B-b-b-b-but muh poor tortured illegals

b-b-b-b-but muh poor tortured illegals

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I'm so fucking angry that this stupid psyop can actually hurt the gop at the midterms.

big if true

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Holy shit this is a good one, I have actually seen this crying little bean on CNN already... fuck CNN.

bump niggers

dude, spread images like this everywhere, you have to fight back

This is seconds before they were set on fire but luckily yahweh made it rain

How would it hurt? Libs dont vote for us anyway.


Which story was that image used in? Are they trying to claim it's an immigrant, not a protester in the pic? Fucking sauce me nigger.

Wait, what? All you're basing this off of is that the kid has similar looking shirts (the sleeves aren't even the same fucking length). And where are the kids behind him in the top picture?

Jesus christ, you fuckers are stupid.

Red sneakers and tarp you fucking niggerkike

Attached: Immigration Multiple Choice.jpg (960x720, 96K)

The red vans are in both pics

sauce on this actual policy?

Tarp is the same, shoes are the same, pants are the same, the angle matches. Even if it turns out to be fake it's convincing enough to be seen as true.

Which (((news))) agencies published the top?

This is one of those fake "THIS IS WHAT THEY ARE SAYING IS REAL" images, when the image on the top was never actually used anywhere except the fake image.

red trainers in the back also the same.

sorry skim-read your post, you saw the red shoes

Look at the red shoes, same

Until you post instances of this being used in the MSM this is more Jow Forums bullshit.

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Kids shirt arm length is different. Everything else checks out.

I don't think it will. Since the election Dems have been throwing all sorts of shit at the wall and nothing is sticking. I guess in the fall they'll scoop up all the shit and try to force it down our throats.

Sleeves are rolled up, look at the first one you’ll see how they’re ruffled like he pushed them up his arms

>Being this dumb
>Checks flag
Yep, the american education at work, everyone.

The media claims this is an image of a nazi officer killing a jew, but in reality, these are both hollywood actors on a set.

Why is the media lying to us?

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>Assuming both photos were taken at the exact same moment.

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christcucks are being shamed


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The MSM is using images from 2014. Do they forget that we can reverse image search?

im sure republicans cucking on amnesty is great and will surely not hurt the current administration

The media claims these are women being forced to wear pink hats by the Trump administration to label them as having had an abortion, just like the nazis labeled people, but in reality this is an anti-trump protest.

Does the media think we are really that dumb?

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The sleeves are the same. They are loose 3/4 length sleeves. When his arm are up they slide down. Gravity.

Breathe deep, Shekelbergsteinowitz.

Attached: Gasthejewsman.jpg (618x354, 40K)

>source still not provided

It's more likely this is conservative propaganda and this image wasn't even used in the media. If not, post the fucking source already.

bump. spread this everywhere

eh, I dont care anymore. Posted this to a shitposting page on kikebook that has 11k followers and you can suck my dick. If they want to go at us with blatant propaganda I dont see how an image that portrays their hypocrisy is bad

Shitposting page I have*

The kids sleeve were rolled up on the top pic most likely. Its the same pic. Notice the reflective plastic flooring also... Where did this pic come from...? Get this out on twitter, FFS...

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God bless you

or C; Just cram them in a woodchipper thereby doing your part to save the environment and be done with it.

here even cnn says its fake.

You can see the striped red shoes in both pics too.

Yeah I'm sure that brown man talking to a reporter there is a card holding KKK member.

our green grass will never grow

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C. Shoot Juan and ship the girls back to Mexico

Yeah Im sure immigration is a losing issue for the GOP.

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Ok, this really pisses me the fuck off.

You forget how fast people forget.

You can’t believe the news.
It’s all propaganda.
We need a war against journalists.

>Is this what JESUS would want?
>Ok yeah I insulted your religion 10 minutes ago and called it bronze age mythology
>Ok yeah I don't believe in any of it
>Ok yeah that tactic would never work for me
>Ok yeah I will forget about this in 2 weeks despite my outrage
Why does this happen?

it isnt going to hurt the gop at all. liberals are weak willed and dont turn out for midterms, ever.

anyone have a link to this picture being used?

