You need to be ready.
Already on it bro.
Lift, fight, climb. Get ready.
How can I lift when I work in construction and am exhausted at the end of every day?
You probably are already lifting at work
Fuckin lanklet here. Been lifting for years, I'm 6' 4" about 220 but don't look very "big", arms a shit. How do I break through?
I just finished building a power cage at home. What's a good routine to start with?
I lift everyday
I used to lift for tomorrow, now I lift because I feel like I need too.
>can lift lots of weight
>doesnt know how to fight
wow good job
Strength isn't size
Melee combat will almost never happen
It wouldn't be bad to learn though
You might have hit a natural plateau. Your body doesn't just endlessly put on muscle, even if you eat right, get plenty of sleep, and do all the right lifts. You can't gain forever natty.
Look at your daily macros, see if you can try eating a bit more, try increasing volume of your lifts to see if it has any effect.
Don't be worried if you're on a plateau unless you're trying to be a legitimate body builder. Everyone plateaus somewhere. Its in your genes.
till it does
Going to do arm day mein nigga
What's the point when roided up niggers are stronger anyway. I'm not doing steroids, that shit is fake af.
I'm 30 now and work out maybe 2 or 3 times a week, but when I was in my early 20s I was lifting and running 6-7 days a week and working full time (+overtime) as a lowly laborer at a materials handling plant in the steel mill. You can make time
>believing the niggers are stronger lie
there's a reason they only succeed in endurance based sports lad
look at any strength based sport and you'll see the truth
Suppose you and one other person like you are dealing with a nigger. At your current level of fitness, would even two of you be able to overpower the average nigger? Progress occurs at the margins in life. Don't worry about being the best; worry about being better every day.
6'4" bro here. Eat liver. Yes calf liver. Fresh as possible.
>inb4 "eww gross"
Quit being a child and get a quality liver in every week. You'll be amazed.
in that case do DDP yoga or something after work to maintain mobility
first, you are an idiot and live in a surface aesthetics world if you believe this, second if you shoot a nigger in the chest it dies. functional strength faggot.
10 months in now
I work out at the ymca.. i'm looking to drive for lyft in the honda fit but need to make custom bumper stickers first
>Jow Forums.. do you even lyft, bro?
6'3 225lbs, I look yuuuuuge.