one term president
One term president
One term that never ends.
>won't fill out forms
>won't run
>won't get in a debate
>won't win a debate
>won't win 2 debates
>won't make it another month
>that comment was it
>its over
>won't win a state
>won't win 2 states
>wont win primaries
>won't win debate with Hillary
>won't win a satate
>won't win 2 states
>won't win election
>won't last 6 months
>won't last a year
>won't be reelected
That's correct
One lifetime term
Emperor Trump
>he won't win new hampshire
Still more than Hilary Clinton will ever be
>2016 : I will build a YUGE wall no one can climb ! And mexico will pay for it !
>2018 : Our border still looks like swiss cheese but hey at least we imprison the ones we catch and separate their children with an unnessecary cold hearted bureaucratic policy. Paid by american taxpayers ! B-but it's the l-law ! Yeah don't worry about the millions of illegal spics getting appointed at public offices in Commiefornia, nothing to see here goy. Deporting illegals ? Defunding commiefornia ? What a strange idea ??!! MAGA !
OP, go eat a dick you faggot.
A dynasty!
lel blumpffft
One long term until his eventual death in 20 years, at which time we'll have deemed the Trump family to be the rightful monarchy to rule the USA, and leftism will be outlawed, giving us the utopia we've always wanted.
One term, one man, onelifetime.
Who is going to beat him?
Obama's approval numbers were lower than Trump's at this point during the presidency, and he got re-elected.
Sage this stupid-ass thread
we're not even halfway, enjoy the ride faggot
return of the cruz
>implying any Republican would commit suicide by primarying him.
Elizabeth Warren.
Implying we won't be in the middle of civil war for the 2020 election cycle. California will be three states, and quite possibly Texas will be divided as well. ICE will be running giant concentration camps in NYC and building a wall around California. Rural retards will be trickling into major urban areas to snipe Marxists and rappers, and disrupt food supply lines. Can't wait
Pocohontas won't even run. She barely got elected to the Senate in a blue state.
Ghost of McCain?
what I was originally meaning is that is there enthusiasm left for old Trump?
the read I'm getting is time around the democrats will be motivated to get him out and any name that can rally the diversity + shitlib coalition will do the job, anyone but Clinton, while Trump's base will have lost steam and enthusiasm, no?
>is that is there enthusiasm left for old Trump
His poll numbers among Republicans are higher than Reagan's.