US pulls out of UN Human Rights Council, cites 'bias against Israel'

>'bias against Israel'
You are still with him right /pol? You kike-hating anti-Semites.

Attached: tamblyn23f-3-web.jpg (750x1127, 140K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Remember the Hillary statue that was destroyed hours after erection? Good times

Attached: graphic-hillary-clinton-statue-provokes-outrage-in-nycx750.jpg (750x563, 70K)


Attached: trump zionist white helmets.png (612x682, 235K)

He will create more hatred towards Jews with this movement. #MAGA


This is what scares me, their false equivalency must be open knowledge.

we need to erect more statues

>the UN can now sanction Israel for (((human))) rights violations
>Jow Forums is now satisfied
>Trump doesn't have to take the blame
>boomers and neocons are now satisfied
>Trump did a thing
>liberals are triggered
Not big on the 4D chess meme, but this ought to please and trigger all the right people.

This isn't entirely a bad move. Pompeo straight up said that Saudi Arabia often chairs the UNHRC and bullies Israel while ignoring violations in Muslim countries. I wouldn't say that Israel is innocent, but the UNHRC just turned into a "shit on Israel while ignoring everything else" party.

>the UN can now sanction Israel for (((human))) rights violations
They haven't resigned from their position at the security council AFAIK. They can still veto stuff.

Their false equivalency is allowed because they're violent about it and we're not.

Attached: the-liberals-cannot-advocate-a-struggle-because-they-are-afraid-15080441.png (500x522, 123K)

Kek trump still sucking on those fat circumcised jewish cocks
Truly ironic

>Abloo bloo muh poor Palestine
Jews at least got one thing right in pest control

I'm waiting for the bill to pass that allows reparations to African Americans for illegal slavery using money saved from the current illegal immigration procedures.
And /pol-is-1-person's outright support for it.

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Trump is a Zionist, and so was Hitler

I like his little penis
And the fact that he can pull in models while looking like 300lbs of chicken shit is a true form of beauty.

Yeah, US sailors.

Attached: USS-Liberty-3.jpg (678x532, 101K)

>mocking trump's penis
So bodyshaming is fine for the left. What matters is who you target?

is anyone surprised? hopefully this will redpill normies but they will never read past the headline and will blame drumph without knowing it is due to israel

Attached: (((trump))).jpg (1162x1048, 178K)

>he is aroused at the idea that Donny might have a big schlong...

>I like his little penis
>And the fact that he can pull in models while looking like 300lbs of chicken shit is a true form of beauty.

Breddy sure it's the size of his wallet that brings them all to the yard.

Oh then you will love this article associated with the photo

>To be depicted nude without consent isn't just a female problem, though the implications of being depicted nude are generally different for women than for men. When women are depicted nude it is often to humiliate, while male nudity is frequently seen as comedic.

>This message is similar to that conveyed when unmasking a lewd depiction of Clinton on a New York City street — among the last places a woman might like to be seen naked,due to rampant street harassment. The statue creator also realized what he was doing when he depicted Clinton as a sex object.

>Just asthe statue of Trump, titledThe Emperor Has No Balls,sought to diminish him by shrinking masculine features like his penis, the Clinton statue sought to mock her body by exaggerating feminine aspects such as her breasts, even turning them into locations of corruption by depicting a banker resting upon her. Additionally, she was not depicted entirely in the nude, but with her shirt open and in a thong, suggesting the act of disrobing for an audience, rather than being shown in a state of banal nudity, as was the case with the Trump statue.

Attached: 1470872679116.jpg (640x640, 103K)

Ya but u don't seem to get the artistic innuendo. Hes fucking tiny just look at him.

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