Once again it has been proven that Dutch people are happier and healthier among developed nations. What is their secret?
Dutch not a crutch
Other urls found in this thread:
Dunno but the lad in the middle is not Dutch.
Daily dose of BBC.
Cycling, cute grills and degeneracy.
That TV show where that hot girl did all kinds of drugs and said "my pussy tickles and I want sex" to the male host and they cut to camera while they fucked... lol.
It’s that Wim Hof method.
This topic is about the dutch not netherlanders
A shitload of pharmaceuticals that mess with brain function.
Who's the cute twink in the middle?
>The girls are cute
>But the boy needs to get an ass fucking with those dick sucking lips
this shitskin niggerlips boy needs some auschwitzification
There's nothing wrong with a boy with full lips.
why do you do the drugs lowlander? And why is your language the most fucked up of all the Germanic ones?
>That TV show
ah yes we all know THAT TV show.... are you on drugs as well Klaus?
low amounts of niggers outside of major cities
also this:
>They know their water levels arent a problem because they already evolved to keep their heads out the water
life in the Netherlands is paradise compared to the shithole countries these 'youths' came from
why people keep talking about netherlands? no one care. this topic is about the dutch
>why do you do the drugs
Why don't you? Why aren't you enriching your life with everything nature has to offer?
It's pretty obvious if you have any sense of history.
What do the Dutch have the most? That's right, DAMs. The fuckers are the kings of dams, they're the beavers of humanity.
The number of functioning dams a country posesses is directly proportional to their happiness. America has lots of Dams, Britain had lots of Dams, etc.
And the inverse proves the rule, China has a long history of dams failing and bursting, that's why they're so miserable all the time.
>tfw depressed fat piece of shit
If you ain't Dutch, you ain't much.
no niggers
>b-but he was bbbbbborn in dddduchland~~
happiness is a very small part of life and is mostly subjective.. farmers in rural Bhutan might be happy..
fuck that
>Enriching your life by being in a stupor all the time
literally pharmaceuticals
You know who else is always super happy? Retards.
Where's the link faggot. Dutch definitely master race tier.
>all the time
You know you can only do psyllocibine +/- once a month, right?
Marijuana and legal sex shops?
No need to check, the answer is definitely because it's self reported. self report studies belong in the trash 100% of the time.
also this
Is that government mandated, cause if it is you can do it as often as you fucking want
t. druggie mates
I'm half Scot and half Dutch, and I'm either happy and fun-loving, or dour and cynical.
And that thing in the middle is not Dutch.
im half dutch and deeply depressed. Whats missing here?
bs holland is depressing as fuck when your not a trendy hipster or normie vinex dweller
in germany you can at least escape the madness
Panem et Circum
These happiness ratings are literally worthless, the concept of happiness is highly culturally determined.
>you can do it as often as you fucking want
Your body creates antibodies, retard.
You're either talking about DMT/LSD (which are illegal in this country), or you're completely retarded.
if your body rejects it, how can it be naturally healthy
escape the madness in Germany?
so why do you fuck heads keep destroying europe regardless of political orientation.
imperialism .... self destruction, takes europe with you
nationalism... self destruction, takes europe with you
globalism... self destruction, takes europe with you.
What the fuck is so broken about the german psyche that everything you try winds up in extremism, disaster, self destruction and chaos.
why Germany. why always, despite all of your merits do you fuck everything up.. 3 times in a single century and you have only existed slightly longer that that... is this something that europeans are going to have to put up with forever, the psychotic suicidal wild Teutonic lemmings and their drive towards götterdämmerung
what the hell is your problem?
at least the dutch just sit there.
I never said it was healthy. I said it enriches your life.
I wish we could escape the German madness
>Literally a complete escape via hallucination
Sounds more like life is fucking awful and you all take drugs to try and forget that
Because it is still allowed to say nigger here.
No its not. A lot of people are just ignorant about the translation.
