This is what happens to Fascist Dictators

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Death comes to everyone but not glory or honour.


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>This is what happens to Fascist Dictators

Only if they fail.

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Fascism is a democracy, in fact the ultimate democracy
You should read more

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False. This is what happens when communists win and you aren't one.

>this is what happens to fascist dictators
>public hanging
Whew lad the irony is pretty strong

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I can see their devotion t..b..h

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Democracy is shit and fascism is not a democracy, nor was it a successful ideology; merely an attempt to return to the organic state. KYS retard with proxy

are you afraid moshe?

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This is what happens to Commie Dictators

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What about the other Fascist dictators that it didn't happen to?

That's Suharto, not Sukarno.

i never understood why people dismember or fuck with bodies of people, its a childish overemotional dishonourable act.

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IMMORTALITY is bestowed upon them so that they may rise again and again throughout eternity until the last jew has been wiped from the earth.

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seeing things from an economical perspective means you are lost

Causescu was great for our country. Nevermind the fact that he boosted the economy. That is merely secondary to the culture he cultivated for our country.


Sometimes only isolated individuals, abandoned by their generation, can reach their destiny. In that moment, they are their people, they speak in its name. All the millions of dead and of the martyrs of the past are with them, as well as the nation's life of tomorrow.
Ultimate democracy^
Current version of "democracy" takes advantage of the state of stupid people , who are the majority of the population. An elite to lead the country and that wants the good of this country, that's democracy


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Trump too fat to be hang like that.


They are basically saying that it is ok to have own country, identity, heritage.. Unless you are white!

And if you are against this, they call you white supremacist. When you google that, you get these pictures. You see?

Attached: white supremacistt.jpg (348x145, 10K)

He did do something wrong. He rebelled against the glorious Dutch and the USA backed Indonesia rather than the Netherlands.

(((they))) are Sabbateans (aka. Frankism).


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A leader is not the voice of the people but the voice or God.

You are truly retarded for still believing in Franco-revolutionary values of “democracy” and “for the people”.

Organic hierarchies with a true unity among lower castes demand a top down leadership not a bottom up.


Good thing there aren't any fascist dictators, amirite?

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more commie bastards got what they deserved

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just dont know why we let this commie scumbag sneak away unpunished to Chile after all his crimes against humanity

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