Maybe stop breaking the law? I don’t know.
Maybe stop breaking the law? I don’t know
Its like everyone is a Holocaust Scholar thanks to the Indoctrination.
Remember the six gajillion!
Difference being the jews were trying to escape their killers, not illegally trying to get into their country, oh & also, all that's happening to them is that they're getting sent home, not gassed. So all in all an utterly false equivalence.
Like in jail, they take away just about anything that can be used to strangle/hang.
I didn't realize so many Central Americans wanted to go to internment camps
That's what I thought OP pic was
>Only twenty-seven per cent of respondents said that they agreed with the statement “It is appropriate to separate undocumented immigrant parents from their children when they cross the border in order to discourage others from crossing the border illegally.” Fifty-six per cent of people said that they disapproved of the policy.
You're a disgrace.
56% lol.
literally why i clicked on this thread
sick loot bros
It's cool how ICE decided to let jews have access to confiscated personal effects of detained mexishits so they could use them in a hit piece against ICE.
ITT miserable little shits who've never been anywhere or been in charge of anything.
haha thats exactly what i thought the thumbnail was
>a woman who calls herself "C-Dawg" is trying to lecture me about morality and WW2 history
Jews were sent to camps for being Jews. illegals are detained for intentionally, illegally entering into this country by their own free will
That’s what I thought it was at first.
Fuck OSRS jagex banned me two days ago. 1300+ hours down the drain
>in order to discourage others from crossing the border illegally
that's not at all why it's done though, it's not a deterrent. the children are separated for the same reason kids aren't sent to rape-you-in-the-ass prisons when they commit crimes.
>implying the (((holohoax))) actually happened
Tweet is from a (((Silberman))).
Because (((Silverman))) would be too obvious.
Tricky Jews, got you again.
i thought this at first.
that bank is stacked tho, looks fake.
These 'camps', were build during dubya's reign, and actively used and news actively suppressed during Obama's reign.
Tell us how Trump is evil again..
How do I equip?
I thought liberals hated Christians
it's in their manlet burrito midget nature
why the fuck do you have 506M empty vials?
TFW nobody gives you a ride to the Holocaust
I was ok with detainment of criminals but now that I know their belongings are confiscated, I'm not so sure ... :thinking:
Lets say there are ovens waiting for the illegals.
All they have to do is stop coming to them.
>fuck u stupid oppressive christian patriarch cunts god isn't real christianity is a disease the church should die out and thats a good thing
>oh no they took these brown people"s christian icons
>Tell us how Trump is evil again..
well, for starters, his REAL name is Blumpf
so basically he's a KNOWN LIAR and plus not only that he's racist and sexist.
they can be used to choke the guards or eachother,
just like they take the laces from the shoes
Should have keestered their rosaries, they'd still have them.
Also there's always the possibility little Juan is not actually big Rosa's son but actually a human trafficking case. There's no way of knowing because they DIDN'T GO THROUGH THE PROPER VETTING PROCESS ASSOCIATED WITH LEGAL IMMIGRATION
Did jews actively tried to get into the third reich?
This is why you only keep the unique items and sell the rest to the magic shop you stupid whore.
My heart boils with hatred for these faggots.
It's so weird because I think the left wants their enemies to be literal nazis, and maybe it's just because I'm here a lot but people on the center or right also want to go full nazi, so it's like both groups are just waiting. What's going to be the thing that pushes it over the edge?
The salt on that twit is glorious. So many human rights experts.
I honestly thought that the leftists would be happy that a symbol of religious extremism is being confiscated(sarcasm). I am actually amazed by this.
Oy Vey! Anudda Shoah!
>1300+ hours down the drain
You had already wasted that time
Bollocks thats a street stall , every single one is different and new, just as youd expect on a street stall...
Never heard of the Holo ring bollocks either and AH had one to rule them
But one time in 1939 the US turned away a ship full of Jewish refugees, who were forced to return to Europe, and muh Holocaust. Therefore you goyim now need to give asylum to anyone who wants it, or it's like another shoah.
This Is why girls are ruining gaming (and that shouldn't bother you)
1. The children aren't being seperated to discourage illegal immigration
2. They have to be handled seperately to ensure they are not part of a child trafficking case, they aren't going to be sent to jail, and they have to go through different protocols set up during the Obama administration from when a bunch of kids were just being shoved across the border
3. The way the question was asked was intentionally done to start a fucking fight and is yet another example of how the left tugs on heart strings and manipulates shit to try and get their way.
I was pretty apolitical in the past, but shit like this made me hate the left so much I vote red out of fucking spite.
Jews were sent to camps for being communists.
In their stupid fucking heads they're comparing the alleged death of 6 million Jews (which they whole heartedly believe in) to the deportation of illegal immigrants. I CANT FUCKING TAKE THIS SHIT ANYMORE. Fucking bugs believing anything that comes down the chain of command. And it's only getting worse. I have nephews and a brother who's 10 and they all do the same things. Say the same things. Wear the same things. Buy the same things. They speak with nigger dialect as if they grew up in the ghetto. They are getting brainwashed and their parents don't give a fuck. The state and the media are raising our children and turning them into a collective hive mind.
And you, you OP, you trump cock sucking redditor T_D shill faggot. Go fucking hang yourself.