>Britain is a key link in the biggest ever international investigation into the production and supply of paedophile 'snuff' movies - in which children are murdered on film - an Observer investigation can reveal. theguardian.com/uk/2000/oct/01/ameliagentleman.philipwillan
That was the end result of not stigmatization and being gay being left legal
If in this case it was still be left illegal, but the stigma decreased, at least more researchers could jump in to find out what is the source, and what could be effective treatments
People in this thread have a point, that depression, sociopathic tendencies, and other mental illness still have no cure, but there's plenty of research and people with those problems are much better today then they were decades ago.
When the stigma is so high you can't even work on it without having your reputation tarnished, we can never, ever hope to ever find a long term solution to the problem.
We just have a "rope" and "bullet" issues, which solves nothing.
I really wish I could end trafficking of children, that this would no longer be necessary. But with all the good intentions, you people just make it that much harder for us to ever get to that point.
Is it really newsworthy though? The video was up for a while, it's just the outrage that has built and subsequent attempt to backtrack which is noteworthy.
This is more Jow Forums material where we can actually fuck with them than Jones material.
I'm slow since I try to catch up in this thread but damn, you are gullible, sorry to say that.
Let me explain something by addressing your statements:
>They will always feel that though, no matter how much you treat them (at least with our current technology). That's the real problem and you don't seem to grasp that but I'll tackle this later on.
>What you can do, is to teach them how to control and suppress their urges. You cannot do this since if that was possible they wouldn't need help in the 1st place, just as some people that have rape fantasies and don't act on them yet you don't see them seeking any help from differentiating the distinction between right and wrong but in case of pedophiles those urges come from basic human instincts that are somehow distorted.
>If nothing works anymore, I guess sterilization/removing of the prostate could be done as an ultima ratio.
The problem is that they don't need hard ons to rape kids, you are missing the point and proving that you fell for the TED video subversion. Without a penis, being on hormones and shit won't stop fantasies of experiencing a forbidden subject. There were tons of pedophiles that killed their victims while never really interacting with them sexually (e.g. penetration) but they were sexually motivated e.g. fingering girls or masturbating boys, cutting them while putting vibrators into their rectums/vaginas, eating their body parts and such.
The main problem is that they try to sexualize something that is not sexual and that is a child that has not yet went through puberty.
Colton Wilson
Some days I think maybe the jews aren't behind everything. Maybe I am just paranoid. Some days I remember that they are behind everything and my hatred only grows hotter.
>Jow Forums, website infamous for CP >bunch of people posting against figuring out what makes pedophiles tic so we can fix them and potentially save kids BEFORE they get molested
These threads are suspect as all fuck if you ask me. I think you all are pedophiles and you're sweating bullets that we might actually be figuring out how to identify you and stop you before you have a chance to offend.
Oliver Hernandez
Yeah I don't really like the overzealous attitude, it's like 2 minutes of hate and it is used primarily to attack white males. Pedos are treated worse than murderers or traitors or promoters of gay marriage. We have our priorities wrong.
Juan Watson
How do we know that stigma isn't a great deterrent for pedophiles then? Isn't that a great reason for it to remain heavily stigmatized.
If you want to research treatments, then you can take people already in prison for things like child porn possession (NOT dangerous child rapists) and study them in a contained environment.
Mason Rivera
Was this the real title? I don't seem to remember it being called that. Proof if I'm wrong?
Andrew Green
You're probably right, it would get abused by the pedophiles. We have some centers here where they give drug addicts clean needles to inject their drugs and it became a center for dealers to sell their drugs to drug addicts. I appreciate your advice fellow medfag.
Blake Peterson
>doesnt know addiction to drugs, sex, porn and probably child fucking is related to a hormone dont show your stupidity please
Nobody wants to work in the field exactly because of the stigma attached to it.
The public feel no urgency in solving the problem, they're content, and they don't feel anything needs to be done.
Hence the treatment for pedos is at the same stage any other mental illness would be if it were treated the same. Only treatment = death or exclusion from society (jail).
