Todd Howard:"I hang to the left"

Todd Howard:"I hang to the left".
The most talented game designer is a leftist.
How do you feel about that, bigots?

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Maybe he was talking about his dick.

Isn’t he Jewish

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>The most talented game designer is a leftist.
This is factually incorrect: John Carmack declared support for Ron Paul in 2012.

>shills for people to buy his game
>puts game on every friggin platform

> a literal manlet jew that is know to regurgitate shit and pass them of as games is a leftist

oh wow, I would have never guessed!

Carmack is a programmer

Carmack is an excellent engineer of game engines, he is a shit designer.

>fallout 4

Bethesda games. Never again

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Todd, you can't sell me skyrim a fifth time, i already bought it the previous four times.

Fuck off Todd, I could not climb those mountains.

Diamond City has a wall, so he can't hang that far left.

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Why am I supposed to give a fuck? Let his zombie army dwell in their basements and grow sick and fat.

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I can't run Skyrim on a Ti-82 yet, so fuck off Todd.

His games are trash without mods.

Case in point, Skyrim Special Edition was unplayable until the Script Extender finally released.

>"I hang those negros left and right"
What did he mean by this?

Why did he let me abuse other races in Skyrim then? Because it's a fantasy they wanted to live out as well. Did you hear Todd rail against degeneracy as E3? The man was dog whistling. Of course he has to say he's a leftist. If you want to work in any industry at all you can't be openly right wing.

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And the OP picked a game director who wasn't able to keep the Elder Scrolls' writing from going downhill after Kirkbride's departure, couldn't keep his team from making a sham out of Fallout three separate times, and can't abandon their almost 20 year old Gamebortion engine despite it always producing a game that looks 3-5 years old. John Carmack the programmer is a better game designer than Todd Howard the designer.

But if you got a legit candidate for "most talented game designer of all time", I'm hungry for some good vidya.

I'm not buying your game, go away.

So is part of the design filosofy of the left to make you believe you are free to go whereever you want, and learn whatever i want, but when i want to learn about the holocaust and race realism a sign is gonna block my screen and say that i've come as far as i was suposed to so hit accept to leave and back to your normal life goy.




This has fuckall to do with politics you damn mutt
remember to SAGE

He thinks National Socialism is left because it has "Socialism" in it

What did he mean by this? Pic related

Also the Tenpenny Tower quest, redpilled

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Don't nords also get a pretty sizeable dock to intelligence?

Hideo Kojima Is "Afraid" Of Political Climate In America:"With politics moving to the right, I'm afraid of this kind of movement in America."

Fallout: life is strange confirmed.

Howard. Yes.

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>most talented game designer

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Amen, brother. Amen.

never heard of him

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>makes the thalmor the jews

Yes, but not willpower, which is analogous to delayed gratification


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kek im sure this what he meant


What the fuck does Todd Howard have to do with the most talented game designer? does he know him or something could he get him to make a decent fallout for Bethesda?

Video games are for children and faggots

i duno this faggot. is he with EA?
take a step back and just think

>Todd Howard
Kek that's funny.
The Fallout 4 dialogue options sounded like an 8 year old wrote them

talented? all his games are buggy piles of shit people meme him for a reason

You better at least show receipts for every Fallout 4 and Skyrim you own.

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There are many games much better than his so if he's the most talented now, quality has dropped.

What a pissy little pasta sucking faggot lol

Bethesda. He's responsible for fallout 3, fallout new vegas, oblivion, skyrim, etc. He certainly sells games.

Shame, a waste of a mind. Games?! Who gives a fuck! I play real games! Not running my life with a joystick.

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>fallout new vegas
Don't you dare try to mix New Vegas with him.
NV is all that's good and pure with Fallout.

>implying he's not just saying that so he doesn't get #metoo 'd out of the business

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You faggots are so pathetic and hypocritical.
All his games have been game of the year.
But because he is a liberal and leans to the left you now start hating him. SAD!

I don't feel anything.

