can someone redpill me on what the jews would have to gain by forcing all these sandniggers into europe
Can someone redpill me on what the jews would have to gain by forcing all these sandniggers into europe
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>erosion of local traditons/culture/values
>browning of host population and subsequent lower IQ
>iq gets lowered
>no culture when everyone is a mutt
there you go, too dumb to revolt and too intelligent to die
>can someone redpill me on what the tapeworms would have to gain by eating all the nutrients of the host thereby killing it?
don't think they have logic
Putting low IQ niggers in a white society in numbers that put whites in the minority makes for an easily-controlled majority vote.
Keep the gibs coming and they'll keep voting for you, even if you're a baby-eating pedophile.
Subsequently, this is also why democracy is a joke.
white genocide and increasing the hatred between africans and europeans while the jews are sitting eating popcorn and laughing at them
The endgame is white genocide. Weaken the host population sufficiently, rally the non-whites against the remaining whites, then cut off the food supplies and watch the sub 80 IQ shitskin hordes starve to death. Then reclaim the land once inhabited by whites.
Greater Israel isn’t just Iran and Syria, it’s the entire Western Hemisphere. As long as Jews control the banks and the media they can just keep pushing the racemixing meme until whites are absorbed into the brown morass.
(((They))) are using low IQ shitskins as a biological weapon.
Jews thrive on chaos. They open a wound then suck the blood slowly so they can keep their victim alive long enough to suck everything out.
>if you generate chaos you can get territory out of it.
source: world war 1 - world war 2... after 911 many people went full zionist.
Globalization is about taking away people's pride in their local culture and community so that when (((outsiders))) come in to take over it's politically incorrect to resist.
You tell us! But apparently Jews hate Europeans (and especially Germanic tribes) with a passion.
but why would jews hate europeans? persecution? but why have jews always been persecuted in the first place?
Nobody knows. Ask them. Maybe they want revenge for the holocaust. The idea of "revenge" is very strong in Jewish religion (eye for an eye... etc).
Also they are highly tribalistic and use their crude tactics which make sense when viewed from an evolutionary psychology standpoint (read Culture of Critique)
Stalinism, communism and declay of civilization
Practically the same shit they've always done
but i've heard some people from this board claim that the holocaust never happened and it was all part of another jewish ploy for more control. even if that was the case that refers back to my last question, why have the jews always been persecuted?
Doesn't matter if it happened or not. They believe it happened. Also the "holocaust" is literally a prophecy appearing in their religious texts. So now their saviour may come or something...
It is really about fucked up religious believes and a very twisted world view.
What does a termite gain by destroying the foundation of a house?
It is in their nature.
Easier for them to fool a low IQ, de-racinated, mongrel horde.
jews know we're their rivals culturally and influentially, they are more likely to hate white people than niggers for the same reason I'm more likely to hate a human than a dog.
Seriously sick of the anti-semitic rhetoric on the website... Can't you all grow up and take responsibility for your actions instead of blaming us for everything?
i'm part jewish too but i've realized most of the people trying to push refugees and liberal ideas onto europe come from jewish descent and i want to know what jews would gain from any of this
It's a fitting revenge in their eyes. Jews were a people disinherited from their homeland and a hated minority scattered about and forced to wander the earth so now that they once more have a homeland they've decided they're going to do to Europeans what was done to them by Europeans and make us a hated minority without a homeland scattered throughout the globe left wandering.
Why would they necessarily have to gain anything from it. Some people just have fun causing chaos. For shits an giggles.
They exploit the fact that you can't really criticize jews in the West because you will be labeled antisemitic and probably lose you job. Now they can do whatever they want.
you are being forced to live in israhell with all the other global jews unwelcomed in newly created sharia pits of hell.
It'll be fun
that actually makes alot of sense
They push all jews to Israel.
Same concept like with (((Naziism))).
No need to frank me :) Free enlightenment for the people! :)
making europe a hellhole pushes jews back to israel?
Eye for an eye.
Democracy is fine if your people are homogeneous.
Importing different cultures weakens democracy because it allows political parties to sure up their future voting base
Also Jews literally think Muslims hate Jews just because Europeans told them to.
Jews are that retarded.
