Alright boys, it seems like my shitposting on twitter got me the attention of a special kind of nig nut.
He, an account determined to debunk race realists, claims that all iq research on blacks is fraud and not conclusive. To back up his point he has an arsenal of shitty memes that BTFO every white supremacist. Since I'm a low iq brainlet myself I acctually haven't read up on all the data and I promised this nig to come back with facts and answeres to his memery.
I know I know not your personal army etc. But does he actually have a point?
Pic related is one of his "memes" I'll dump some of the convo and the rest.

I'll screenshot the best answers to him, so please don't use blatant racism for once. Hide it if you want.

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Other urls found in this thread:


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He actually wanted to start a livestream because I called him low iq

Attached: Fotor_152944385094059.jpg (2200x1650, 493K)

> sir

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Alright now to his dank info memes

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Attached: IMG_20180619_231136.jpg (1023x767, 255K)

> white supremacy gone wrong

Attached: IMG_20180619_233528.jpg (800x1200, 210K)

> TWT (time wasting trolls)

This is the nigger intellect they're always talking about

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Let me make a wild guess and bet that this nig doesn't live in nor has ever visited Africa.

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Dude without the evil white devil africa would be an utopian paradise much like wakanda.
All major cities with a black majority are in ruins because of systems created by the white man to keep minorities down.

The more you know.

Attached: Screenshot_2018-06-19-23-36-02_1.jpg (1004x773, 121K)

that shit is impossible to read

also sage

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Only infograph I got is this chart, due to his insistance on his specific questions I didn't post it because I haven't read up on the original source. Is it legit research in his book?

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It's a nigger "meme" afterall.

Stop been racist nigger lover!
blacks b dumb and you see it all over da world nigger

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>But does he actually have a point?
No, and your are going to lose the debate because you've accepted his false premise. See pic

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The alternative hypothesis has a all of the best studies you would need here. Read a couple of them with his explanation and send them to this faggot. Should be more than enough


Alright I looked it up and read an article "debunking" it.

> blacks score lowest on all tests but it's cause of cultural differences, language barrier, discrimination and slavery, vague correlation of certain tests with iq
> blacks in america have hire iq because they mixed with whites --> racist claim
> hiring based on merit is racist and affirmative action counters it

If those are the arguments fuck it.

>realism debunked

Attached: 1526403978278.jpg (580x584, 113K)

Care to explain your pic for a tard? Biology class was a long time ago.

They made new IQ tests that completely removed any type of cultural concept, that don't rely on language and are worldwide standards.

Nigs still scored at the bottom. leftists still claim cultural differences because they're idiots like the niggers.

Attached: 1211508906036.jpg (402x270, 26K)


yes, africa is a 70iq shithole. this is what happens when there is a fucking desert in between you and civilization.

They are but they all seem to be collectivley enchanted by the Dunning Kruger effect. Most likely because they see their kind portrayed as scientists, kangs and queens in jewish propaganda.

tell me moar, I'm interested, gib sauce


He's right. You're fucked b/c you fell for satirical memes. Now you have to let him fuck your wife.

Got any sources on these new studies? All the nigs are rambling about old ones from the 60s.

Even if I link him these he'll probably cry out because they were conducted by the white man.

Attached: FB_IMG_1528908826933.jpg (720x960, 16K)

Sure, you've allowed your opponent to frame the debate around the assumption that homo sapiens are monotypic (we are all one race the human race), rather than polytypic.



You should ask him for his evidence for this claim, first. When he provides it, provide him an alternate hypothesis:

"The term race is a traditional synonym for subspecies, however it is frequently asserted that Homo sapiens is monotypic and that what are termed races are nothing more than biological illusions. In this manuscript a case is made for the hypothesis that H. sapiens is polytypic, and in this way is no different from other species exhibiting similar levels of genetic and morphological diversity. First it is demonstrated that the four major definitions of race/subspecies can be shown to be synonymous within the context of the framework of race as a correlation structure of traits. Next the issue of taxonomic classification is considered where it is demonstrated that H. sapiens possesses high levels morphological diversity, genetic heterozygosity and differentiation (F(ST)) compared to many species that are acknowledged to be polytypic with respect to subspecies. Racial variation is then evaluated in light of the phylogenetic species concept, where it is suggested that the least inclusive monophyletic units exist below the level of species within H. sapiens indicating the existence of a number of potential human phylogenetic species; and the biological species concept, where it is determined that racial variation is too small to represent differentiation at the level of biological species."

Althyp talked about that the racial gap increase, the more they try to "neutralize" the language.
I think it is because the test automatically become more abstract..


> implying I won't just block him because I fear the big black man anyway
> not a cuck

Attached: thenigconnection.jpg (690x699, 19K)

Book the bell curve

If all this race distinction data is fraudulent then how does he know his every race is the same data is true if we can't even tell that niggers are dark?

