Alex Jones looks like shit now, i guess Mueller is getting to him

Alex Jones looks like shit now, i guess Mueller is getting to him.

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That's because he chose his side and it wasn't Americas.

He's growing a beard.
Now fuck off you nigger, and stop hiding behind that republican flag.
We all know that you're that same nigger poster.

Alex Jones has already admitted that Mueller is investigating him for conducting psy ops and being an unregistered foreign agent.

Mueller must be getting to all these loons. have you noticed how fat Sean Hannity has become?

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checkmate drumpf, its over

He looks rabbinical.

What I don't understand is why the FUCK did this guy decide to side with Steve Bannon to conduct disinfo psy ops on the American people.......Like seriously, what the fuck? You know what Alex was talking about HR McMaster poisoning Trump or something along those lines. Cernovich was like "Trump is under house arrest by the generals." The truth is that BANNON and his team were poisoning Trump and planning on usurping him from the Presidency before starting a Bolshevik revolution.


The Russian angle is actually the Israeli angle. Israel controls Russia just like it controls America and Europe. Only when the masses around the world learn this truth can we rebel in any meaningful way.

tfw BTFO by powerful Joe Rogan.

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The funniest part of Joe Rogan and Alex Jones is that they're both disingenuous faggots that toe the mainstream lie but make it look like there's a wide array of opinions within the mainstream constraints.

AJ has had to a lot more on air apologies than Joe.

Yeah, that's because he's controlled opposition and him apologizing is social engineering to make people feel like the left still has a stranglehold and apologies are necessary

t. joe "the homo shill" rogan fan faggot
he apologises for legal reasons you faggot shill

No they aren't. I already said that Joe Rogan is a faggot too, so you are fucking inbred and retarded to try and claim I'm a Joe Rogan shill. Fucking kikes like you deserve the oven.

Info jihad with Mohammad Al-Jones
If you are recieving this message you are the muhajadeen.

Well put

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Look like he just ate something spicy

t. fellow antisemitic goy

fucking KEK

Looks like a Jew.

What's going on in this Schizo thread?

He's an obese drug addict alcoholic who takes steroids to try to make him not look so Shitty

He's already said he was growing a "freedom" beard like weeks ago, in part to honor Tommy Robbinson.

Guess they aren't sending us their brightest here either.

Absolutely HALAL KEK

>freedom beard
yeah because soon he's not gonna be free anymore.

Some of y'all are just LARPing way too hard.






What the fuck is with you faggot? You're going to prison too, George.

Holy shit - i saw an user predict that he was going to grow a beard several weeks ago - i gotta find that thread archive

Ok? Just shows Joe is an asshole.


Can't wait until we get Mueller on trial to talk about covering up 9/11, the Clintons, and Obama.

Mueller is Trump's special prosecutor. Can't wait for him to be revealed as just that and for people like you to kill yourselves because you're on the wrong team. You chose your side and ultimately your fate. It sucks to be a loser.

im not even a jones-tard but the only difference is literally the beard. if youre not a troll then youre just butthurt about men who can actually grow a full beard and dont look like a prepubescent tool for all their life

You don't want everything about 9/11, the Clintons, and Obama public record sworn testimony? Who's team are you on, sir?

I was going to say, it makes him look ultra Jewish.

Of course I do, and that's why Muellers last indictment will be of himself right before Trump pardons him.

Top fucking kek. Don't quit your day job to be a novelist, but you could probably crank out some decent lulzy comics with all these plot twists.

His Jewish hooker second wife probably convinced him to do it.

Mueller is objectively /ourguy/ at this point. This is your problem. You faggots come onto Jow Forums reciting shit that people on Fox News are saying. About Sessions, Rosenstein, McCabe, etc. You guys are pathetic faggots that actually think anything you shilled was working.

I don't follow what Fox News says.

So why do you think Mueller is going to be on trial? It's evident that Trump apopinted him as the special prosecutor he vowed to appoint.

He has a second wife already? I thought he just got divorced.

And a kid with her

I assume Mueller would at least be called as witness during the trials, even if for whatever reason he's not on trial himself (you said Trump would have to pardon him, implying that he'd have been convicted of something first.)

oh fuck off with your E celeb (((drama)))

It didn't take long. I never paid all that much attention when all that was going down and some of his people were leaking bits and pieces out to other independent media sources, but I wouldn't be surprised if the divorce arose in part because he was getting "massages" from his new wife.

I'm just amused he married two Jewesses in a row.

Okay, I agree with that, I think he'll definitely testify as a witness. On the topics of pardons though, you don't necessarily have to be convicted or even charged to get pardoned. Remember that NIxon was pardoned without charges or conviction.

>Alex Jones

I remember that guy. He used to be /ourguy/.
Going to bilderberg meetings to shout at elite faggots with a megaphone. Yelling about how we were not their slaves.
I remember him telling me to never trust any politician. Because they are all in on it, and everything was always a (((rich man's))) trick. I remember his police state documentaries. Loose change. This guy was a conspiracy theorist's hero.

And then he probably got an offer he cant refuse and jumped on the Trump bandwagon.
Dont get me wrong, i like Trump and how he btfo the liberal crybaby faggots. I like his political incorrectness.
But you have to admit that its all a charade.
Alex was a hero, and we lost him.

That's what happens when you marry a literal prostitute.

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He looks alpha

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He’s grown a beard and has a tan.
He probably fucks really hot 15 yr old high school girls on his yacht out in Key West.
I’m jelly.

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I sure as hell don't see why we have reason to conclude that Mueller is one of the good guys as yet. And so I sure as hell don't see the need to expect him to get the presidential treatment with a misapplication of what a pardon really is before we know how guilty he is.

I don't know how he could be any less than an accessory to enough to condemn him to death, probably a few times over, but I believe in a fair trial process and in being merciful where it's due.

Trump Comey and Mueller colluded!!!!!

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I've read your stock infopics before. I'm still waiting for a proper hearing process rather than being prejudiced.

Those legs are weird as fuck on the right girl

Imagine her trying to run Lmao

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Cute face, bad cankles

Oh, you're a geriatric.

I'm still in my 30s.

shill harder loser

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That doesn't make Jones look bad. It makes Mueller look retarded. Wasn't he suppose to be investigating Russian hackers that stole the election?

It's da bone broth transformation.

yeah except for the fact that Israel LARPed as Russians in order to frame Trump as an insurance policy to usurp him if he won. ISRAEL IS FUCKED. AMERICA IS GOING TO BECOME SOVEREIGN AND ZIONISM DIES THIS SUMMER.


Whoever made the bone broth ad should do another one like that. They kind of overdid the genre the outset, but one of those now and again is entertaining. And better than having to listen to the same shit over and over again.

Although I tuned in the other day for about a half hour and much to my surprise they cut one with that anti genital mutilation activist lady. They very carefully, of course, cut out everything to do with male genital mutilation and Alex shilling for circumcision. top kek.

Can't tell if fat or painkiller bloat like Joe Scarborough had.

Well Mueller isn’t wrong about that
Alex Jones is an agent for Israel

ya convinced us. missiun akomplished. hurr durr

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He's newly single and I bet some trashy D-list starfucker told him he looked hot with scruff. Now she just laughs...and laughs...and laughs...let's join her...

As a side note: Where the fuck is Jones getting the info that the new bird flu strain in China is airborne? He was saying that it was probably thousands dead now...

Dude! You can talk shit about Fox all you want. But you don't see them using the tired, cliched "unnamed sources" line of bullshit.