>Life is fucking awful
Life is amazing. Yet sometimes putting your eyes on a kaleidoscope while listening to reggae is nice to do.
It's called having fun. You should try it sometimes
You cant be jailed or fined by saying nigger or neger, nor does the public cares about it.
Something seems out of place here.
Is that how the average dutch man looks like, wow I guess those indonesian genetics fucked you up.
>life is so good I need to listen to degenerate nigger tunes high on hallucinogenics
Top kek, perhaps you should try living in a way that doesn't require frequent drug use to stop suicidal depression?
Neither of the middle two, I think.
You really don't know what you're talking about. Last time I did shrooms was about 8-9 months ago.
>shitskin in White country
Yet here you are, saying that it "enriches your life"
If it does, why don't you do it more often? Isn't it a good high? Or perhaps you know that it is neither healthy nor sane to do mind bending drugs on the regular, so you don't, but still espouse it to others because you hate the people around you, and wish they too could be "enlightened" by the brain melting high that you have previously burned out your dopamine receptors on
best neighboring country you could wish for
That mutt is going to be blacking those two.
>Self reported happiness surveys
Who fucking cares
>being this retarded
Because 'neger' doesn't mean 'nigger' but 'negro'. And i doubt anyone ever been fined for saying nigger anywhere.
why did they put a faggot indonesian mutt in the picture? He is not dutch nor ever will be
because they're benefiting from all the adults paying a 90% effective tax rate
and you need to get your shit together too, no trashtalking sweden and the uk
small cities, commute by bike, exercise + fun.
Dutch people are happy because they live around Dutch people.
>why don't you do it more often?
Why aren't you having orgies every day?
Because there's more to live than doing just one thing over & over again.
Again: You clearly don't know what you're talking about.
>You hate the people around you
I unironically don't (except for the niggers)
Please tell me how these people can be so happy. Surely hasn't been my experience. Life is hell.
Wtf does neger mean in your world?
that shitskin in the middle looks Puerto rican
>Why aren't you having orgies every day?
I'm not a degenerate that relies on dopamine rushes to make through every day?
>Again: You clearly don't know what you're talking about.
t. degenerate drug addict
Dutch girls are slutty. Everyone gets laid, except the Jow Forums users.
>I don't like sex
So you're a virgin?
>every day
kys retard
>hurr if ur not fuckin hoe constantly u must be a virgun
Literally a womans argument, kys cunt
the country is entirely made of wooden shoes and drugs
>Hur dur if you like drugs you must be spaced out of your mid 24/7
Actually a fourteen-year-old's argument.
Learn what the word literally means. Then kys
>Demonstrable truth versus muh dick
Jamal pls
Nigger translates to nikker, stupid fuck. Negro = neger. I don't mind ignorance, but when you're too stupid to realize you are wrong after being corrected, you should just shut the fuck up.
>Demonstrable truth
Please: demonstrate to me how I'm spaced out of my mind 24/7.
It's called English. Learn it, cunt.
Gotta love this bait tho
Well you've spent the last 2 hours rabidly responding to shitposts
You're either high as fuck or fucking retarded, probably both considering your national disability
>rabidly responding to shitposts
I'm actually just watching a movie
Grow up, kid.
cool what movie is playing on Jow Forums? you big poopy head
Every dutch person i've met was a turbo chad. Its like take a german, make him slightly taller and more swarthy, get rid of his autism and you have a dutch person. The girls are pretty hot too
Being smug arrogant faggots makes people happy?
Oh shit, link to the thread where they're playing the film
they bike to places
>What the fuck is so broken about the german psyche that everything you try winds up in extremism, disaster, self destruction and chaos.
I've wondered about that myself as well, krauts are a bit stoic to say the least. :^)
>at least the dutch just sit there.
because the dutch are retards
Fake news
Why are they always in the news for dying or getting arrested in foreign countries?
powerful prescription drugs.