I made millions off of bitcoin/ltc/ether and I will do everything my money will allow to get Trump relected
There is NOTHING you niggers can do to stop me hahahah
I made millions off of bitcoin/ltc/ether and I will do everything my money will allow to get Trump relected
There is NOTHING you niggers can do to stop me hahahah
You, I like you. Thank you for your good work.
>pic related
>its you when people realize memecoins are worthless and value drops to zero
>has already cashed out with millions
>coinlets still crying about it
nice larp buddy
All good, but you'd be better off using it to push ideal candidates at midterms, Trump is going to be 2 terms no matter what, now it's just about removing the dead weight in congress on both sides.
how much did you make? and do you have a twitter/instagram. I'm also a crypto millionaire and I'm organizing a group to reelect him next year
everyone is a millionaire here you faggot try a billion
How many millions of dollars are you going to invest in making sure the sun comes up tomorrow as well?
Nocoiner cope lmao
Do me a favor, buy one of those thousand year old eggs and eat it. Tell me if it really is tasty, I don't believe the memes.
is that....is that cake batter?
taste it and find out
>I made millions off of bitcoin/ltc/ether
>can't even specify which one and just casting a wide net for shilling purposes
no you didn't
>I will do everything my money will allow to get Trump relected
I don't even know what you are trying to shill. This is the worst bait I've seen in a long time.
Fuck Drumphy the Zion puppet, Start a PATRICK LITTLE 2020 PAC and make a real difference.
Thank you user for fighting the good fight
We will win this together
Ill post Coinbase/Gemini proof if this thread is still up later
Pic related: basically proof I am an oldfag, early bitcoiners know who this scamming faggot is
Here is a pic of OP
do it faggot
I own the money.
t. King Jew
taylor seems like she's aa dork in a hot chicks body
Around 10mil without taxes. I started mining in 2010 and was one of the first to get on the GPU train. I haven't ever paid for my crypto formally; I mined everything or got it in a fork (still holding my BCH)
You know what, that sounds like a lot of fun. I might just do that user!
All three. Go fuck yourself
Off the map these days but you got an email you'd be ok posting in here? Cant make a temp right this moment but I can in a bit. Sounds up my alley, too many shills and lefties in crypto now. Makes me sick
this isn't a bad thing just she's a no admitting nerd and thats endearing
I'd lick up every single bit of that.
If I had millions, I'd be on a cross country trip removing (((journalists))), but that's why God keeps me poor I guess.
you should donate to NPI and other white nationalist think tanks
Hello, yes Id like to report a possible crime. OH (((they))) arent humans? Ok yes please I would like to hire a hit please
So much this.
Reminder she won the popular vote. Ready for speaker Pelosi?
Any specific state-level people I should be pumping? Suggestions are welcome anons
Tbh I just got back into politics after travelling and fucking around the past year, so far I only have my eyes (and wallet) aimed towards local/state candidates I like.
How is texas looking so far? Are they cucked? Used to live out in dallas and always had a soft spot for tx
>I'm butthurt about losing when I could have won
So just pushing Trump for shits and giggles or do you have a political goals?
wE nEeD yOuR hElP fRaNk
I meant to say to that guy, I already cashed out everything besides 10 BTC+forked BCH I got for free. I also have a small mining rig for Monero just for fun
I like Trump for a lot of reasons. He has skin in the game, doesnt care about what some fat bitches are saying or telling him to do. Dogs the media constantly for being pieces of shit. Doesnt give a shit about being called racist. I knew he was a great leader when he told Hillary she'd be in jail during that debate. Legendary shit.
Generally though I am an economic nationalist and I see no hope for the money I have accrued if we don't tighten shit up
I think it would be better spend going to right wing European parties. Sverige Demokraterna, Nordic Front, other shit I can't spell
Want to help a small business entrepreneur? I need like 10k for some crucial equipment.
pay me a monthly salary I'll be one of your henchmen by Führer
I already know the answer is yes, and that one of you coiner will jump at the opportunity to help out. Thank you in advance.
Confederate flag but coalburner photo? Bubba puh-leeze!
post moar taytay for the love of god please
Cool story bro.
>tfw wallet is 27 weeks behind so I will have to sit and stare at my computer all night before I get to see how much you guys helped out
I just want to take a moment and thank you all for doing the right thing. It means the world to me. Have a great evening.