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The raven test right?

Alright thanks, I think I get the gist of it although my english comprehension isn't on par with that kind of specific scientific use.
It immedietly came it mind when he brought up white supremacy and different kinds of whites and their alleged non iq differences that HE was actually the one deflecting because nobody was even arguing that.
I'm inclined to just post him your post sawed off. Kinda weak but I can't put it into better words on my own.

>HE was actually the one deflecting
Yea, that's the usual tactic. It's tiresome, and I just wanted to save you some headache haha.

I second this.

I get that Race Realism with capital Rs is a specific ideology that could be construed as unrealistic, but isn't being realistic about race a good thing? Do you realize how stupid it sounds to be against "race realism?" Are you for "Race Unrealism" or something?

Dr. Richard Lynn's work is the best IMO...Send him this:

There was a post that had a comic talking about if you took whites, enslaved them, and put them through what nigs went through that after 2 or 3 hundred years give them a test by your own standards and see if they pass. The problem with that is that it already happened. The word slave came from the word slav who were slaves to the Arabs

He basically thinks that there is a conspiracy behind the evidence.



what the fuck is that font, fuck off with that shit

If he deflects bring him right back on target and demand an answer and if he refuses you tell him "how can you claim to debunk this if you can't even answer such a simple question?" since they are ego driven they will of course try to answer it or block you for destroying there ego.

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Ok, so they made sure their test are as neutral and perception based as possible but where are the results?

can he even tell you who is effected by sickle cell anemia or what hormone differences happen between the races, I bet he doesn't even know that blacks have longer heel cords then white.s

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Go on YouTube and type in “The Alternative Hypothesis”. That channel will give everything you need to know. His MLK video should debunk the narrative that the US has a long history of severely persecuting black people

How the hell do you debunk observable reality?

Does this faggot deny the crime stats as well?

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I've read about this test in one article that tries to debunk the iq difference. They say it doesn't correlate with iq. So testing it in that framework makes no sense.

You're not going to get a legit answer on here or from anybody really cuz most of the studies themselves are psuedo-science. It's sociology based studies and statistics being based on race takes only one factor into consideration and forgets every other one. The IQ map is bullshit any actually intelligent person who doesn't spend most of his time here will know this.

I'm an engineer ask me how many 'studies' I have falsified to get the desired result that I wanted. It's even easier with this, white supremacy will never be real because God did not make any race superior he made us different.

This isn't info. It is pointing at an unrelated knowledge gap.

Whether or not there are studies on Krauts v. Frogs is irrelevant. If Krauts are smarter than other whites it still means whites are smarter than blacks.

Also, those groups listed have significant admixture, whereas you can easily spilt whites and blacks into a group. There is some crossover but the size and distinctiveness of the groups makes them a non-issue.

As for sources, use the FBI, or other gov agency crime statistics (not sure what your country has avency wise maybe use the yank FBI) gov agencies are good. Give him a few bullet points (do not answer in his format). Tell him - he doesn't get to decide how evidence should be presented (using his format makes it easier for him) here is a summary, now if you have other questions read the fucking source my job isn't to spoonfeed you. Then tell him to do the same for his own study that supports his viewpoint if you want

The entire point of his """""debate""""" is to make you run around writing counterpoints in his format (that he will attack more easily) while doing nothing himself until you give up. Then he will declare victory. Challenge him on this if you want.

Honestly I'm also not that educated on any of that, except for the observable fact that severe differences exist.
I'll make sure to post your pic.

Where are his own sources? As I said before, he is just looking to waste your time till you give up.

>white supremacy will never be real because God did not make any race superior he made us different.
>kikestianity reporting in
every species in nature has a hierarchy, the food chain is real, humans are no different, different humans have different capabilities and there is zero evidence to suggest that deficiencies are compensated with other hidden talents or potentials that combine to create ((equal)) people.
within a race and even more pronounced between races, humans are not created equal, the evidence is the world around you.

It's not about superiority tho at least for me. I have black friends and I'm not white either. By your logic you shouldn't rely on any study because every one of em is subject to confirmation bias and agenda. But what I've heard is that there have been many such studies done and denying any in general racial differences is just moronic. We evolved in different settings and enviroments and had to adapt accordingly.

>dont post one study
>dont post many studies
>dont try to use citation
>dont use a study that takes place in a particular African nation
>we are aware of your tricks nothing can get past our mental shielding.

I'll just dump everything and leave it be. Maybe call him low iq once again and leave him rambling about some random coon.

Only concrete, objective, factual information matters.

Attached: WopdLPr.jpg (843x843, 382K)

Germans are not very smart.

post the iq results for adulthood.
the european brain develops beyond late puberty, the african brain doesnt.