> The horrible thing about the Two Minutes Hate was not that one was obliged to act a part, but that it was impossible to avoid joining in. Within thirty seconds any pretense was always unnecessary. A hideous ecstasy of fear and vindictiveness, a desire to kill, to torture, to smash faces in with a sledge hammer, seemed to flow through the whole group of people like an electric current, turning one even against one's will into a grimacing, screaming lunatic. And yet the rage that one felt was an abstract, undirected emotion which could be switched from one object to another like the flame of a blowlamp
Carter Murphy
so now that I've actually seen it it was exactly the angle I was expecting and you know what there's not a single thing she said that was wrong she never said it's the same as heterosexuality it's the same in that it cannot be changed TEDx is dumb for removing it though Jow Forums is completely overreacting and failing to see this woman is helping to prevent children being abused, not facilitating it fuck off
see here I mentioned a bunch of problems in the previous thread (namely that drugs and behavioral therapy DON'T work). Also, it's common for addicts for example to relapse. What would happen if a pedo "relapsed." Would the doctor also be responsible? Also, when seeking treatment for any mental illness, that person has to reach some kind of huge low. What is that low for a pedo? Actually harming a child? Being buried in debt because they keep paying for kiddie porn?
Christian Peterson
These are the same slobbering lunatics that did shit like the inquisitions and form cults that kill people.
I hate pedos but I hate witch hunting retards too. They're all bad for civil society.
>The video may have been rejected due to a Terms of Use or copyright violation. Please review our Terms of Use and these copyright basics for more information. That was quick.
Brayden Miller
so what would you suggest then? just lock them away or kill them? Why do you think you can't teach them how to control their urges? You can teach normal people how to do that. It's not like they are urge driven predators that have only one goal in their life and that's to rape children. They just have a sexual preference for little children.
Grayson Price
Yeah it really gets irrational.
Even if every pedo died tomorrow, society would still be filled with degeneracy. Nickelodeon would still be damaging children. That is where the rage should be directed, because those shows have a much wider effect. A pedo's intent is not to mess up children, while nickelodeon's is.
Evan Peterson
so are you in favour of witches, niggers, pedos and jews running around subverting people, raping your wives, raping your children and subverting peoples? this *cults* protect the people. if you are doing nothing wrong, there is no need to worry
All of the drugs and therapies used on them are mainly therapies that are outsourced from other mental illness, not specifically meant for them.
There's a lot of research that goes on in several mental illness, but not pedophilia. Not a lot of researchers would ever even touch that so how can you be surprised our methods are currently ineffective?
Although it's true that our treatments are not perfect for depression, schizophrenia, and other mental illness are far from ideal, people with these issues today are much better off than they were last century.
The same cannot be said about pedos exactly because people freak out whenever someone wants to get involved with it in any possible way.
Hence, it never goes anywhere.
Logan Rodriguez
Hownew.ru If you go on /b/ you can hear pedos talk about how they want to fuck kids and feel entitled to it and that protecting babies makes you a moralfag.
Isaac Carter
Yeah it can get cringe worthy and "us vs them" so, if you aren't sharing the zeal, they think you're defending pedos.
The worst I saw was the house behind podesta's museum. They got this crazy theory that there was an underground tunnel to it and a woman was delivering children to them. Turns out it was a woman with her daughter.
I mean fuck podesta and TED but do so rationally.
Lincoln Cruz
dude, bro, I think you might be full on schizo
you should seek help before you harm someone
Aiden Lopez
Carson Barnes
I don't get it, she never asked to normalize pedophilia. She was only doing a mental exercise that there are a ton of people that were born pedophiles and we should acknowledge the reality of them existing in society. Her point is to not to demonize those who cannot choose the way they are and most of them never molested a child (which is true).
>SSRIs might have statistically significant effects on depressive symptoms, but all trials were at high risk of bias and the clinical significance seems questionable. SSRIs significantly increase the risk of both serious and non-serious adverse events. The potential small beneficial effects seem to be outweighed by harmful effects.
