Roll with me lads, I think I have a final solution to Jewish privilege.
Right now, Jews enjoy an indeterminate standing where the average man thinks of them as a cross of the most beneficial aspects of a race and a religious minority. Well, two can play this game. What I propose is that we convince the Africans to join Judaism by appealing to their sense of "free gibs". Think about it, Jews always fall back on the "We're such a tiny minority" card. By increasing their size with tainted nigger DNA and AIDS, we simultaneously weaken both their social standing and their physical nature. The best part is, we can use both sides of the argument to convince them.
>You have to be born a Jew, you can't just convert Reply: Incorrect, there is no major religion that prevents conversion
>Jews won't accept niggers becoming Jews Reply: Do you think they have a choice?
Bump, anything that hurts the jew makes my dick diamonds
Isaiah Barnes
I love this man.
Christian Walker
Rebrand the Klan. Turn the KkK into a social justice organization dedicated to uplifting minorities. The Inner City Literacy Program for Underptivaledged Kids, sponsored by the Ku Klux Klan
Nathaniel Richardson
At the very least, this would force them to reveal their hypocrisy and double standards. i like this idea.
bump. if it hurts the jews it makes my dick big like the jews nose
David Ramirez
bump. I like your thinking OP.
Anthony Peterson
Jonathan Foster
i see this ending either one of two ways >jews end up with wimpy jew bodies + nigger iq >jews become physically strong people with criminal tendencies + jew iq are you a gambler?
Levi James
How did you know?
Aiden Young
bump with black twitter we very much convince them gettho apes they were once one of the chosenite tribes for real >not the ooga booga ISUPK monkey screech
Joshua Rodriguez
Join the Jews! Meme into action.
Jack Hall
How the hell do you think it starts hans?
John Martin
It's not a bad idea, but fuck, you fuck need to stop fighting with the keyboard and grab those guns you like so much, and start doing what needs to be done.
Joseph Edwards
directly telling the nigger rappers based on their monkey iq, they would choke on it 24/7
Juan Scott
We're not dogs user..
Jace Stewart
genetics is genetics friend
Luke Nelson
No it doesn't work like that, by your logic Hapas would be super smart Chads
Brandon Jenkins
I just had the idea to exploit the theory that the original Jews were black hebrews to this end
I have a cousin like this. Uncle married a Jap, both of them are short, and he turned out to be a 6ft-something ultra-Chad that's built like a brick shithouse. One of those rare exceptions.
my mom is 5'6 and is a mix of german spanish english and irish my dad is 5'5 and is a mix of german spanish finnish and a bit of italian i came out to be 5'10, still a manlet but at least near the top of the manlet tier nearly all of the men on my mom's side were 5'8 or 5'9 and most women shorter than 5'5 so i got pretty lucky all things considered, i got US size 13 freak feet though when the average male foot size on my moms side is size 9. i dont know how to feel about it aside from annoyance when buying shoes.
height inheritance is really weird though genetics are really weird honestly hope i got my grandma's youth genes. she looks like shes in her late 40's when shes in her mid 60's my skin is absurdly soft and smooth to the point where girls are jealous of it, so maybe that's a sign of the youth genes.
Wyatt James
This is a great idea, but it will be difficult to pull off without funding. For instance, the way that Jews, like Soros, push their far-left anti-white agenda is by funding far-left anti-white groups and ideologues, thus forcing otherwise fringe elements into the mainstream. Fortunately, there are websites like Fiverr where you can pay people to publish articles on mainstream websites, then promote links to said articles on social media. A good place to start would be to write an article about one nigger's "success story" of converting to Judaism, then follow the steps above to try to get it out there as far as possible.