People who say that have never done a day of research in their lives and most certainly have never preformed an actual scientific experiment to prove an hypothesis. concrete objective, factual the word you are looking for is EMPIRICAL and you only get EMPIRICAL data from working with an endless sea of soft, bias non factual assumptions that you then take action to prove more often then not failing to do so but still accomplishing much in isolating failures.

Great source. Really pinpoints that race is a euphemism of sub-species.

Actually there is plenty...but I'm not going through it we are going to argue with our observations not actually studies. Let me just go ahead and quote this guy that the overwhelming majority of IQ tests you see are coming from:

"I think the only solution lies in the breakup of the United States. Blacks and Hispanics are concentrated in the Southwest, the Southeast and the East, but the Northwest and the far Northeast, Maine, Vermont and upstate New York have a large predominance of whites. I believe these predominantly white states should declare independence and secede from the Union. They would then enforce strict border controls and provide minimum welfare, which would be limited to citizens. If this were done, white civilization would survive within this handful of states."

This is Richard Lynn BTW, this guy IS a white supremacist, so no shit white people eat up his bullshit studies. Like the pictures show above at one point there were claims that Italians had an IQ of 79, SEVENTY NINE, this was in the 19th century! How did they go from 79 to the now claimed 97 in a span of less than a hundred years? When you actually look at the history of IQ tests the only statistical sense they have made is that the person doing the study will put his race on the higher tier of IQs and Blacks are always low.

Everything else is in such a gray area that it's almost irrelevant, IQ tests are bullshit, muh race realism is bullshit, the winners of WW2 have been fucking the other countries is the only thing that is real. Look at the difference between North and South Korea and tell me why one country is starving and so impoverished like an African country while the other is one of the leading GDPs of the world and thriving with constant technological advancements?

So OP goes around posting unsubstantiated pseudo-science to make himself feel better than blacks because someone told him so on Jow Forums of all places and when he gets called out and exposed as the true low iq specimen he is, he comes back only to get told what a dumbass he is.

kek. Why are racists so dumb?

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If IQ isn't the biggest factor in North Korea than why are you so quick to assume it is in an African country? Be honest with yourself and just call them NIGGERS like you want to, I know how you people think. You look down on them like animals, when they are in fact human beings just like me and you created by GOD and in no religion does it say any race is better than another. If you fear God you would've understood this message and looked at the racists with skepticism, but you didn't. That's why you're still looking at cartoon girls or whatever, still not following God, still hateful, still jealous of 'CHAD', still ignorant of the wonders of this Earth, because you don't fear God.


They are basically saying that it is ok to have own country, identity, heritage.. Unless you are white!

And if you are against this, they call you white supremacist. When you google that, you get these pictures. You see?

Attached: white supremacistt.jpg (348x145, 10K)

Try harder.

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Zygosity in a species has nothing to do with sub species it has to do with available gene pairings for a more variable appearance. This is why heterozygosity is not a factor in deciding if sub species exist or not which is exactly what this graph was made to prove. Subspecies are decided by behaviors that lead to appearance differences and eventually difficulty interbreeding with a great deal of time.

Daily reminder winning arguments doesn't win wars.

One of the main points of these comics is that you don't have to strawman the opponents position because it's already so bad.

2/10 would not read that strawman again

Demographics are Destiny

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Race realism debunked? Did reality suddenly change where black countries aren't shitholes?

>racists are dumb huehue

Subjective, emotional manipulation spotted.

Only concrete, objective, factual information matters.

>kikes from Harvard conduct an experiment to prove to huwhites that insist on niggers being dumber overall that IQ is determined by nurture instead of nature
>kikes get proven wrong by concrete, objective, factual information
>kikes and shills ignore the study and call it pseudoscience whenever it comes up
>kikes and shills continue with setting up experiments with manipulated hypotheses, similar to how kikes and shills manipulate A/B testing, and calling it empirical science
>kike/kike shill now thinks that making an ad hominem, which is subjective, emotional manipulation, is going to disprove me.

Only concrete, objective, factual information matters.

No see its the white mans fault that the black man can't do a single thing right. Whites are just THAT influential.

>If IQ isn't the biggest factor in North Korea than why are you so quick to assume it is in an African country?
are you even supposed to be replying to me? where did i even bring up north korea?
if you must know my thoughts on north korea, its a perfect example of eugenics in action when compared to the south.
in one society the innovative, creative and most intelligent were wiped from the gene pool and in the other they were not, 3 generations later and you have the deviation in societies youd expect.

>meta studies are bad becauise I'm a nig nog
hes retarded

You are a not equipped for science. This however won't trouble you because your bias is confirmed by the data. Which in itself is a big reason why you will never be able to follow the scientific method.

>high paying jobs require the best and brightest
Not necessarily. It can be exceedingly dangerous and have incredibly awful hours, like working the oil rigs as a roughneck.

