>damage your own brand in an attempt to virtue signal on behalf of foreigners and minorities
>end up fucking your profits leading to thousands of said foreigners and minorities being fired and out of a job
Are they /ourcoffeecompany/?
they'll probably close the ones in areas infested with homeless people
They knew profits were lowering.
They virtue signaled only to try and win social currency and regain some profits by winning over extreme leftist customers.
They'll end up closing stores in the most ethnic areas because they have the worst profit margins.
Welcome to business.
I have never been to a starbucks and there is at least 3 near my home, should I give it a try lads?
this is a maximum kike approved (TM) response
its expensive and doesnt taste good but you can go once for the meme's sake if you want
Every time my sister goes there I tell her to get me a water just to slow down their service without giving them money.
Lmao, get fucked virtue signaling faggots and kikes.
I...I actually can believe this
please be real
> they'll probably close the ones in areas infested with homeless people
Their coffee honestly isn't even good. The brand is fashion. All of their drinks are loaded with syrup and sugar to mask the flavor of their mediocre roasts.
Are they the coffee shop that was in Barnes and noble? If so I think I bought a pastry there 18 or 19 years ago. If not I have never been.
>donate hundreds or thousands of dollars to the clinton foundation
>get wrecked by BLM riots
>get called racist because a couple of blacks got arrested on the property
>spend millions on sensitivity training
>go bankrupt
Holy shit, Starbucks has litterally no fucking clue what they're doing
Never cave to leftists. They could have bought in a whole new customer base by standing their ground.
>should I give it a try lads?
Fuck no unless you enjoy getting overcharged for shitty coffee
do it
t. Seattleite
The fact is I've been to every frou frou artisinal coffee shop in this city and the fact is most of their black coffee tastes like overripe fruit, butterfly feed and bat guano. They call sbux "the cremator" but at least it's not totally florid. Just tastes like burned wood to me most of the time and that's fine. Nice and savory
It depends what you like, they select kind of more bitter beans so the coffee has flavor through the other ingredients.
if you're looking for a cup of black, go to the gas station instead.
If you're looking for a giant coffee milk shake, starbucks is hard to beat.
expensive and it's nothing special
This is happening in everything, nobody's buying this shit (conservatives don't give a fuck and liberals are broke - who could've guessed a social studies/arts degree doesn't translate to a job), so what's the solution? Double down, of course.
The goal isn't even to make money at this point, it can't be. If it was, all these companies wouldn't be doubling/tripling/quadrupling down.
they’ll probably get redpilled by this.
NEVER give into social justice warriors. They won’t buy your product in return, they just like abusing people/companies. They like torture.
Homeless niggers need Starbucks to charge their phones.
Fuck no. It tastes like shit. Support a small business
How did Seattle become associated with coffee?
Which makes sense because homeless niggers are in an absolute epidemic state in Seattle
Lets face it, they arent hurt by this
We all know they will be closing down Stores in black areas, removing cost burdens and decreasing the amount of workers they must pay.
I would love to see which stores are closing. I wonder how many are hotspots with homeless populations.
make coffee at home and save money
It was heavily settled by Scandis, who were importing coffee to their glacial backwater in the early 1800s despite being broke fishermen. The taste remained leading to a high coffeehouse occurrence per capita. As a result a successful multinational coffee chain was more likely to spawn in Seattle than anywhere else- and it did
They did that back in 2008 Starbucks closed down 600 stores in the blacker more homeless areas.
And reopened 600 stores in whiter and wealthier areas.
Black hobos that buy nothing wearing sweatpants pretending to be business men are not a good customer base
There's no way they'd close all those californian stores.
No fucking wonder. For years they continually blow up their menu with endless confusing variations, shove pretentious food items in the customer's face, mark them up 20% over their competitors and expect people to put up with it because their straws are green. Lol
wooooooooow how could this happen??
I'm joking idgaf...
How could this happen?
>capitalists fuck themselves with an opposing ideology
Got 'em.
I always thought that Dunkin tasted better than Starbucks anyways. Either way I don't really care since we have a local company that has great coffee in a nice variety of flavors (cannoli flavored for example). If a coffee doesn't taste good black, then it's shit coffee.
Ask a reasonable question get a reasonable answer you fruitcake fagalagalagot
So everywhere then
This. Even McDonalds has a more solid roast than my local Starbucks
this is gonna ruin the Starbucks Needle Exchange Program. And now there's no free restroom access available to the homeless to take care of basic hygiene.
>Jow Forums you need to apologize rite naow!
Is this the price of diversity and tolerance?
I'd like to point out that Tim Hortons has extremely shitty coffee.
I hope youre happy with yourselves...
Trust me they will. They closed one in New York where I live that had tons of people buying. I bet the sales stuff is bullshit they're closing because of all the niggers.
Somebody should look at where they close the stores.
Find out they're shutting all the stores in "minority" areas and then start a campaign based on racism against them.
Push it so far it either makes all the leftist look retarded or crushes Starbucks for sticking up for them in the first place.