I'm not a Trump OCD faggot who gets too butthurt to do business with somebody because of some minor context-free political quote

>Todd Howard
>Skyrim isn't good.

Stop talking about video games. You aren't allowed to speak on the topic anymore.

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Everyone has the right to be wrong.

Or the dumbing down of fallout to appease the lowest common denominator. Which is a stable of left-leaning liberals.

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>The most talented game designer is a leftist.
CD Projekt is the best game studio and it's from Poland.

Yep. The leader of the ghouls will threaten to kill you as well if you call him out on it. The radio announcer will call you an asshole if you kill the ghouls and the game registers that as the "evil" option.

>Skyrim fag.

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This faggot is just mad that his anti-America caricatures will never measure up to the nuanced masterpieces created/collaborated on by Black Isle Studios. (FO1, FO2, FO:NV)

who fucking cares about videogames shut the fuck up numale

todd will over promise on games he is just lucky that they sell well

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well i doubt he means left, more like liberal. A liberal is totally different from a leftist. A leftist is a socialist, a liberal could be all sorts of things. Most liberal parties outside of america are considered republicans.

Skyrim is the worst Elder Scrolls game so far. The guilds are dead compared to the previous ones, the world doesn't have anything organically going on and makes it obvious it waits on you to show up before anything of note happens. They spent so much time on their engine that they didn't follow through with anything really interesting like the Civil War, which was reduced to "whack the color-coded guys until the quest updates".

Proud of him! Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs!!!

I work in games so it 0% surprises me

You gotta be real crypto in this field

>Or the dumbing down of fallout to appease the lowest common denominator. Which is a stable of left-leaning liberals.
Cain, Anderson, Boyarsky and Avellone are liberals

I killed them outright as I get a negative buff all the time as a thief. An don't like rotting pussy oozing things. I did fuck that ghoul in NV though, I think I did anyway, the sound over was ambiguous desu.

>most talented game developer
>made fallout 3 and 4
>made Skyrim

sage kys

He's been doing a nerd job for 30 years, probably minimum 12 hours a day.

I expect him to have a well informed political opinion because reasons.

>he doesn't remember the time Todd called an entire E3 conference a "bunch of degenerates".

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Name one reason why releasing a game that millions of people around the world enjoy on as many consoles as possible is a bad thing.

Nords are SnowRedguards anyways

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I checked half of those names and they stopped working beyond fallout 2. So a different era. Additionally, I will repeat for your selective reading. Left-leaning.

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Being a good game designer doesn't mean you can't be retarded when it comes to other things

Haha anons, you are so silly. I guess you never noticed the 1950s nostalgia and the blood and soil message contained in my games.

I suggest you preorder Fallout 76, it is coming out soon.

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Based lorebeard

Any public figure knows saying they are on the right is suicide. If leftists weren't waiting on the sideline to destroy anyone that crosses over, more public figures would be right. Atleast it would be more split.

>based Todd

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Nips don't understand politics, their media has them hook line and sinker

Yeah, that is actually true, you can get your back up about it, but sometimes subterfuge is forced on you.

the left would ban this fucking twerps shit to hell and back. or the shadow world, whatever the hell his new movie is about

Being that the entire gaming industry is a degenerate conglomeration of Leftists.....why would it be shocking?

I don't support leftist loonies, no matter what they make.

Source? I can't find this anywhere. Actually all I found was this post claiming he donated to republicans

Have I told you how you can literaly nuke degenerates in Fallout 76?

Preorder now and you can already play in the beta.

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But can we larp as nazi's without being shut down

Fallout 4 sucks.

If you could have dinner with any one person in the world, who would it be?

Howard: Barack Obama. We would take turns telling politically incorrect jokes — and then hug.

It means that the game can't be based around a single console. Things have to be dumbed down/so vague that it can be released on something else. You can't argue that titles exclusive to one console aren't usually better than games released on many.

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Skyrim is the biggest white supremacist game around. it glorifies whiteness. particularly nordic whiteness. if that's leftist, we're in crazy town.

>that ID

>video games are cucked

more news at 11