You don't even have to assume that most of the North's high IQ individuals were killed. Living in a brutal dictatorship that prevents high IQ people from flourishing, along with the Asian cultural influences to obey your superiors might just mean they're all suppressed from doing anything good.

If Kim actually opens up the country, it would not be surprising to see North Korea flourish in a relatively short period of time, since they share many genetic traits with their Southern brothers.

Alright I just flung all this shit at him. My guess is he will just block everything because I didn't follow his rules.

Attached: Screenshot_2018-06-20-01-41-00.png (1080x1920, 640K)

>blacks score lowest on all tests but it's cause of cultural differences, language barrier, discrimination and slavery, vague correlation of certain tests with iq

let's break this up:
>caused by cultural differences
explain how russians, east asians, and indians, people who come from very different cultures, score well on iq tests

>language barrier
so niggers don't speak english? also, see previous answer

>discrimination and slaver
sowell btfos this better than i ever could

>vague correlation of certain tests with iq
he needs to list specific examples.

anyone can just make up bullshit.

>blacks in america have hire iq because they mixed with whites --> racist claim
this racist claim is supported by evidence. see: >hiring based on merit is racist and affirmative action counters it
so they admit shitskins have no merit? hmmmmmmmmm

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>cultural differences
Not compatible with country, go back.
>language barrier
Born in the US, can't even speak American English. Probably retarded.
We have standards bud, meet them or GTFO. >and slavery
Blacks are the most privileged as far as affirmative action is concerned. Dwelling in the past and holding an eternal grudge is a pastime of kikes, niggers, women, and losers.

Let's see how he'll respond.

Attached: Screenshot_2018-06-20-01-41-21.png (1080x1920, 728K)

Pattern recognition,

> Whites have money
> Can afford to spend time playing games and puzzles
> Enhance their ability to recognize patterns quicker

> Blacks no money
> Can't afford these luxury items
> Have to worry about food more than recognizing a pattern

Geeeeee I wonder why it's this way?

I wonder why he would do the test with Freshman and then give them 10 dollars for it, do you know how many poor people go to college just for financial aid just to drop out after they receive the money? I guarantee there was a bunch of black kids there that didn't even give a fuck and just wanted the ten dollars.

Wow, the left really can't meme.
You are supposed to point out the contradictions and logical fallacies of the target while depicting them in caricature form.

Nothing you wrote is actually a contradiction nor inherently wrong. One is completely self defeating.

"super unpopular idea like white nationalism"
LOL, on what planet is it super unpopular? It's so popular that SJW's default all individual Whites to a "White" collective. Hence re:re:re:re:"White people tears and why that's a good thing!" etc.
The problem SJW's are having at the moment is that their metaphysics shifts rapidly depending upon what they want.
When they want to blame White people, they treat Whites as a collective and hold them collectively accountable (treating them as a nation). When they try to operate as a nation or demand collective praise, the SJW cries that it is unfair and that the individual is what matters most.
This IS a classic SJW problem and very distinct from the "civcuck" problem.

>formal education
>i get my knowledge from youtubers.

Here's the problem with this: lots of people that WORK PROFESSIONALLY WITHIN FORMAL EDUCATION (not that this makes them inherently valid) are ALSO youtubers with many universities having a youtube channel with lectures online etc.
So, not only do you commit genetic fallacy but also assume that youtube and academia are mutually exclusive. They aren't.

The left can't meme.

>pic related is an example of a working smuggie.

Attached: smuggie-commie.jpg (2008x1308, 210K)

hey i have a fuckton of sources that demonstrate that blacks are a separate subspecies

Attached: sppp.png (386x548, 31K)

Attached: blackrace.gif (2406x1936, 861K)

you have to ask him why, don't just let him off the hook, ask why he thinks that way.

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I'm actually fine with blacks and other races. I just don't accept the premise that we're equal.
I have black friends with whom I talk about shit like that and everyone agrees that we're fundamentally different.

Why do we even play this game of 'science' with those brainlets? If you can tell two groups apart just by looking at them, they are a different race, sub-species or species. It's really that simple.

According to the University of Chicago WS GSSthese are the average IQs for various ethnicities in the United States.

Attached: IMG_2673.jpg (701x1465, 173K)

> Blacks no money
> Can't afford these luxury items

The fucking irony of this is that the reason that they have no money is because they spend them on luxury items.
This is a similar problem that women have.

Is it really a coincidence that the people with money problems also happen to be the biggest consumers?

> Living in a brutal dictatorship that prevents high IQ people from flourishing
> suppressed from doing anything good

Yet your high IQ brain couldn't think of this
> Living in brutal anarchy that prevents high IQ people from flourishing
> suppressed from doing anything good

I cannot actually believe that people do not realize Africans have in fact been oppressed for whatever reason you want to cite even if it was their own people that has happened. How are you going to determine actual intelligence based solely on race if this is the case? You can't and you'r NOT MEANT TO.