And yes stigma does work. Pedos who go to prison, for example, are considered to be at a huge risk for the other inmates to kill them. These kinds of societal deterrents are probably beneficial, and I don't want to see what would happen if they were taken away.
Anthony Hughes
Then why is Ted so keen on removing it?
Justin Kelly
It says natural. That's true. Pedophiles are gross, but they're not supernatural.
This is retarded to sperg out over.
William Bailey
ITT ARE shills and shut it downs. IGNORE ALL PRO-PEDO BAIT Keep sharing the petition and sending those emails FAR AND WIDE
The kikes are scared. You can tell by the way they are squirming in here
>if he doesnt talk about some obscure shit being ping-ponged on a sub board of 4ch hes a shill you didnt know hes already an actor? >wont even call out jews or zionists wake up ding dong
she didnt cite a single source, just kept saying studies show? Also she make the assumption that people are born pedophiles which is entirely unsubstantiated.
pedophiles are not human Kill THEM ALLLLLLLLLLLLLL
Jackson Thomas
>born pedophiles i need a source on this bullshit
Connor Torres
I already knew user. Alex apologized to Alefantis and I heard he paid him $1 million not to sue. Alex only cares about the shekels.
Ryan Perry
Sound off!
Ian Stewart
Um if anyone watches the video, the real aim of normalizing pedophilia is to get pedos out in the open instead of hiding in secret. That way they can be tracked, managed, and treated. The girl in the video actually wanted to reduce child abuse this way, but of course pol will propaganda anything.
Jackson Adams
Yes, that is why they took the video down.
Aiden Gray
All pedos should be summarily executed and also anyone who supports pedos.
Kevin Watson
raising the issue of pedophilia is really just an act of terror
it suggests that it is a legitimate argument to say
STALK ME: Instagram: bit ly 2Jgj2xs Twitter: bit ly 2kOmR2q Facebook: bit ly 2xFvCoI Snapchat: JordynJones11
in reality it is rude, it is a suggestion that you have the authority to regulate adolescent speech because you are talking to an adolescent and you are not an adolescent
Isaac Rogers
Because they knew you fucked would twist it this way.
Aiden Moore
(((they))) set it up perfectly. Homosexuals are "born this way" and now so are pedos. The foundation has been laid now all they gotta do is build on it.
Blake Flores
We should literally kill them all. It is the only solution.
Anthony Anderson
yeah but you can fucking control it like a normal human being. If someone has a latex fetish or whatever they won't go and rape a woman just because she's wearing latex clothes.
Leo Rivera
Isaac Torres
You are again missing the point, going back to the video (going off topic a bit).
In the video which this whole dispute is about, they try to show the pedophile as a human which has problem with acting his sexuality
>he cant go to the beach because there are kids there
Is like saying a straight male cant go to the beach since he will most likely rape hot women and that's absurd but the audience keeps silent and that's the problem. Also the speaker literally says that the pedophile in question has more than a problem with his sexual identity but he is close to acting his desires on kids thus the problem with visiting the beach, there's a difference in knowing right from wrong but she doesn't specify this and tries to show that instead of self restrain and control he has a deeper problem he clearly cant control.
As to your post: >so what would you suggest then? >just lock them away or kill them?
No there is no simple solution but from experience I know for a fact that harsh treatment is always better than being soft and liberal with sick people thus my Infectious Diseases example before. People respect fear way more than diplomacy/treatment.
Luke Allen
That's the hilarious part, they should have doubled down and allowed the debate to occur. They have proven that they as well as academia are intellectually weak.
I think the problem is this touches too close to the "satanic pedophile cult" or whatever. They want it to be taboo, so it's a privilege they have, but normal people will get murdered for it.
Camden Harris
>You can teach normal people how to do that. You DON'T have to TEACH normal people anything since they act normal to begin with. Pedophiles are pedophiles and you won't teach them otherwise the same way you won't teach a shizo patent to stop hearing voices, you can dose him with meds that will dull him the fuck out so he won't tell you that he still hears voices but HE knows they are still there.