It's not just liberals, they rely heavily on minorities, and blacks especially don't tend to bother voting. Hell Democrats in Mississippi are claiming they are "taking que" from Doug Jones winning the Alabama race as a sign of black turnout.. More like Roy Moore got 50% of the typical Republican vote because they successfully spammed muh pedo weeks before the vote.

desu it belongs to three people> a gun-toting guy from the US, a pretty left-leaning canadian that actually created the page but somehow lost interest in it and me. We fly below the radar because we aren't that big. I post counter-semitic stuff all the time, but it has a humorous undertone and desu the posts rarely reach 2k people so to say. It's a hit and miss but if even 500 people see images like the one I'm attaching, it's something

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>Trump makes headway in talks with N. Korea
>A few days after, this is the "major story"

The predictability is fun, but it's just all so tiresome, isn't it?

Note that they don't say it's staged until halfway down the article, relying on the fact that idiots nowadays don't read much of anything past the headline. Devious rat kikes.


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They get shamed on everything these days.
Most Christcucks in my congregation are fed up with this double standard shit.

>hurr durr women think about nothing, boys think about smart things
you think about take out, fucking thots, and the latest far cry and tech gadget you onions fruits. very few of you have anything of substance going on upstairs. acting like this isn't the case only hurts your arguement that you are superior to us. a superior wouldn't ignore and obsfucate their flaws. thats what a kike would do.

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The dems could have changed it when Trump wanted to make a daca deal. They could have had anything they wanted. Butbwhat they want is illegal immigrants.

Fuck off faggot


you're doing gods work, user.

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looks like cnn didn't learn their lesson.

I have a gf, I dont play videogames and I own a huawei P8 lite I got for a little less than 20 euros. Are you scared, you filthy kike? Using your own tactics against you? Subversion can go both ways faggot. If it's ideological warfare you want, so be it. And I can see through your appeal to honour. Show your flag you pathetic piece of shit, come here so I can dropkick your sorry ass back to gaytown fruitboy. You underestimate us. If this is an elaborate troll I tip my fedora to you

is it any wonder why?

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I like that phrase

he's israeli.

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The term got coined a few years ago here on Jow Forums. It drives the kikes mad because it denotes that the jew is something that _has_ to be countered. It doesnt get used much but w/e

I cant tell anymore if it's real Jow Forums users riling people up for shits and giggles, an honestly delusional soul that is lost or a paid third party agent but I respond the same as if it's the third option as a rule of thumb

are you dumb?

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Wow. For people who want it spelled out for them, here's everything equal in the picture since it is a cutaway.

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Ooh he's out!!

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plus the same wire pattern and floor

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Thanks. Tweeting some of this shit out.

this is some high quality autism, good job guys

three in a row nice

Fucking KikeNN reports it under the guise of a debunking article but underneath it all is a way to present the justification for faking the image or stir up outrage. The lame excuse of it was a friend that shared the photo and it went viral is used then they justifications or “well trump is evil so....” anything they do to make him look bad is ok.

CLASSIC COMMIE KIKE TRICKERY straight out of Rules for Radicals

C. Make them mow my lawn.

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Where is the pink paper on the right side of him????

its a war fagot, fight back

This is the stupid shit that panders to women’s emotions.

mspanter is gay

It’s classic PALLYWOOD too, lest you think it’s only jews that get the rope.

>focus on education
I hate how this is always their favourite things to demand all funds be funnelled into.

Or option C:
>detain the girls
>deport the MS13 back to Mexican authorities
>if girls can’t be identified by Mexican authorities or they won’t cooperate deport them back
Yeah I think I’ll go with that.

This has potential, wait a second.

>red shoes

thank god for all those easily manipulated biblebelt evangelicals. all you have to do is push that bible button and they do whatever you want.