This is Jazz

Tomorrow’s the big day!

/ourgirl/ Jazz will be getting the vagina of her dreams.

Seriously though, why the fuck isn’t this considered a mental illness anymore?

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>why the fuck isn’t this considered a mental illness anymore?
Because Trump isn't exporting communists like we need to

Still is considered a mental illness outside of the cities my guy.
I'm proud to say trannies are not allowed in my town.

It is considered a mental illness among professionals. Don't mix "lefty drooling retards" with "people who know their shit".

Imagine being confined to your room for the rest of your life at like age 16 because your fake vagina keeps trying to heal itself and seal shut

Anybody have that infamous, horrifying webm?

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Is there a website to bet how long before Jazz kills himself?

>Jennings was born in South Florida to parents Greg and Jeanette ("Jennings" is a pseudonym).[8][9] The family is Jewish,[10] and their last name is "a very Jewish, long last name."[11]


discord gg/jgNKY2w

add a .

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they live in Parkland which is a big jew zoo

Reminder that growing up on hormone blockers has left Jazz with a microdick too small to invert into a mangina. They're going to have to make it out of a portion of his colon.

Wait really?

>Seriously though, why the fuck isn’t this considered a mental illness anymore?
Thing is OP. It is, IT IS considered a mental illness. By everyone.
Just we are not supposed to say it.

Also hope he dies under anesthesic. Save the stupid cunt a lifetime of further misery.

>Neo-vagina made from her colon

Absolute clown world.

I still dont see how this will work. The colon is made to have a whole different set of bacteria living in it than the vagina does.

>why the fuck isn’t this considered a mental illness anymore

It is considered entertainment which should worry you more.

It makes one wonder how creating a gaping hole in oneself could work at all.

May she contract breast and ovarian cancer. Signed, WOMAN WHO WAS BORN FEMALE

I wonder what it'll jack it to tonight as the last time he ever gets to truly cum

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Gay men have spent decades of propaganda making the world doubt what you just said.

More often then not, unlike a few years ago, it's acceptable and trendy to support homosexuals. Almost every church I see in my area has one of those fag flags. That so called vagina is basically an open wound that these creatures have to regularly keep open with a dialator. I'm so tired lads

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Day to suicide cloak starts tomorrow . How long till he necks himself ? I give him 1 year and 45 days !!

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5 and he dies on the operating table

anyone else think that she's stunning?

send him some of these to congratulate

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I'm pretty sure it is.

Ok I need to ask.. does 'she' always have a mustache? Am I just seeing things?

Shut up slut I'll rape your holes until you love me



Yeah, have they been successful?

your wish is my command

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Lol haha, my reply would be, "Nah, you'll just harass me for make up and costume tips till I block your phone number and then hate stalk me because my boyfriend refuses to date you or tell you you're pretty at which point you'll finally commit suicide" - the end point for ALL trannies. What a sad attempt at a faggot insult these things are

Someone post the webm of this fat boy walking around in a gurney

>not mental illness
OP brings up a valid point here.

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Because you keep giving them a platform.

It is his/her/its problem, not mine. I don't give a shit.

Damn son where do you live

>Seriously though, why the fuck isn’t this considered a mental illness anymore?

because being man and wanting to cutt of your dick is not normal, wanting to mod your body form somthing it is to something it should be is mental illness

forcing people to lie and missgender you from your natal sex is mental illness
doing things out of charater of your natal sex is mental illness

Forcing kids to think in such a way that they are not their natal sex is mental illness.

there there are just some things of why being a tranny is mental illness.