RED = Muslimway
GREEN = Norway
This country will soon break apart.
RED = Muslimway
GREEN = Norway
This country will soon break apart.
Other urls found in this thread:
>RED = Swedeway
Oslo is the only place that supports your lazy, overly-subsidized farmers' lifestyle.
Bow down and excuse yourself dirty peasant living off my gibs.
>le globalism bucks $$$
Traitor to the nation! Secede to Denmark/Sweden right now young man!
>Oil is the only thing that supports your lazy, overly-subsidized farmers' lifestyle.
Fify. Globalist money changers add nothing to a country.
Are you insane?
It's literally the rest of Norway that supports Oslo and their fucked up muslim loving ways.
Without Western Norway Oslo would be nothing but a Gypsy town.
We are the real Norwegians.
But Muslims aren't as common as in Sweden right?
In Oslo they are.
Which ethnicity?
Doesn't matter, it's the same shit that needs to be eradicated (and that WILL happen).
Yes but I mean if I could choose I'd swap the millions of north african Muslims I have with Persians
The eternal frenchman...
One part muslims work jobs your pale soft hands couldn't handle, another smaller part caters drugs to norwegian CEO's to keep them happy.
There are cultural clashes, bur you have no say in it as you have no idea whats going on here. Also you'd be too busy drinking 4liters dunk and fishing if it wasn't for the oil industry ran by Oslo.
Norway is a brontosaurus.
OK, you so you ARE literally insane.
Oslo produces nothing but paper and white flags. You are the shame of Norway. You are not real Norwegians.
We will move the capital back to Bergen or Trondheim SOON. Make no mistake about it you fucking muslim loving Gypsy.
And then when we shut you out of our realm... you will go broke within 1 day. HAHA.
I can imagine the unrest. Just don't try to cross the border. Because we WILL shoot you dead.
>the oil industry ran by Oslo
LOL you don't know much that's for sure. Are you 5?
>you fucking muslim loving Gypsy.
I meant: you muslim loving high gay pitched sounding Gypsy. Try to have a manly dark voice like western Norwegians and not that cartoon like shit accent?
You guys literally sounds like this when you talk:
Muslims will not survive in Norway. They don't know how to feed fjords.
I want to vacation in the north during summer, is it worth it nordbros
is norway whiter than denmark?
Definitely no. We are 90% white as of right now.
(80% white native Norwegian).
Depends what you are looking for. If you want nice scenery western Norway to the north of Norway can be pretty nice in summer (from now on and for another 2 months - after September forget it). If you are lucky with the weather it can be truly magnificent.
Oslo is literally the tumor of Norway, all of the country hates it, especially the Northern region (Or so I've heard) for siphoning all the money and stealing the opportunity for work to Oslo.
I genuinely hope for a nuclear war, just to see Oslo burn
are u as white as poland?
I'm from Western Norway, and I agree.
They suck all the wealth and then pretend to be the ones who created it (yet they have nothing but paper). We can create a realm without these high pitched motherfuckers.
>We can create a realm without these high pitched motherfuckers.
They are Quislings, traitors of the REAL Norway.
Fucking muslim lovers.
>unironically shitting on farmers
i hope you starve
Cities need to go we don't need them anymore.