>It's not like they are urge driven predators that have only one goal in their life and that's to rape children. Sorry to say but that's the case, it lingers in them, deep down, as I said before it's the most basic human urge but contorted and twisted, normal person will always want to reproduce since it's a basic human urge and it's the same for a pedophile.
>They just have a sexual preference for little children.
They have urge for a thing that is sexualized just because it tickles them fancy, it's like that woman who "humped" eifel tower also as above stated they will always want to explore the possibility whenever it arises and they will think they won't get caught.
Ayden Lewis
Unless they are tracked and killed I don't want to hear your degenerate shit
Xavier Davis
The fuck are you talking about? Jones regularly talks about the zionists/globalists (another word for jews)
He ain't an actor. He might be a bit on the edge of sanity, but a solid 8 out of 10 things he predicts are true or come true in the years following.
Alex may be a bit of a kook, but he's a kook with high level sources and his heart belongs to the Lord. That's about as much as you can ask for in this day and age.
Kayden Walker
People that are in the know about Jews have been saying it for years. Once they get their foot in the door with one thing it's on to the next. All of us knew that pedo acceptance was their next thing on the vibrant agenda. They won't be satisfied until the goyim are reduced to base animals. I'm sure the person giving the presentation was a Jew.
They are getting btfo'd from /b/ by the users and the mods, and it is not their board and the digital ground should not be surrendered just because they are repulsive. Some anons even tried to engage in productive debate as to why pedophilia is harmful and from the convo I read only one pedo kept "her" composure the rest flooded it with degenerate comments.
Because they got hate for it? Irrelevant question.
Austin Flores
Ted talks have become a prestigious organization. They didn't want fucks like you smearing their name under fasle propaganda.
Sebastian Jackson
You will be hunted down and eliminated and I will propagate the Earth with my high IQ genes knowing that my children are free to enjoy life from degenerate predators.
James Lewis
The fuck he is. Get your head outta your ass bro. He hates globalists/zionists.
If anything, he's playing double agent.
Jason Adams
100 percent this is what is going to happen >get pedos into treatment >bornthisway.mp4 >pedos get lighter sentences if they are in treatment >they are able to network with other pedos while in treatment >who cares if they get caught with kiddie porn it's not like they were actually abusing a child? >these people are normal just like you and me >lgbtp they are oppressed >we have to make sex with children legal to get rid of oppression
It's going to happen in the US. And I will wholeheartedly kek when it does
Adrian Perry
They should have thought about that before promoting the harm of children. Now they will never be given any credibility again and will forever be known as supporters of pedophiles.
Aiden Ward
He sucks Israel cock.
Ethan Perez
Reminder little girls scares Jow Forums more than jews
Lincoln Gutierrez
>tries to pretend that committing an act of terror is an argument
it isn't an argument and you are suggesting to children that they should be hysterically afraid of some citizens because you have used a magic word that turns an ordinary citizen into a monster
>with my magic wand, I can turn ordinary citizens into pedos
this isn't an argument, it is a demand that other people live in fear of pedos, it is a demand that children live in fear of pedos
There's certainly nasty people there and here too, I mean if they say they deserve to abuse children they really should be thrown in jail.
My original point was that there are people doing much worse to kids that get paid for it, even government workers who promote homosexuality. So if you could choose, would you rather all pedos be in jail tomorrow, or all traitorous journalists using mass media to promote degeneracy?
Jackson Fisher
Watch his interview with David Duke. Watch the whole thing and come back to read your post again.
Charles Bell
Shitty way of doing damage control if you ask me. Then again, people at Ted (and their audience) are mostly retarded.
Jordan Nelson
*snore* dumb faggot.
Adrian Hughes
We are the only obstacle they really face. Non Jow Forums humans will just eat this shit up.
Jack Green
I don't disagree
Evan Brown
It's beyond your control now. You scared yet Shills? I can tell by the way you cry out in pain
They are now filing trademark infringements on videos that upload the TEDx Talk they are trying to censor, claiming that it's not covered under the Creative Commons license because the video was "not authorized by TEDx" (which is false).