>jews know muslims feverently hate muslims
>jews know whites are too cucked to stand up to them
>jews know if they do stand up to them jews will be killed aswell
>jews forced to go back to israel
its all in the roll of the dice
>Netanyahu Meeting with Visegrad Group (anti-Immigration EU bloc) leaders
>Israel's campaign against Soros
>Netanyahu calls for European states to close their borders
>Zionist groups funding rise of nationalists in the Netherlands
>Israeli lobby pushes for Geert Wilders
>Austrian Far-Right finds allies and support in Israeli parliament
>European far-right and Israel form strategic alliance
>Jewish groups back the AfD and Pegida in Germany
>European Fascist parties receive backing from Israeli right
>Israeli intelligence services conclude that a far right Europe would be safer for Israel
>US Jews pour money into financing of anti-immigration parties in Europe
>European Far-Right forges links with Israeli right
>European far right dangerously anti-Muslim and pro-Israel conclude European intelligence services
>Dutch Secret Services investigate Israeli links with Dutch Far Right
Not half as well thought out as the tinfoils ITT think (muh white genocide).
They want to disrupt the middle east so as to expand Israel. The bonus is the west getting pissed at muslims and helping Israel expand by bombing their neighbouring countries in the ME
the same worked out nice for Rhodesia and South Africa
1) Cause a race war between whites and arabs
2) Set far right nationalists and muslims against each other
3) Get whites riled up enough against muslims that they support greater Israel problem and treatment of Palestinians
4) Empty out areas to force demographics change and create "greater israel" with 4d chess and colonization
Ditch religion, nationalists across the pond ally against the jew
Everyone here is a fucking idiot. It's capitalism, which is why Hitler fought it so hard. Let me explain it to you, as we all know Jews have control of financial and banking institutions. In a homogenous society a small minority having control of the big powerful banks would stand out like a sore thump and everyone in that nation will not only see it but more than likely rise up against that said ethnic group. However in a multicultural society, the jews can hide more easily. "We have blacks who are good at sports! Turks who make awesome kebab! Jews who are good at money! Diversity is great!". In a multicultural society the jewish elite would not stand out, in a homogeneous society everyone will notice it. In order for them to stay in control of Europe's finances and banks there has to be other minority and brown groups to take attention away from them. Has it backfired on some individual jews? Yes, but a few jews being kicked in the head by arabs is a small price to pay for the complete control of the banks.
I suggest you read the book, "Jews and Capitalism". It is an unbiased book that tries to explain why jews are so good at making money, it actually tries to justify why jews are so good at banking but it unintentionally redpills you.
Could it be "the Jews" aren't one single monolithic hivemind?
This hate is as old as the prophecies of jerusalems
It's statism.
but why? no other peoples have been as hated as the jews, there must be some reason behind it right?
>Jews infiltrate whitey and the spics, do colonialism make fortunes, blame whitey and spics
>Jews do slavery, blame whitey
>Jews do communism, kill millions of people, blame whitey
>Jews do world wars, blame whitey
>Jews enslave world via banking, multi nationals un and media, blame all ills from muh poor africa to fake agw on whitey
If the normies woke up to jewish supremacy there really would be a holocaust, hence genocide white normies
Capitalism is not jewish usury, capitalism is the right to own things and enforce legal contracts.
oh yeah because the banking kikes totally hate a nationalist government that will regulate the fuck out of them or get rid of them all together and nationalize the banks right? Fuck off capitalism kike
>lower European race's IQ
>revenge for years of getting shoah'd
>ultimate plan to secure the world
>Kick start Revelations and get God to come back quick
>it's in their eternal DNA to destroy mankind
Slave race. The European collective unconscious is more powerful than the Jewish unconscious. We are not born a blank slate and our ancestral memories exist to some extent, probably as instincts.
My point is that there is an attempt right now to demonise white people for who and what they are, and an agenda to promote race mixing, just turn on the TV, etc. and it's quite obvious (self-hate and race mixing, or displacement will essentially deplete the ancestral features of the European psyche (unconscious and conscious). People will mix more with time, it's not that interracial is bad, it's the forced and manipulation of race mixing which is bad. It makes a perfect slave race, completely devoid of meaning. What mixed race person will care for their nationality and sovereignty? very few will - this all essentially leads back to the old globalist NWO attempts to create a world government. It will be most likely headed by wealthy Jews.
Google the "Kalergi Plan".
Clearing out room for Greater Israel.
can you be a little bit more specific?
It's easier to rule over mindless Arabs and Niggers than enlightened white Europeans.