I'm going to post Hitler everyday until you love him

I'm going to post Hitler everyday until you love him

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So, forever.

But I already do user.

How can I love some demonic monster that murdered millions? If you support him you will join him in Hell, too.

Fuck this murderous douche. Hope he burns in hell

He would have sent you out to the western front to die and then blamed it on you for being a such a faggot.


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Hitler loved dogs and teen upskirts. He's already /myguy/

Here here doesn't already

But, I do love him, OP.

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What's not to love?

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Feel like someone here is in the mood for a cozy story.

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tell me a story mario like nana used to.

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You fags. Didn't you realize he blamed the German people for losing the war towards the end in the bunker. This guy literally wouldn't give a shit about you. He would send you out to die on some military disaster and then when you get slaughtered he would say you're not made like the good old soldiers of ww1. Why do you want to be subjected so baldly?

Hitler thought Italians were inferior to Germanics. Cuck.

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Found the jew

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Don't be mad. Embrace him.

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Your confused
Israel and US are the new ruling Nazis.

Holy shit kek

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Hitler was a sensitive man.

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Then you will have to go back in time about 17 years.

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Sleep tight lads.

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like pottery

Yes, he personally murdered people. Also the allies never murdered anyone. Finally to get that out the way.

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>watching Der Untergang

i dont love him why throw that word so easily around very strong word i just like the guy and his views he wasnt bad guy

Say what you will about his politics, the man rocked the facial hair like no other. Except maybe that guy from Sparks.

As a neger I never dreamed I would love this man so much. Most influential man of all time, the most brilliant strategist of all time, the near savior of the White race until he was assassinated by slavs, the mexicunts of Europa. Heil Hitler. We think of you daily and long for your return. SIEG HEIL!

This ones going in my "WTF am I reading??" folder

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No, i read in in Albert Spears documentation of his time with Hitler.

Will he share his fish with me? :D

too late famalam

I love him already, though.

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T-that was beautiful...

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He doesn't love you though, untermensch


>The Lidice massacre was a complete destruction of the village of Lidice, in the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, now in the Czech Republic, in June 1942 on orders from Adolf Hitler and Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler. In reprisal for the assassination of Reich Protector Reinhard Heydrich in the late spring of 1942,[1] all 173 men over 15 years of age from the village were executed on 10 June 1942.[2] Another 11 men who were not in the village were arrested and executed soon afterwards, along with several others already under arrest.[2] The 184 women and 88 children were deported to concentration camps; a few children considered racially suitable for Germanisation were handed over to SS families and the rest were sent to the Chełmno extermination camp where they were gassed to death.[2] The Associated Press, quoting German radio received in New York, said: "All male grownups of the town were shot, while the women were placed in a concentration camp, and the children were entrusted to appropriate educational institutions." [3] About 340 people from Lidice died because of the German reprisal (192 men, 60 women and 88 children) and after the war ended, only 153 women and 17 children returned


>Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia were to be deprived of their statehood, while their territories were to be included in the area of German settlement. This meant that Latvia and especially Lithuania would be covered by the deportation plans, though in a somewhat milder form than the expulsion of Slavs to western Siberia. While the Baltic nations like Estonians would be spared from repressions and physical liquidation (that the Jews and the Poles were experiencing), in the long term the Nazi planners did not foresee their existence as independent entities and they would be deported as well, with eventual denationalisation; initial designs were for Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia to be Germanized within 25 years, however Heinrich Himmler revised them to 20 years.

I am not Czech, though.

good shit wont change my views on hitler