modify?

oy vey don't you know that everything is great under Obama and everything is awful under Trump and Bush? The same ICE agents who are cruel to children were super lovely only 2 years ago.

>If the media lied about Trump, did they also lie about Hitler?

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>I Added US Border 'Detention Centers' to its List of Concentration Camps
Fixed that Vice article headline for accuracy

yea those poor kids being carted off across an illegal border and getting to live through the experience when other countries would shoot you for doing that amirite

Repubs wanting Trump as Hitler 2.0 is a literal meme

Isn't it anti semitism to compare the holocaust to keeping illegals in holding cells? It cheapens the atrocities.

The policy is in there because of liberals though. It was put in place during the Bush era because liberals didn't want illegal kids to be in jail conditions.

We can work with this - don't go full holocaust debunk (they're not ready to swallow that pill), but contrast pics of auschwitz, japanese-american internment centers, russian gulags, etc with pics of these detained kids playing games and watching TV and shit.

Or if you wanted to REALLY hit them where it hurts - contrast treatment of detained illegal immigrant children with the shitty state of US foster care and child services.

>picture of detained immigrant kids playing soccer
>picture of poor black kids in an overpacked foster home


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Yeah only 130 million to go! Glumpf is literally hitler for having a couple thousand kids sit for two weeks playing PS4. 0.00002% of ethnic cleansing completed DRUMPFFFF


WE NEED 1000s more vote!! FUCK THE REFUGEES


They are getting schooling as well.

Drump is doing 4dchess. He really wants to show how (((They))) have a tendency to lie about camp conditions

yo yo yo based wikipedia doe

hahahahahahaha how will the jews recover ?

That's the thing about Wikipedia

It's the primary engine of citogenesis for the left.

Moderated by leftists, and it literally only allows lefty press "secondary sources" meaning they can't even get a straight quote but it has to be put through the leftist spin cycle first.

It really is the Ministry of Truth, we learned this well during Gamergate.

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>Wikipedia added
The site literally allows users to make changes, this isn't news

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yeah, liberals ruin everything what else is new. it will only be a matter of time before they destroy the free internet entirely. theyre already over 1/2 there.

>tfw you're a baby who isn't afraid of being ripped from their mom because you are smart enough that you can speak english while being a infant.

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The talk page looks delicious.

That one in the soccer stadium in chile where pinochet put socialists?

Not really, it will be protected now and need group consensus to change even grammar in that section.

>When illegal immigrants who broke the fucking law apparently have more rights than our veterans and homeless

I'm so tired Jow Forums....

cant you edit wikipedia anonymously or did they change that?

The article is locked.

You can but not on important articles and it will get changed back incredibly quick and your IP banned if you fuck around.

A meme is born

"Wikipedia" doesn't add things to itself. It's all user generated content.

The desert and prairie get fucking cold at night.

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only after you sell your soul to satan then swear allegiance to hillary and her sperg legion of stupid.

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these fucks were willing to do this with a nuclear fallout announcement in Hawaii, Wikipedia banning an IP is completely worth it to them.

[(((citation needed)))]

Illegals that get caught crossing illegally and then instead of choosing to be deported with their kids, they "claim asylum" which means they are held until their date in front of a judge. Kids are being held separately because adult detention centers aren't a place for kids. They will go back to Mexico together in a few weeks once their appeal for asylum is ultimately denied. It's a vacation for these kids on our tax dollars. Used to be, under Obama, they did "catch and release" for asylum seekers, meaning they'd get a court date and then just would be released into the US as illegals. And guess what, they wouldn't show up to the court date! (This is also where the "missing children" stat comes from)

Still better than where they came from.


What if WH is encouraging the use of the STOP SEPARATING THE KIDS AND THEIR FAMILIES meme, intentionally trying to enflame them with things like "You h ave to take the children away" to try and put nice big dents in the numbers of people trying to cross the border?
Everyone knows that the Obama administration encouraged and even coached likely illegal immigrants why and how they could apply for asylum to bypass certain parts of immigration law. ESPECIALLY IF THEY WERE SINGLE PARENTS WITH DEPENDABLE CHILDREN
>US immigration officials say 2,342 children have been separated from 2,206 parents from 5 May to 9 June amid a "zero-tolerance" crackdown on illegal immigration brought in by US Attorney General Jeff Sessions.
Reminder that the "zero tolerance" policy is presuming all people crossing illegally are illegal immigrants, as these are SPECIFICALLY the people who are bypassing the legal asylum channels!

Anyway, back on track.
Pic related is asylum applications. NOT per day, but the number of applications still on the books or being processed on given days.
As you can see, in Obama's first term, there was no real movement on the asylum applications. After all, he still wanted 4 more years. But look what happens in his second term. Look at how those numbers start to climb. Remember the stories of "immigrants" being bused in to border towns?


Trump Administration knows that Obama Administration basically dealt with the illegal immigration problem by encouraging those who could qualify to apply for asylum and then enacting lax policies for processing asylum requests. They are relying on the huge media backlash against Sessions' zero tolerance policy to cause the numbers of phony asylum seekers to plummet before the midterms. The media, for their part, are outraged because many of them ARE AWARE of the widespread abuse of the asylum system and ACCEPT IT.

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