Coffee for thought for all you beanheads out there:
Starbucks outlets in grocery stores are operated by grocery clerks, and have different internal regulations than standalone stores. As a result, they brew much more often throughout the day, and you're less likely to get a burned flavor there
Similarly, airport Starbucks' are operated by airport employees and have fewer regulations, so what you get there may have been sitting there stewing all day
Mike Enoch predicted this. Since Starbucks became a homeless shelter, the stores in nigger neighborhoods are shutting down because customers are scared off.
At least they have a place for the homeless wherever they are still open
> Starbucks to close 150 recreation centers for homeless and youths
wow what bigots
no this is because they made the policy change that lets anyone sit in there stores. I guarantee these stores are all fucking closing in nigger areas. youll see
well, fortunately not everyone will suffer from this
>fucking coffee people. we've well made the case that we're indeed idiots
Go to your local roaster. Mexico has some mean coffee.
You weren't joking though, you were taking a swipe at one of Seattle's specialties, and you got wrecked.
I'd ask the reverse question for you, but Britain is already not known for good tea.
Ypical business lifecycle. Provide a good product and grow rapidly. Once rapid growth phase is over, cut costs and raise prices to keep profits growing rapidly. Eventually customers figure out the product is now shit and the prices are too high. Company then implodes.
Starbucks is here.....
>the stores in nigger neighborhoods
Is it specifically those?
If so:
Might be worth toying with it.
the iced coffee is better than dunks
They'll end up closing in majority white suburbs too.
what kind of shit they serve in starbucks i dont have starbucks in my country why all the hype real coffee is with coffee powder and no milk not some feminine coffee full of milk and cream its very gay
only hires immigrants and white bitches. /ourcoffeeshop/
so very very shitty.
Leftists can't survive in a free market.
Kek, we need to somehow work the term "white flight" in there.
Friendly reminder "once you go black you never go back" was never about black penis but was about coffee. Only sick millennials think otherwise.
I don't think we are no, we don't grow it.
Starbucks should have never been popular in the first place. The coffee is shit and overpriced.
Such a shame to see a Jew run company hurt by (((Diversity))) backlash.
I'm sure I'll lose sleep over this now.
I've heard about Timbits for as long as I can remember, but my state doesn't have a Tim Hortons. Are they worth the drive up to BC?
Yah, fuck you and your smug cat, you think your so clever? Tell me - DO YOU KNOW HOW TO GROW A SPICED PUMPKIN? WHERE DO YOU EVEN ET A LATTE TREE?
Im oin to o suck the first black dick I come across, just to piss off you loser incels...!
No Starbucks? Estonia must be a beautiful place.
Does anybody remember a couple years back when Starbergs was going to open a bunch of stores in Ferguson and other ghettos and employ "the local community"?
Probably not the first time they pulled this sort of stunt either.
Starbukkakers on suicide watch?
They arent hurt, they are making money doing this, they are closing stores in blacker areas that COST them money, they arent paying those shitty workers either.
They will be making bank. This gave them an excuse to close those stores now.
Try to befriend a relatively disgruntled barista such as myself & get free coffee when you get served by them. No kidding, been working at the same location for ~10 years & everytime I work I probably give away about 50 dollars in free drinks. The store I work at is so poorly run & always has been I've never gotten caught, and most other baristas I work with give away a number of drinks too. If you get the right vibe from the staff you can probably get on their good side just by being cool & a nice face for them to see during their crap shifts slinging overpriced coffee for vapid yuppie retards.
>drinks iced coffee
show bobs and vagene femanon
>densely penetrated markets
Ahh, those wonderfully urban-cultured places that penetrated starbucks stores need to go now
They tried to be the good guys so hard too. Such a shame.
yes we arent modern shit country that goes with hype like to drink starbucks or bring niggers into our country and yes its beautiful place we arent social media zombies like inbred americans :D
Only if you feel like making rich leftist kikes richer.
Jesus, where will the people with liberals arts degrees work now?
Trying to get "the right vibe" so someone who couldn't upgrade their life out of the barista tier in ten years might like me enough to give me a free drink? What the fuck do you take me for?
lol no. theyre alright but if you have to drive more than 10 minutes its not worth it
>decide illegals and non-whites are your target demographic
>lose money
Tim Horton is basically a shitty leaf version of Dunkin Donuts. Absolutely not worth a stop.
Starbergs actually does have a few single origin coffees that are worth drinking and their Christmas espresso roast is very good.
You'd drive ten minutes for tim hortons? You disgust me.
I think this needs to be pointed out to the masses that Starbucks are still really racist and are trying to close stores in minority areas
>conservatives don't give a fuck
>liberals are broke
>"lets cater to liberals and demonize conservatives"
>has to start closing stores due to low sales
>"it's the racist bigoted patriarchy!"
Pretty much sums it up.
the irony is had they just kept their fucking mouths shut, the police who arrested the nogs and took them out would have gotten the heat. They did nothing wrong in the first place.
>ask a loiterer to leave
>he doesn't
>call police.
The Starbucks employee himself deserved a medal, to notice and address a loiterer means you give half a shit about the business you work for.
Starbucks probably fired them.
I also heard the cost to renew leases are too high in NYC due to the rising cost of housing.