Why are niggers so fucking retarded? And why do they kill each other so often?
Why are niggers so fucking retarded? And why do they kill each other so often?
Because they are niggers and they are retarded.
Because they’re biologically predisposed to be that way
they cant stand black people. so when they look at the mirror they have to look at a black person. when they look at their hands they see a black persons hands. at some point the internal processing of what is happening breaks down and they become violent.
i dont think its generic self loathing i think its a general rejection of reality
Low average IQ with possibly higher genetic impulsiveness traits and lower capability for long term thinking. Which is then further exacerbated by them growing up part of a dysfunctional culture that values violence and materialism while using a victimhood complex and the "everything is racist" narrative to absolve themselves of personal accountability and excuse their behavior.
dude, the Anglos fought world wars to ensure Europeans go extinct, niggershit doesn't compare
So? Everyone has a past you nigger. You're not perfect are you? Lately he started doing positive things and changing his life around.
Yes, those retarded black people killing each other...
I just hope they kill more of each other. Americans should have never let the Jewish slave ships harbour and sell slaves here, we are now in inundated with niggers.
The more hateful you guys are towards minorties, the more votes you give to democrats.
cry harder, nigger
Don’t know they even enslaved them selves and blame it on white man
>pic related
>people at war kill people
here's your (you), retard
Yugoslavia 1.5 milions
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>Born and raised in Plantation, Florida,
Touched a nerve did I? :)
It's a shame when someone with a brain comes challenging your narrative in your little echo chamber.
Niggers are not human, comparing them to humans will always result in absurdity.
Expecting them to behave like humans, is likewise, nothing shy of absurd, and if you don't want to believe it, they will prove it to you.
When he got killed it was going to church about to get his life back on track. He was a good boy and did nothing wrong.
>tee hee, i compared two things that aren't related to each other, i win :))
kill yourself
Burn all the niggers Burn all the niggers Burn all the niggers Burn all the niggers Burn all the niggers Burn all the niggers Burn all the niggers Burn all the niggers Burn all the niggers Burn all the niggers Burn all the niggers Burn all the niggers Burn all the niggers Burn all the niggers Burn all the niggers Burn all the niggers Burn all the niggers Burn all the niggers Burn all the niggers Burn all the niggers Burn all the niggers Burn all the niggers Burn all the niggers Burn all the niggers Burn all the niggers Burn all the niggers Burn all the niggers Burn all the niggers Burn all the niggers Burn all the niggers Burn all the niggers Burn all the niggers Burn all the niggers Burn all the niggers Burn all the niggers Burn all the niggers Burn all the niggers Burn all the niggers Burn all the niggers Burn all the niggers Burn all the niggers Burn all the niggers Burn all the niggers Burn all the niggers Burn all the niggers Burn all the niggers Burn all the niggers Burn all the niggers Burn all the niggers Burn all the niggers Burn all the niggers Burn all the niggers Burn all the niggers Burn all the niggers Burn all the niggers Burn all the niggers Burn all the niggers Burn all the niggers Burn all the niggers Burn all the niggers Burn all the niggers Burn all the niggers Burn all the niggers Burn all the niggers Burn all the niggers Burn all the niggers Burn all the niggers
Not related, but I enjoyed redditniggers and actual nigs crying about XXXtinct's death on /mu/ lol
whats so funny mane the streets are tough out here
>they hate nogs, too